At total of 40 contributions are planned to be contributed or were contributed to SMWCon Fall 2016:
Title | Description | Contributor | Keywords | Type | Video |
ArchiMedes™ architecture publishing platform | ArchiMedes™ is a turn-key platform for publishing architecture models and views that you have created with existing modeling tools such as Sparx Enterprise Architect, BiZZdesign Architect, Archi or any other modeling tool that supports the ArchiMate Exchange File Format form The Open Group. | Toine Schijvenaars | Talk, Technical talk, Demo, Workshop | external link | |
Mapping data to pages using an upload tool for MS-Excel files | This lightning talk introduces you to a tool allowing to upload data stored in an MS-Excel file into templates on wiki pages. | Tobias Weller | data exchange, file upload, data import | Talk, Technical talk, Lightning talk, Demo | external link |
eHumanities workshop – Part 1 | eHumanities workshop: Semantic MediaWiki in Digital Social, Educational and Humanities Research | Cornelia Veja | Workshop | ||
Batch import of large RDF datasets using RDFIO or the new rdf2smw tool | The talk will present the status of the RDFIO extension, as well as recent work on an alternative approach for RDF import with the rdf2smw tool. | Samuel Lampa | RDF, semantic web, data import, big data, automation, virtual machine | Talk, Technical talk, Demo | external link |
An introduction to some useful extensions in the context of MediaWiki and Semantic MediaWiki | This presentation will provide an overview and introduction to extensions I have created which may be useful in the context of MediaWiki and Semantic MediaWiki. | Simon Heimler | semantic extensions, content management | Presentation, Lightning talk | external link |
A Generic Approach for Completing PDF-Forms with Data from Semantic MediaWiki | We introduce our approach for completing any PDF-form with data from Semantic MediaWiki. This is especially useful for repeating administrative requests which can't be done online as it is still the case in many established processes. | Matthias Frank, Thimo Britsch | PDF, Result Format | Talk | external link |
semantic core - A look back into seven years of Enterprise Class MediaWiki and an outlook on the future | This talk will provide a look back into seven years of Enterprise Class MediaWiki as well as an outlook into the future. | Alexander Gesinn | Enterprise Knowledge Management, data management, MediaWiki Distribution | Talk | external link |
eHumanities workshop – Part 2 | eHumanities workshop: Semantic MediaWiki in Digital Social, Educational and Humanities Research | Cornelia Veja | Workshop | ||
Welcome & Opening | Cornelia Veja, Marc Rittberger | Presentation | external link | ||
Experiences with SMW as event management platform | Alina Mierlus | use case | Lightning talk | external link | |
Semantic OLAP: Using OLAP Functionality to Analyse Semantic MediaWiki Data | SemanticOLAP allows to perform OLAP functionality on SMW data in the Semantic MediaWiki | Tobias Weller | Extension, data analysis, data retrieval, OLAP | Talk, Technical talk, Demo | external link |
Semantic MediaWiki for programming and teaching context-aware Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) agents | This talk presents how Semantic MediaWiki can be used to program a software-agent for Ambient Assisted Living (AAL). | Nicole Merkle | SWRL, SPARQL, SPIN, AAL | Talk | external link |
Using Semantic MediaWiki for managing quizzes for knowledge examination and evaluation | Experience report on how to use SMW based content for running courses that prepare for certification exams e.g. in Software Architecture and Requirements Engineering. | Wolfgang Fahl | semantic web, MediaWiki, education | Talk | external link |
Application prototyping with SMW and BlueSpice | MediaWiki is more than a documentation platform. It can be used for bootstrapping web applications | Markus Glaser | Talk | external link | |
From graphs to tables | The case for storing semantic data in tables instead of, or in addition to, graphs - for SMW/Cargo, Wikidata, and beyond | Yaron Koren | Cargo, Wikidata, templates | Talk | external link |
Semantic Extensions at its best | How to use Semantic Forms, Semantic Result Formats, Semantic Compound Queries at best for a good workflow. How to use query forms. | Yaron Koren | Semantic Forms, Semantic Drilldown, semantic extensions | Tutorial | |
Poster session | Projects and ideas on posters! Various topics presented in a light-weight way during a prolonged coffee break. | Community | Demo, Presentation | ||
Semantic MediaWiki and Open Scholarly Communication | Prof. Dr. Sören Auer from Fraunhofer Institute Bonn will hold this year's keynote. | Sören Auer | Linked Open Data, Open Scholarly Communication, research | Keynote | external link |
WikiProd – Real-time maintenance of production with Semantic MediaWiki | In this case study we can show the innovative potential of Semantic MediaWiki for an industrial plant. | Richard Heigl, Anja Ebersbach | documentation, safety instructions, microblogging, fault reports, maintenance reports, ux | Talk | external link |
