At total of 37 contributions are planned to be contributed or were contributed to SMWCon Fall 2015:
Title | Description | Contributor | Keywords | Type | Video |
MediaWiki Stakeholders' Group meeting | This is a real life meeting of the group members allowing to get to know each other in person as well as discussion current matters. | Chris Koerner, Mark Hershberger | MediaWiki, Semantic MediaWiki, third party users, stakeholders | Workshop, Discussion | |
Modelling Clinical Pathways | This presentation gives an introduction in using Semantic Media Wiki for Modelling Medical Processes in Semantic BPMN (Business Process Model and Notation). | Tobias Weller | data modelling, content management | Presentation, Talk, Technical talk | external link |
Industrial Wiki | This presentation provides an introduction to Semantic MediaWiki applications in the industrial environment. | Alexander Gesinn | data modelling, data application, content management | Talk, Presentation | external link |
Semantic MediaWiki and Linked Open Data | This presentation will introduce Semantic MediaWiki's usage on a platform for linked open data in the public sector. | Jan Willem van Veen | linked data, open data | Talk, Presentation | |
Introduction to Semantic MediaWiki | This tutorial provides an beginner's introduction into the usage of SMW-based wikis. | Chris Koerner | introduction, how to, tutorial, beginners, lerners | Tutorial, Demo, Workshop | |
SMW Demonstration and Interaction Acceptance Testing using Cucumber and Capybara | This talk will give an introduction and demonstration of Interaction Acceptance Testing using the tools Cucumber and Capybara | Lex Sulzer | semantic extensions, content management, frontend testing | Demo, Presentation, Technical talk | external link |
SMW based Virtual Research Environments | This presentation introduces Virtual Research Environments based on Semantic MediaWiki which are used in education. | Cornelia Veja | data modelling, data application, content management | Talk, Presentation | external link |
Semantic MediaWiki for Context Management in a Web of Things Use Case of Ambient Assisted Living | A non-technical expert friendly Semantic MediaWiki for describing and providing AAL context to distributed platforms, services and applications | Nicole Merkle | Ambient Assisted Living, AAL, Web of Things, Context Management, Distributed platforms, ontologies, user friendly | Talk, Presentation | external link |
Cargo and Semantic MediaWiki | A talk about, and demonstration of, the MediaWiki extension to Cargo, and how it relates to Semantic MediaWiki and the overall SMW ecosystem. | Yaron Koren | extensions, semantic extensions, live demo | Talk, Demo, Presentation | external link |
Smart and professional integration of office documents | This presentation introduces a smart way of integrating word documents into a Semantic MediaWiki. | Wolfgang Fahl | semantic extensions, content management, semantic application | Technical talk, Demo, Presentation | external link |
The wiki way – Contributing back to core | This talk will explore the Why, How, and When to contribute your code "back to core" (MediaWiki as well as Semantic MediaWiki and related extensions) | Mark Hershberger | programming, code quality, code collaboration, MediaWiki, semantic extensions | Talk, Technical talk, Presentation | external link |
Poster Session | Allows a light-weight way to talk about different topics related to Semantic MediaWiki | project documentation, project presentation | Demo, Presentation, Discussion | external link | |
Foreign Language Learning Semantic Way | This talk will explore the Why and How Semantic MediaWiki can help a student to learn and a teacher to teach language | Brown Natasha, Edlira Dushku | wiki, implementation | Talk, Presentation | external link |
RobWi - A Semantic MediaWiki for Reconfigurable Robot Applications within Industrie 4.0 | In this presentation a first prototype of a Semantic MediaWiki solution within a student project for modelling robot components will be described. | Nadiouchka8 | applications, industry, robotics | Talk, Technical talk, Presentation | |
Semantic MediaWiki real-world use cases and their underlying concepts | This tutorial gives an overview of the central aspects and elementary use cases that make Semantic MediaWiki appear at its best. | Lex Sulzer | introduction, how to, tutorial, beginners, lerners | Demo, Workshop, Tutorial | |
