Markus Krötzsch

Name  Krötzsch
First name  Markus
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Photo  Markus Krötzsch.jpg
Agenda Picture  Markus Krötzsch.jpg
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Events  SMWCon Fall 2010,SMWCon Fall 2011,SMWCon Fall 2012,SMWCon Fall 2013,SMWCon Fall 2015,SMWCon Fall 2018, SMWCon Fall 2023

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Talk Other SMWCon TalksDescriptionEvent
Community discussionTraditional SMWCon feedback session for all participantsSMWCon Spring 2014
Wikidata and what it means for SMWThis keynote talk will given an overview of Wikidata and the underlying MediaWiki extension Wikibase, and it will discuss the impact that these developments have on SMW.SMWCon Spring 2014
SMW, Semantic Web and Wikidata Q&AA semi-structured Q&A with potential hands-on elements enabling participants to better understand and apply these technologies.SMWCon Spring 2014
KeynoteGenerative AI and large-language models are the most prominent of many current developments that force us to rethink: not just the implementations and technology stacks used in practice, but also the

whole endeavour of human knowledge management as such.

In this talk, Markus will provide a personal perspective on the origins and principles of semantic wikis, and some of the key challenges that lie ahead in managing knowledge.
SMWCon Fall 2023
Knowledge Graph research and the role of SMWIn a panel discussion we will highlight the state of the art about knowledge graph research and talk about the role of SMW.SMWCon Fall 2020
The homepage of the International Center for Computational LogicUsage, Skinning, and Microdata as used by the homepage of the International Center for Computational LogicSMWCon Fall 2015
Community discussionCommunity discussion about the future of SMW and SMWConSMWCon Fall 2015
Community discussionTraditional SMWCon feedback session for all participantsSMWCon Fall 2013
Current status and next steps for SMWThe yearly "what happened and what are we working on now" talkSMWCon Fall 2012
Semantic MediaWiki: An IntroductionA first introduction to MediaWiki and Semantic MediaWikiSMWCon Fall 2012
Customizing MediaWiki skin actions with SMWMicro-tutorial on improving the wiki UI using SMW dataSMWCon Fall 2012

Markus Krötzsch Together with Denny Vrandečić he founded the project in late 2005 (supported by many contributors). Markus also is a co-author of the textbook Foundations of Semantic Web Technologies, maintainer of the community platform, and co-editor of the W3C OWL 2 specification. Please see his homepage for up-to-date information about his activities.

Contact him at markus‐at‐ for official SMW-related requests. Note that free user support is provided elsewhere.

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