Lex Sulzer
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Attendee | |
Name | Sulzer |
First name | Lex |
Job title | Knowledge Management Solutions Architect at dataspects GmbH |
Photo | |
Agenda Picture | Agenda-lex.png |
Social links | |
About me |
I understand and consider my computer systems as co-workers rather than ordinary tools. In the spirit of Take the time to go fast I am into any approach allowing me to mould creative solutions into code and keep myself free for forcefully creative development and further education. If you asked me for a single resource summing up my mind-set in this regard, it would be Demanding Software Professionalism: A Critical Management Imperative by Robert C. Martin (Uncle Bob). |
Publish? | Yes |
Events | SMWCon Fall 2015,SMWCon Fall 2016,SMWCon Fall 2017, SMWCon_Fall_2022, SMWCon_Fall_2023 |
[hide]- 1 Home
- 2 SMW User Interaction Automation
- 2.1 Why user interaction automation on SMW?
- 2.2 The philosophy behind Cucumber as an acceptance testing tool
- 2.3 How is it implemented?
- 2.4 The ontology necessary for testing the implementation of the customized step definitions
- 2.5 The test feature file which specifies the Gherkin steps to be run
- 2.6 The customized step definitions
- 2.7 Managing SMW access credentials
- 2.8 smw-cindykate: a Ruby command line application for running Cucumber features against SMWs
- 2.9 Testing the implementation of the customized step definitions
- 2.10 Running a customers' user interaction playbook for visualization, testing and promotion reasons
- 2.11 Work in progress on smw-cindykate cucumber
- 3 Teaching and Promoting SMW
- 3.1 A specific view on SMW
- 3.2 My understanding of an enterprise program ontology for managing the knowledge about teaching/promoting SMW4KM
- 3.3 A simple way of managing "knowledge"
- 3.4 SMW adds semantics for factorized/structured information, i.e. knowledge
- 3.5 The power of data facets for grasping data and information as knowledge
- 3.6 A rudimentary suggestion for the KM Practice Pattern "Test-driven ontology engineering on SMW"
- 4 SMW Deployment using Vagrant/Ansible/Cucumber
- 4.1 Define development environments in Vagrant
- 4.2 Ansible's main playbook for deploying a standard SMW
- 4.3 The appliance and customer profiles drawn from a master SMW
- 4.4 Ansible's main task with examples for installing and restoring SMW and injecting ontologies through a custom Ansible module
- 4.5 Deploy a standard SMW using Ansible
- 4.6 SMWCon Fall 2019 Contributions List
- 4.7 ConferenceManagementOntology
- 4.8 AspectCodesTagCloud DEV
- 4.8.1 COM-0 Communication How do community members communicate? Where to push messages and where to subscribe to news? Where to get general guidance?
- 4.8.2 COM-1 Documentation Where to contribute to documentation? How to contribute?
- 4.8.3 COM-2 Consulting Where to get help? Who to hire for what? How to offer products and services?
- 4.8.4 COM-3 Certification Make it easy for users to gauge an extension's stability and compatibility with MW core and other extensions.
- 4.8.5 COM-4 Projects Which projects is the community currently pursuing? What is suggested/requested by the community?
- 4.8.6 COM-5 Cooperation How does the community cooperate in different fields?
- 4.8.7 PR-0 Use Cases * Usage examples abstraction</br>* Designated benefits
- 4.8.8 PR-1 Usage Examples * Concrete examples of use cases</br>* Underlying decision process leading to implementation</br>* Push/pull?
- 4.8.9 US-0 Usability This aspect refers to everything that facilitates a Smooth, Intuitive and Pleasant Use, Operation and Setup of Semantic MediaWiki.</br>* Optimal interactions</br>** Facets</br>** Forms
- 4.8.10 US-1 Ontologies * Implement ontologies and their facets using templates, properties, concepts, query templates, result formats, modules, etc.</br>* SMW/Cargo</br>* Naming best practices</br>* Examples for underlying frameworks and concrete apps
- 4.8.11 US-2 Content Design PENDING
- 4.8.12 MO-0 Data Quality Assurance * Data curation/coherence/consistency/integrity</br>* Facets based on normalized data
- 4.8.13 MO-1 Business Relevance <br>* Continued business justification* (S)MW popularity among developers, engineers, administrators, power users, ontology/search engineers, and end users
- 4.8.14 CONF-0 Permissions * How to structure roles and permissions efficiently?</br>* Which tools/extensions/services to use for authentication/authorization?