Semantic MediaWiki in Humanities and Educational Research | Christoph Schindler | Lightning talk | external link | ||
Semantic MediaWiki and Semantic Forms | Short introduction of why and how to work with Semantic Forms for easier data input in (Semantic) MediaWiki. | Sabine Melnicki | Tutorial | ||
Current Status and Next Steps for Semantic MediaWiki | This talk will provide an overview to what happened during the last year, the current status and the next steps for Semantic MediaWiki. | Karsten Hoffmeyer, Jeroen De Dauw | yearly, roadmap, Semantic MediaWiki, contribute | Talk | external link |
Introduction to Semantic MediaWiki | Short introduction to Semantic MediaWiki and beginners tutorial about how to annotate data and do basic queries for this data. | Karsten Hoffmeyer | tutorial, datatype, property, special property, inline queries, set, ask | Tutorial | |
The Kadaster Innovation Funnel | We present the concept, implementation and use of the Kadaster Innovation Funnel, which has been realized using a combination of Semantic MediaWiki, linked data, and Linked Data Theatre visualization. | Remco de Boer, Ton van der Zwet | innovation, linked data, SMW, visualization | Talk, Presentation, Regular talk | external link |
Semantic MediaWiki and Open Data – the Vienna History Wiki and the OGD Cockpit | The talk will feature the Vienna History Wiki ("Wien Geschichte Wiki"), a government platform on Vienna's city history. | Bernhard Krabina | open data, open government, open knowledge | Talk | external link |
Introduction à Semantic MediaWiki | Courte introduction à Semantic MediaWiki et tutoriel pour les débutants sur la manière d'annoter les données et de faire les requêtes de base pour atteindre ces données. | Karsten Hoffmeyer | Tutorial | ||
Semantic MediaWiki for Assessment in Education | Lloyd Rutledge | wikidata, wikibase extension, content management | Talk | external link | |
Overview and introduction to new semantic extensions | This presentation will provide an overview and introduction to the semantic extensions of the SMWProject which were introduced in 2016 and aim to present SMW as solution for different use cases. | Karsten Hoffmeyer | semantic extensions, content management | Demo, Presentation | external link |
Followup: SMW-based portal to manage historical monuments | Daniel Hansch | Talk | external link | ||
Semantic MediaWiki as a platform for lab management and biological annotation | The talk will feature some use cases of Semantic MediaWiki framework in laboratory environments and biological annotation projects. | Toni Hermoso Pulido | bioinformatics | Talk | external link |
Semantic MediaWiki and the case of CODECS: mapping and mining sources for Celtic studies | Dennis Groenewegen | Lightning talk | |||
Data Management with SMW - Integrating Big Spatio-Temporal Data | We introduce our approach for integrating big spatio-temporal data using collaborative semantic data management. | Matthias Frank | Smart Web Services, linked APIs, data integration, semantic data management | Talk | external link |
Graphical User Interface for Semantic MediaWiki - Product data management at a paper machine | This talk will provide an insight into product data management via a graphical user interface using Semantic MediaWiki. | Robert Radke | skin, graphical user interface, data management | Talk | |
4 years of Wikidata - where we are, what we learned and what's coming next | This presentation will provide an insight into the past four years of Wikidata and the upcoming future. | Lydia Pintscher | wikidata, wikibase extension, content management | Presentation | external link |
Practical experience and derived best practices about miscellaneous topics chosen by the audience | Lex Sulzer | Tutorial | |||
SMW high availability for disaster recovery and production-data-based development | A good setup for a Semantic MediaWiki including backups, updating and upgrades, migration and Virtual Machines. Get it running in no time and focus on content. | Lex Sulzer | Tutorial | ||
Create custom Semantic Extra Special Properties fast with BlueSpiceSMWConnector | This talk introduces the "BlueSpice SMW Connector" extension allowing to create custom special properties | Leonid Verhovskij | Lightning talk, Talk, Technical talk | external link | |
Use case "Kallimachos" – SMW as tool for text annotation and edition of medieval books in ehumanities | The University Library Würzburg uses Semantic MediaWiki as a tool in an OCR and publishing workflow. | Martin Gruner | ehumanities, use case, ocr | Lightning talk | |
MediaWiki Stakeholders' Group Meeting | The MediaWiki Stakeholders' Group is meeting in real life at the conference. Join in, if you are interested in their actions and forthcomings. Get to know each other in person as well as discuss current matters. | Mark Hershberger | Discussion | ||
SMW Organization Pattern "Three-Ontologies-Method" | Lex Sulzer | Talk | external link |
See also a overview of contributions to all other Semantic MediaWiki Conferences (SMWCon).