Category:MediaWiki Users and Developers Conference Fall 2024
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Information with regards to the Mediawiki Users and Developers Conference Fall 2024.
Pages in category "MediaWiki Users and Developers Conference Fall 2024"
The following 66 pages are in this category, out of 66 total.
- 10 years Vienna History Wiki
- Archived proposal from Viktor
- Bringing Microsoft 365 and MediaWiki together
- Category Manager and WikiSearch Clean-up enhancements
- Check in day2
- Check in day3
- Check in, meet and greet
- Closing of 1st day
- Closing of 2nd day
- Conference closing
- Conference dinner
- Conference opening
- Conference opening day3
- Considerations when targeting LTS releases
- Current state of OpenSemanticLab
- Day 1 Coffee break
- Day 1 Lunch break
- Day 2 Evening Coffee break
- Day 2 Lunch break
- Day 2 Morning Coffee break
- Day 3 Coffee break
- Extension "VisualData"
- Factors influencing the use of wikis in organizations
- Fasten seatbelt and lock the doors! Security from develpment to deployment
- Hackathon
- Improving Wikidata some more
- InlineComments extension
- Integrated Management System for logistics: BPMN to compliance-ready assets across ISO, IFS, and beyond
- Juggel Lists
- Keynote: Empowering Knowledge Workers
- Knowledge management in organizations: Productivity, efficiency, and quality improvement
- Knowledge Management with MediaWiki at NASA
- Lightning Talk session: Use cases
- Linked open data curation and visualization with SemanticWikibase
- LLM and Local Knowledge
- Managing Datasets and Collections with Wikibase
- MediaWiki in GLAM settings
- MediaWiki is changing: Key insights and initiatives
- MediaWiki Stakeholders' Group
- MediaWiki Usage in BMKÖS
- Object oriented linked data (OO-LD)
- Open CSP
- Panel Discussion: Knowledge Management and Semantics
- Parallel Track :: Room 2
- PDF Citation Highlighter
- Quick AI functions
- Relational versioning
- SciCom Wiki - FAIR knowledge infrastructure for educational content
- Semantic Mediawiki: New user bumpy journey - Year One - online presentation
- SemanticWikibase Development discussion
- Semantification of GenealogyResearch
- Simultaneous editing: First experiences
- Social Program
- Standardizing on recommended code revisions
- State of Canasta Fall 2024
- Testing & Continuous Integration Tests
- Various new features of Bluespice
- Welcome & Community opening
- Why isn't that in the wiki?
- Wikibase4Research guided installation. Bring your own data, get your own wiki
- Wikibase4Research: A toolbox for Wikibase Users and Developers
- WikiChat
- WikiXL Concept Editor