- 4.8.15 CONF-1 Extensions How to select and configure a suite of extensions to achieve a particular use case?
- 4.8.16 CONF-1 Extensions How to select and configure a suite of extensions to achieve a particular use case?
- 4.8.17 IN-0 External Data <br>* How to tap into (semantic) external data sources for meshing facets* When (not) to import data* Updating policies, costs, and practical limitations
- 4.8.18 IN-1 MediaWiki API * Optimal purpose-driven use of various endpoints
- 4.8.19 SE-0 Platforms * Different server operating systems</br>* Containerization</br>* Cloud services
- 4.8.20 SE-1 Managers Tools/libraries/frameworks facilitating managing all (S)MW aspects
- 4.8.21 SE-2 Backends How to use MediaWiki with different backends, e.g. MySQL, Elasticsearch or a triple store.
- 4.8.22 MA-0 Secure (Backup/Clone) SSL/TLS, Permissions, Authentication, Extensions, API, External Data, Common.js
- 4.8.23 MA-1 Upgrade * (Semi-)automated updates of core and extensions best practices</br>** repeatable (~idempotent)</br>** reusable</br>** reversible</br>** logged</br>** graceful error recovery
- 4.8.24 MA-2 Scale * (S)MW and big data</br>* Simple and complex scaling options
- 4.8.25 DE-0 Core * Core development policies and modalities</br>* Where to look for documentation and skills</br>* Understand how to adapt to core
- 4.8.26 DE-1 Extensions <br/>* Extension development best practices* Boilerplates, blueprints, and templates* Magic words, parser functions, jobs integration, etc.
- 4.8.27 DE-2 Skins <br>* Develop, extend, and adapt skins (CSS, JS)* Underlying frameworks and libraries (e.g. Bootstrap)
- 4.9 (Manage)
- 4.10 Contributors
- 4.11 Unconference
SMWCon Fall 2019 Contributions List[edit]
Aspect Code | Contribution |
COM-3 COMMUNITY Certification | |
COM-0 COMMUNITY Communication | Suggested Conference Program Keynote (Talk): ' by Lex Sulzer Suggested Lightning Talks (Talk): Open mic for participants to talk for 5 minutes about their projects and/or needs. by Interested in doing this Talk? Then please add yourself as an author. Thanks! Accepted SMW Social Media Activities (LightningTalk): The SMW social media channels (twitter, facebook, youtube) could need some more love and strategy. This is something where non-developers can help out.
Join a discussion about what social media channels should be offered, how they should be managed. Help out to spread the word about SMW! by Bernhard Krabina Accepted The WMF Core Platform Team: Roadmap Update and Q&A (Talk): This will be an introduction to the Wikimedia Foundation's Core Platform Team, including the structure, process, current roadmap, and ways to communicate to and interact with the team. There will be time for a Q&A. by Cindy Cicalese |
COM-2 COMMUNITY Consulting | Accepted A MediaWiki news channel! (Talk): Let's join forces to promote features, developments, events and field reports. by Richard Heigl |
COM-5 COMMUNITY Cooperation | Accepted Lightning Talks, Open Mic, Unconference Moderation I (CreateCamp): Let's gather a first set of unconference ideas collected throughout the first two conference days. by Lex Sulzer Accepted Unconference Moderation II (CreateCamp): Let's review our first unconference ideas and concretize working groups. by Lex Sulzer |
COM-1 COMMUNITY Documentation | |
COM-4 COMMUNITY Projects | Wanted MWStake induced extension certification (MWS Certification) (Talk): Learn about how to find or submit MediaWiki extensions that are secure and working well by Interested in doing this Talk? Then please add yourself as an author. Thanks! |
CONF-2 CONFIGURE Backends | |
CONF-1 CONFIGURE Extensions | Accepted Exploiting and empowering semantic data with 2 new semantic extension: Sparql Result Format and Semantic Auth/Profiling (Talk): Knowledge Management is a cross domain discipline and we (Imola Informatica) apply it on many different areas: EKM, Document Management, Enterprise Architecture, IT Service Management and Governance, IT Security, Normative Compliance etc.... by Matteo Busanelli | Gabriele Cornacchia |
CONF-0 CONFIGURE Permissions | Suggested Identifying your Users (Workshop): An overview of the available methods for identifying users to MediaWiki by Mark Hershberger Suggested Leveraging Semantic Mediawiki and Mediawiki in a user friendly way (Talk): I'll show how Dokit extensions help Administrators who are not familiar with Wikis:
