Semantic MediaWiki for Assessment in Education

< SMWCon Fall 2016
SMWCon Fall 2016Semantic MediaWiki for Assessment in Education
SMWCon Fall 2016
Semantic MediaWiki for Assessment in Education
Talk details
Speaker(s): Lloyd Rutledge
Slides: see here
Type: Talk
Audience: Everyone
Event start: 2016/09/29 14:10:00
Event finish: 2016/09/29 14:40:00
Length: 30 minutes
Video: click here
Keywords: wikidata, wikibase extension, content management
Give feedback

This talk presents an application Semantic MediaWiki to assessing student deliverables for both substantive feedback and official grades. This system offers several features that streamline different aspects of the grading process. These include determining feedback, calculating grades and performing simple learning analytics. The wiki uses Semantic Forms for efficient entry of feedback by the grader. This approach processes machine-readable student deliverables to propose some feedback to the human grader as prefilled wiki form code. The grader can then use forms to confirm or adapt the computer-generated feedback and to add more feedback. Once an assessment is complete, the wiki calculates a proposed grade for the grader to confirm or adapt. The wiki then also generates an email link with feedback for the student. Finally, the wiki provides some simple learning analytics about the feedback and grades to assist the grader in evaluating and adapting the assessment system.