

Also active on and Wikimedia

Semantic MediaWiki Community Portal - translation system

 <font color="red">红色字体</font>
# [[]]--~~~~
{{language|master page=MasterPageName|language=zh-hans}}
  1. Special property "Allows value" -- 特殊属性“Allows value” -- Help:Special property Allows value (zh-hans)--Linforest 14:49, 28 March 2012 (CEST)
  2. Special property "Corresponds to" -- 特殊属性“Corresponds to” -- Help:Special property Corresponds to (zh-hans)--Linforest 14:21, 28 March 2012 (CEST)
  3. Special property "Creation date" -- 特殊属性“Creation date” -- Help:Special property Creation date (zh-hans)--Linforest 13:52, 29 March 2012 (CEST)
  4. Special property "Display units" -- 特殊属性“Display units” -- Help:Special property Display units (zh-hans)--Linforest 14:12, 29 March 2012 (CEST)
  5. Special property "Equivalent URI" -- 特殊属性“Equivalent URI” -- Help:Special property Equivalent URI (zh-hans)--Linforest 14:33, 29 March 2012 (CEST)
  6. Special property "Has fields" -- 特殊属性“Has fields” -- Help:Special property Has fields (zh-hans)--Linforest 14:07, 27 March 2012 (CEST)
  7. Special property "Has improper value for" -- 特殊属性“Has improper value for” -- Help:Special property Has improper value for (zh-hans)--Linforest 05:44, 29 March 2012 (CEST)
  8. Special property "Has subobject" -- 特殊属性“Has subobject” -- Help:Special property Has subobject (zh-hans)--Linforest 05:31, 29 March 2012 (CEST)
  9. Special property "Has type" -- 特殊属性“Has type” -- Help:Special property Has type (zh-hans)--Linforest 18:30, 28 March 2012 (CEST)
  10. Special property "Imported from" -- 特殊属性“Imported from” -- Help:Special property Imported from (zh-hans)--Linforest 18:14, 28 March 2012 (CEST)
  11. Special property "Is a new page" -- 特殊属性“Is a new page” -- Help:Special property Is a new page (zh-hans)--Linforest 13:57, 27 March 2012 (CEST)
  12. Special property "Last editor is" -- 特殊属性“Last editor is” -- Help:Special property Last editor is (zh-hans)--Linforest 15:53, 28 March 2012 (CEST)
  13. Special property "Modification date" -- 特殊属性“Modification date” -- Help:Special property Modification date (zh-hans)--Linforest 15:50, 29 March 2012 (CEST)
  14. Special property "Provides service" -- 特殊属性“Provides service” -- Help:Special property Provides service (zh-hans)--Linforest 18:03, 28 March 2012 (CEST)
  15. Special property "Subproperty of" -- 特殊属性“Subproperty of” -- Help:Special property Subproperty of (zh-hans)--Linforest 15:50, 29 March 2012 (CEST)

Category:Semantic MediaWiki extensions -- Category:Semantic MediaWiki extensions/zh-hans

  • 用途列表
Property:Has area of usage
* [[Allows value::Adding and modifying data]]
* [[Allows value::Searching and browsing data]]
* [[Allows value::Displaying data]]
* [[Allows value::Storing additional data]]
* [[Allows value::Storing data via an RDF triplestore]]
* [[Allows value::Protecting data]]
* [[Allows value::Awareness and workflow]]
* [[Allows value::Importing data]]
* [[Allows value::Other area of usage]]

* [[Allows value::添加及修改数据]]
* [[Allows value::搜索及浏览数据]]
* [[Allows value::显示数据]]
* [[Allows value::存储额外的数据]]
* [[Allows value::利用RDF三元组存储来存储数据]]
* [[Allows value::保护数据]]
* [[Allows value::感知与工作流程]]
* [[Allows value::导入数据]]
* [[Allows value::其他用途]]

Property:Has development status
* [[Allows value::active]]
* [[Allows value::discontinued]]
* [[Allows value::abandoned]]
* [[Allows value::unknown]]