DE-0 DEVELOP Core | |
DE-1 DEVELOP Extensions | Suggested Best practices for creating extensions using BoilerPlate and Example (Unconference): Learn about how to create a MediaWiki extension from scratch incorporating current best practices for various functions (magic words, parser function, jobs, etc.) by Interested in doing this Unconference? Then please add yourself as an author. Thanks! Accepted Cargo and Page Forms: state of the extensions (Talk): This talk will cover some of the recent improvements and new features in the Cargo and Page Forms extensions, and show how the two can work closely alongside one another. (Note: this talk can be split up into two if necessary.) by Yaron Koren Suggested How we hacked Visual Editor to add an edit images feature (Talk): How we hacked Visual Editor to enable users to insert, crop and edit images directly into VE modal. by Pierre Boutet Suggested WSArrays - an easy way to use complex arrays in your wiki (Unconference): WSArrays is an extension which creates an additional set of parser functions that operate on multidimensional and associative arrays. Additionally, it adds a new result printer to SMW called "complexarray", which will define a multidimensional array that can be operated via MediaWiki through several parser functions. The extension allows you to easily map the results of a query onto a template with named args, as well as change the arrangement of items in the array, getting a single value from the array, pushing items to the array and much more. by Marijn van Wezel Accepted Yearly Semantic MediaWiki overview (Talk): An overview of what happened in Semantic MediaWiki land during the last year, including the 3.1 release. by Karsten Hoffmeyer |
DE-2 DEVELOP Skins | |
IN-0 INTEGRATE External Data | Cancelled Enable extended RDF support by Semantic MediaWiki (Workshop): Learn how to use MediaWiki's UI power while integrating other semantic data stores by Interested in doing this Workshop? Then please add yourself as an author. Thanks! |
IN-1 INTEGRATE MediaWiki API | |
MA-2 MAINTAIN Scale | |
MA-0 MAINTAIN Secure (Backup/Clone) | Accepted Fundamental MW security/safety considerations for 3rd party users (Talk): A quick overview of "Server / Network security", "Application / Code security" and "Content security" by Robert Vogel |
MA-1 MAINTAIN Upgrade | |
MO-1 MONITOR Business Relevance | |
MO-0 MONITOR Data Quality Assurance | |
PR-1 PROMOTE Usage Examples | Accepted FINA Wiki - SMW supporting numismatic research (Talk): The FINA Wiki brings together evidence primarily about numismatic correspondence that was exchanged before 1800. In a project for the Austrian Academy of Sciences a SMW powered wiki shows how manuscript sources can be managed to support numismatic research. by Bernhard Krabina Accepted FabMob, a Wiki to empower mobility communities working on open source (Talk): Our wiki index majors resources such as people, company, common, community but also event, knowledge, thesis and formation. by Simon Sarazin Accepted Host's Keynote (Talk): ' by François Davenne Accepted ontorail.org - a shared Railway Digital Knowledge Vault (Talk): Use Semantic MediaWiki to support the sectorial initiatives for a shared Railway Digital Knowledge Vault. This talk will address the underlying use case, the implementation and pending issues. by Lucian Anghel | Alain Jeanmaire Cancelled semantic::isms - The Smart ISMS-Wiki (Talk): How to use Semantic MediaWiki for the regulatory compliant operation of a management system for information security. by Alexander Gesinn |
PR-0 PROMOTE Use Cases | Accepted A SMW referatory for qualitative Research Software, Workflows and Projects (Talk): ' by Cornelia Veja Accepted Business Process Management (BPM) with MediaWiki (Talk): Learn about a planned dedicated extension supporting BPM with MediaWiki by Yaron Koren Accepted Connections between SMW and Wikibase (LightningTalk): Semantic MediaWiki and Wikibase are two implementations of the idea of semantic Web inside MediaWiki. The first one is basically semantic annotations inside a text, and the second one is very structured data without surrounding text. Both have advantages and different uses. This lightning talk will explore these different approaches and open the discussion about the opportunity of linking together these two tools in order to use both ecosystems in a coherent perspective. by Sébastien Beyou |
