Front-end Acceptance Testing using Cucumber and Capybara

< SMWCon Fall 2015
SMWCon Fall 2015Front-end Acceptance Testing using Cucumber and Capybara
SMWCon Fall 2015
SMW Demonstration and Interaction Acceptance Testing using Cucumber and Capybara
Talk details
Description: This talk will give an introduction and demonstration of Interaction Acceptance Testing using the tools Cucumber and Capybara
Speaker(s): Lex Sulzer
Type: Technical talk, Demo, Presentation
Audience: Everyone, Developers, Admins
Event start: 2015/10/29 17:10:00
Event finish: 2015/10/29 17:50:00
Length: 40 minutes
Video: click here
Keywords: semantic extensions, content management, frontend testing
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This talk addresses the role and importance of executable documentation as the interface between the three parties involved in every computer-application endeavour.

Some Keywords

  • Comprehensive and multi-lateral compatibility assurance
  • Let your STATWA (be curious what this acronym stands for :) promote SMW
  • Gherkin stored in an SMW user interaction automation ("SMWUIA") ontology
  • smw-cindykate command line application as a wrapper for running Gherkin
  • Customized step definitions using xpath in Capybara and Jquery
  • The current status of the SMWUIA DSL
  • Work in progress

Here's the summary of this talk.