Keynote: Empowering Knowledge Workers

MediaWiki Users and Developers Conference Fall 2024
Keynote: Empowering Knowledge Workers
Talk details
Description: Siemens' "Wikisphere" has thrived since 2008 due to openness, structure, and automation, with the current "AI wave" highlighting the advantages of hypertextual content over traditional artefacts.
Speaker(s): Karsten Ehms
Slides: Media:
Keynote Day2
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Keynote Day2
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Type: Talk
Audience: Everyone, Community, Business people, Academics, New users
Event start: 2024/11/05 09:45:00
Event finish: 2024/11/05 10:45:00
Length: 60 minutes
Video: not available
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This talk will trace the development of Siemens' largest knowledge base, “Wikisphere,” which began in 2008, to highlight three key principles that contributed to its success. While some use cases are fairly straightforward, others emerged in unexpected areas. Factors such as the degree of openness, level of structure, and extent of automation seem to play crucial roles in understanding the adoption or decline in usage. Finally, the current “AI tsunami” serves to illustrate why hypertextual content offers significant structural advantages over digital artefacts from the “document galaxy.”


Recommended Reading on Wiki alike functionalities in MS products compared to Wikisphere

No conference about knowledge without inspiring talks that happen in spaces between the official programm.

One of the discussions centered about the "Wissenstreppe" (DIKW) and I remembered some thoughts of mine quite a while ago. Here is the link to the GERMAN fragment of text.