SE-2 SETUP Backends | Suggested Creating a wiki-farm with automated new instance deployment with Ansible scripts: challenges and learnings (Talk): Creating a wiki-farm with automated new instance deployment with Ansible scripts: challenges and learnings by Pierre Boutet |
SE-1 SETUP Managers | Wanted Easy MediaWiki setup/installation management with Meza (Unconference): Learn about Meza — a MediaWiki administration program which enables the easy install and maintenance of MediaWiki by Interested in doing this Unconference? Then please add yourself as an author. Thanks! |
SE-0 SETUP Platforms | Accepted OpenResearch - Find your scientific conference (Talk): This semantic wiki at Openresearch aims at making the world of science more visible and accessible. Everybody can add his favorite events (e.g. conferences and workshops), co-workers, tools/datasets, community fora or journals. Pooled together these pieces of information constitute a vast knowledge base about who and what moves science forward. by Wazed Ali Suggested OpenResearch - Find your scientific conference (Talk): This semantic wiki at Openresearch aims at making the world of science more visible and accessible. Everybody can add his favorite events (e.g. conferences and workshops), co-workers. Pooled together these pieces of information constitute a vast knowledge base about who and what moves science forward. by Wazed Ali |
US-2 USE Content Design | |
US-1 USE Ontologies | Suggested Keep your careful structure of templates, forms, properties, etc. under transparent version control (Talk): Learn how to maintain clarity when developing your terminological ontology for accommodating knowledge (e.g. templates and forms) by Lex Sulzer |
US-0 USE Usability | Accepted Design/configure templates for optimal use with VisualEditor (Talk): Learn about how to use TemplateData in order to facilitate using your templates through Visual Editor by Robert Vogel Scheduled Extension "WSForm" hands-on (Unconference): Discover WSForm yourself. Ideally you familiarize yourself with HTML5 Forms. by Viktor Schelling Wanted Linking inside and into your wiki (Unconference): People use many mental ways to find knowledge — support them by rich linking within and into your MediaWiki by Interested in doing this Unconference? Then please add yourself as an author. Thanks! Suggested Navigation in the new Electrical Installation Guide Wiki (Talk): The next version of the Electrical Installation Guide wiki uses a navigation and a chapter TOC creation based on the SMW "has parent page" property. One can browse this book-like wiki with chapter pages, a side menu, breadcrumb links and previous/next links. by Laurent Mischler | Emmanuel Touvier Accepted Smart iconography on your wiki (Talk): Learn how to use icons from a variety of sources within your wiki to increase comprehension, navigation, and findability. by Cindy Cicalese Accepted User-friendly wikis (Talk): Wikibase Solutions creates MediaWiki sites that don't look or feel like wikis. Then what do they look and feel like? That question will be answered. Also will be shown what the ingredients are to accomplish some appealing wikis. by Ad Strack van Schijndel Suggested Ways to implement main end user use cases (Unconference): ' by Lex Sulzer |
AspectCodesTagCloud DEV[edit]
NOUN KEYWORDS: ❏ Analytics1, ❏ Authentication1, ❏ Authorization1, ❏ BI1, ❏ Cargo1, ❏ Community3, ❏ Compliance1, ❏ Conference Management System,1, ❏ Confidence1, ❏ Dashboard1, ❏ Diagrams1, ❏ Event1, ❏ Extension2, ❏ Faceting1, ❏ Forms2, ❏ Graph1, ❏ HTML1, ❏ Keynote1, ❏ MediaWiki2, ❏ NonDevelopers3, ❏ NonWikiDesign1, ❏ Open Science,1, ❏ Permissions2, ❏ Profiling1, ❏ RDF3, ❏ Referatory1, ❏ Release1, ❏ Search1, ❏ Security3, ❏ Semantic MediaWiki2, ❏ Skinning1, ❏ SocialMedia1, ❏ Sparql2, ❏ Templates1, ❏ Triples1, ❏ Triplestore1, ❏ UIC1, ❏ Usability1, ❏ User Interface2, ❏ VisualEditor1, ❏ WMF1, ❏ WebDatabase1, ❏ Wikibase1 | ||||