GraphScope: Knowledge graph search in your SMW | Search your semantic data with simple keyword queries | Daniel Herzig | Semantic search, keywords2sparql, GraphScope, live demo | Talk, Demo, Presentation | |
Ecommerce wiki | This presentation introduces the Ecommerce wiki as a best practice example for Semantic MediaWiki. | Ad Strack van Schijndel | data modelling, content management | Talk, Presentation | external link |
SMW for citizen science, some examples and perspectives | Experiences with SMW for 'citizen science', crowd sourcing structured scientific data. The success of SEQwiki and other less successful projects. Plans and perspectives on 'crowd computing'. | Dan Bolser | citizen science | Talk, Technical talk, Presentation | |
Current Status and Next Steps for Semantic MediaWiki | This talk will provide an overview to what happened during the last year, the current status and the next steps for Semantic MediaWiki. | Jeroen De Dauw | yearly, roadmap, Semantic MediaWiki, contribute | Talk | external link |
Fresnel Forms | This talk presents "Fresnel Forms", a library plugin that was developed for the Semantic Web ontology editor "Protégé". | Lloyd Rutledge | ontology tools, Ontology | Talk, Technical talk, Presentation | |
BlueSpice goes Semantic | This session will sketch the current BlueSpice Semantics roadmap. | Richard Heigl | data modelling, data application, content management, blue spice | Talk, Presentation | external link |
Building a Modern Website with Semantic MediaWiki | Usage, Skinning, and Microdata as used by the homepage of the International Center for Computational Logic | Markus Krötzsch | wiki, implementation | Talk, Presentation | external link |
Community discussion | Community discussion about the future of SMW and SMWCon | Toni Hermoso Pulido, Cornelia Veja, Alina Mierlus, Markus Krötzsch, Karsten Hoffmeyer | Discussion | ||
The SmartConnect extension | This talk introduces SmartConnect, an extension to import data from several modelleing environments. | Remco de Boer | data modelling, ontologies, live demo | Talk, Demo, Presentation | |
Project Standard Bank in South Africa | In this project Semantic MediaWiki is used as the basis for a process portal for the Standard Bank in South Africa. | Toine Schijvenaars, Erwin Oord | data modelling, content management | Talk, Presentation | external link |
Understanding ontology components | This workshop aims to prepare a scenario for a simpleshow explaining the basics on ontology components | Ralf Roletschek | know how, ontologies, Ontology | Workshop | |
What's new in Semantic Forms | A recap of recent-ish changes and new features in the Semantic Forms extension. | Yaron Koren | Semantic Forms, semantic extension | Talk, Technical talk | external link |
Knowledge Management in Research | From ISO 9001 Quality Management, over Project Management, to Requirements Engineering | Matthias Frank, Nadiouchka8 | quality management, project management | Talk, Presentation | external link |
Dockerizing Semantic MediaWiki | This workshop shows us how to use Docker in connection with Semantic MediaWiki. | Wolfgang Fahl | introduction, how to, tutorial, beginners, lerners | Demo, Workshop, Tutorial | |
Overview and introduction to new semantic extensions | This presentation will provide an overview and introduction to the semantic extensions of the SMWProject which were introduced in 2015 and aim to present SMW as solution for different use cases. | Karsten Hoffmeyer | semantic extensions, content management | Demo, Presentation | external link |
The Other Extensions | The average SMW-based wiki has a bunch of other extensions installed, semantic and otherwise, and this tutorial covers some of them, with a special focus on Semantic Forms. | Yaron Koren | introduction, how to, tutorial, beginners, learners, extensions, semantic extensions | Tutorial, Demo, Workshop | |
Semantic MediaWiki issues triage | This workshop aims to triage, fill in blanks and even solve some of the existing issues filed for Semantic MediaWiki | Karsten Hoffmeyer, Jeroen De Dauw | issue triage, issues, bugs, Semantic MediaWiki, semantic extension | Workshop, Hackathon | |
What we Know About MediaWiki and Where we're Going | As part of the work the MediaWiki Stakeholders' Group has taken on I'd like to ask, "What's next for MediaWiki?" | Chris Koerner | MediaWiki, roadmap, Stakeholder Management, MWStake | Talk |
See also a overview of contributions to all other Semantic MediaWiki Conferences (SMWCon).