Semantic MediaWiki Organization Pattern "Three-Ontologies-Method"

< SMWCon Fall 2016
SMWCon Fall 2016Semantic MediaWiki Organization Pattern "Three-Ontologies-Method"
SMWCon Fall 2016
SMW Organization Pattern "Three-Ontologies-Method"
Talk details
Speaker(s): Lex Sulzer
Type: Talk
Audience: Everyone
Event start: 2016/09/29 17:30:00
Event finish: 2016/09/29 18:00:00
Length: 30 minutes
Video: click here
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For its main task to capture and procure understanding and insight, a semantic web in general and SMW in particular can be set up in many ways.

In my talk I introduce the organization pattern "Three-Ontologies-Method", which is based on the article "Ontologien für klinische Studien" published as chapter 21 in the 2015 book "Corporate Semantic Web". This article is in German, therefore I have roughly summarized it as a mind map in English.

Pages used for explanatory purposes during my talk[edit]

  1. Illustration "Type instance - context - role triangle"
  2. Interface "Keywords"
  3. Keyword: Ansible
  4. Edit view: Restore Instruction "Restore a SMW from a GnuPG-encrypted Duplicity backup set"
  5. Publication "Corporate Semantic Web"
  6. Organization Pattern "Three-Ontologies-Method"
  7. Type "Facet/Interface"
  8. Aspect "Facet Constitutions"
  9. Wikitext Poster "How to use reified relations/annotations/properties"
  10. Facet "Fully Automatic Verified Backup-Restore Loop Setup" (to view the graphs, best use Firefox!)
  11. Facet "SMWCK IT System"