VERB KEYWORDS: ❏ configure1, ❏ cooperate2, ❏ develop2, ❏ manage1, ❏ query1 | ||||
TYPES: ❏ CreateCamp2, ❏ LightningTalk2, ❏ Talk26, ❏ Unconference6, ❏ Workshop2 | ||||
DAYS: ❏ 2019/9/251, ❏ 2019/9/261, ❏ 2019/9/271 | ||||
TOGGLE ALL: ❏ | COMMUNITY COM-0 Communication How do community members communicate? Where to push messages and where to subscribe to news? Where to get general guidance?COM-1 Documentation Where to contribute to documentation? How to contribute?COM-2 Consulting Where to get help? Who to hire for what? How to offer products and services? | COMMUNITY COM-3 Certification Make it easy for users to gauge an extension's stability and compatibility with MW core and other extensions.COM-4 Projects Which projects is the community currently pursuing? What is suggested/requested by the community?COM-5 Cooperation How does the community cooperate in different fields? | ||
Operations: PROMOTE PR-0 Use Cases * Usage examples abstraction</br>* Designated benefitsPR-1 Usage Examples * Concrete examples of use cases</br>* Underlying decision process leading to implementation</br>* Push/pull? | Operations: USE US-0 Usability This aspect refers to everything that facilitates a Smooth, Intuitive and Pleasant Use, Operation and Setup of Semantic MediaWiki.</br>* Optimal interactions</br>** Facets</br>** FormsUS-1 Ontologies * Implement ontologies and their facets using templates, properties, concepts, query templates, result formats, modules, etc.</br>* SMW/Cargo</br>* Naming best practices</br>* Examples for underlying frameworks and concrete appsUS-2 Content Design PENDING | Operations: MONITOR MO-0 Data Quality Assurance * Data curation/coherence/consistency/integrity</br>* Facets based on normalized dataMO-1 Business Relevance <br>* Continued business justification* (S)MW popularity among developers, engineers, administrators, power users, ontology/search engineers, and end users | ||
| ||||
Infrastructure: SETUP SE-0 Platforms * Different server operating systems</br>* Containerization</br>* Cloud servicesSE-1 Managers Tools/libraries/frameworks facilitating managing all (S)MW aspectsSE-2 Backends How to use MediaWiki with different backends, e.g. MySQL, Elasticsearch or a triple store. | Infrastructure: MAINTAIN MA-0 Secure (Backup/Clone) SSL/TLS, Permissions, Authentication, Extensions, API, External Data, Common.jsMA-1 Upgrade * (Semi-)automated updates of core and extensions best practices</br>** repeatable (~idempotent)</br>** reusable</br>** reversible</br>** logged</br>** graceful error recoveryMA-2 Scale * (S)MW and big data</br>* Simple and complex scaling options | Infrastructure: DEVELOP DE-0 Core * Core development policies and modalities</br>* Where to look for documentation and skills</br>* Understand how to adapt to coreDE-1 Extensions <br/>* Extension development best practices* Boilerplates, blueprints, and templates* Magic words, parser functions, jobs integration, etc.DE-2 Skins <br>* Develop, extend, and adapt skins (CSS, JS)* Underlying frameworks and libraries (e.g. Bootstrap) |
François Davenne
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Behind the curtain[edit]
Unconference Day – Friday, September 27th 2019
- Best practices for creating extensions using BoilerPlate and Example
- Easy MediaWiki setup/installation management with Meza
- Extension "WSForm" hands-on
- Linking inside and into your wiki
- WSArrays - an easy way to use complex arrays in your wiki
- Ways to implement main end user use cases
- Business Services: https://dataspects.c … </br>* Business Services: https://dataspects.com</br>* Knowledge Repository: https://smw-cindykate.com</br>* Attitudes: https://smw-cindykate.com/main/Contact</br>I understand and consider my computer systems as co-workers rather than ordinary tools. In the spirit of Take the time to go fast I am into any approach allowing me to mould creative solutions into code and keep myself free for forcefully creative development and further education. If you asked me for a single resource summing up my mind-set in this regard, it would be Demanding Software Professionalism: A Critical Management Imperative by Robert C. Martin (Uncle Bob).</br>mperative] by Robert C. Martin (Uncle Bob).