* [[Allows value::活跃]]
* [[Allows value::中断]]
* [[Allows value::废弃]]
* [[Allows value::未知]]
  1. Extension "SolrStore" -- Extension "SolrStore"--Linforest 15:56, 29 March 2012 (CEST)
  2. Extension "Semantic Web Browser" -- Extension "Semantic Web Browser" -- Extension "Semantic Web Browser"--Linforest 14:23, 28 March 2012 (CEST)
  3. Extension "Semantic Need" -- Extension "Semantic Need" -- Extension "Semantic Need" -- Extension "Semantic Need"--Linforest 14:23, 28 March 2012 (CEST)
  4. Extension "Halo" -- Extension "Halo"--Linforest 04:31, 21 March 2012 (CET)
  5. Extension "Semantic Compound Queries" -- Extension "Semantic Compound Queries" -- Extension "Semantic Compound Queries"--Linforest 05:51, 19 March 2012 (CET)
  6. Extension "Semantic Drilldown" -- Extension "Semantic Drilldown" -- Extension "Semantic Drilldown"--Linforest 04:06, 21 March 2012 (CET)
  7. Extension "Semantic Extra Special Properties" -- Extension "Semantic Extra Special Properties" -- Extension "Semantic Extra Special Properties"--Linforest 03:48, 21 March 2012 (CET)
  8. Extension "Page Forms" -- Extension "Page Forms" -- Extension "Page Forms"--Linforest 03:48, 21 March 2012 (CET)
  9. Extension "Semantic Forms Inputs" -- Extension "Semantic Forms Inputs" -- Extension "Semantic Forms Inputs"--Linforest 03:16, 21 March 2012 (CET)
  10. Extension "Semantic Glossary" -- Extension "Semantic Glossary" -- Extension "Semantic Glossary"--Linforest 03:16, 21 March 2012 (CET)
  11. Extension "Semantic Image Input" -- Extension "Semantic Image Input" -- Extension "Semantic Image Input"--Linforest 03:16, 21 March 2012 (CET)
  12. Extension "Semantic Incoming Properties" -- Extension "Semantic Incoming Properties" -- Extension "Semantic Incoming Properties"--Linforest 05:15, 19 March 2012 (CET)
  13. Extension "Semantic Internal Objects" -- Extension "Semantic Internal Objects" -- Extension "Semantic Internal Objects"--Linforest 03:00, 21 March 2012 (CET)
  14. Extension "Maps" -- Maps/zh-hans -- Maps/zh-hans--Linforest 03:00, 21 March 2012 (CET)
  15. Extension "Semantic Page Series" -- Extension "Semantic Page Series" -- Extension "Semantic Page Series"--Linforest 17:08, 20 March 2012 (CET)
  16. Extension "Semantic Result Formats" -- Extension "Semantic Result Formats" -- Extension "Semantic Result Formats"--Linforest 17:08, 20 March 2012 (CET)
  17. Extension "Semantic Signup" -- Extension "Semantic Signup" -- Extension "Semantic Signup" -- Extension "Semantic Signup"--Linforest 16:24, 20 March 2012 (CET)
  18. Semantic Tagbox -- Semantic Tagbox (zh-hans) -- 语义标签框--Linforest 16:17, 20 March 2012 (CET)
  19. Extension "Semantic Tasks" -- Extension "Semantic Tasks" -- Extension "Semantic Tasks"--Linforest 16:17, 20 March 2012 (CET)
  20. Extension "Semantic Title" -- Extension "Semantic Title" -- Extension "Semantic Title"--Linforest 15:00, 20 March 2012 (CET)
  21. Extension "Semantic Watchlist" -- Extension "Semantic Watchlist" -- Extension "Semantic Watchlist"--Linforest 15:00, 20 March 2012 (CET)
  22. Extension "Validator" -- Extension "Validator" -- Extension "Validator" -- Extension "Validator"

Category:Result formats -- Category:Result formats/zh-hans -- Roadmap#Improve_smwdoc

Scenario Portal:

Result formats -- 结果格式

Extension "Arrays" -- Arrays/zh-hans -- Arrays/zh-hans--Linforest 06:27, 14 March 2012 (CET)


  1. Help:Filtered format -- Help:Filtered format/zh-hans--Linforest 13:17, 24 March 2012 (CET)
  2. Help:Tree format -- 帮助:树格式--Linforest 12:49, 24 March 2012 (CET)
  3. Help:Oltree format -- 帮助:有序列表树格式--Linforest 12:56, 24 March 2012 (CET)
  4. Help:Array format -- Help:Array format/zh-hans--Linforest 07:29, 13 March 2012 (CET)
  5. Help:Average format -- 帮助:平均数格式 -- 帮助:平均数格式--Linforest 16:18, 12 March 2012 (CET)
  6. Help:BibTeX format -- Help:BibTeX format/zh-hans--Linforest 13:21, 20 March 2012 (CET)
  7. Help:Broadtable format -- Help:Broadtable format/zh-hans--Linforest 11:45, 14 March 2012 (CET)
  8. Help:Calendar format -- Help:Calendar format/zh-hans--Linforest 06:18, 18 March 2012 (CET) To --Linforest 16:34, 19 March 2012 (CET)
  9. Help:Category format -- Help:Category format/zh-hans--Linforest 15:12, 13 March 2012 (CET)
  10. Help:Count format -- 计数格式 --Linforest 13:35, 12 March 2012 (CET)
  11. Help:CSV format -- Help:CSV格式 --Linforest 13:20, 29 February 2012 (CET)
  12. Help:Debug format -- Help:Debug format/zh-hans--Linforest 13:23, 15 March 2012 (CET)
  13. Help:DSV format -- DSV格式--Linforest 14:57, 16 March 2012 (CET)
  14. Help:Embedded format -- Help:Embedded format/zh-hans--Linforest 12:26, 16 March 2012 (CET)
  15. Help:Eventline format -- 事件轴格式 -- Help:事件表格式--Linforest 14:56, 15 March 2012 (CET)
  16. Archive:Exhibit format -- Archive:Exhibit format/zh-hans--Linforest 03:29, 18 March 2012 (CET)
  17. Help:Gallery format -- Archive:Gallery format 1.5.0 - 1.7.1/zh-hans--Linforest 06:04, 17 March 2012 (CET)
  18. Help:Google bar format -- Help:Google bar format/zh-hans--Linforest 06:00, 20 March 2012 (CET)
  19. Help:Google Maps format -- Help:Google Maps format/zh-hans--Linforest 16:52, 16 March 2012 (CET)
  20. Help:Google pie format -- Help:Google pie format/zh-hans--Linforest 06:00, 20 March 2012 (CET)
  21. Help:Hash format -- Help:Hash format/zh-hans -- Help:哈希格式--Linforest 04:26, 18 March 2012 (CET)
  22. Help:ICalendar format -- ICalendar日历格式 To --Linforest 16:34, 19 March 2012 (CET)
  23. Help:Jqplotbar format -- 帮助:jqPlot条形图格式 -- 帮助:jqPlot条形图格式--Linforest 06:37, 20 March 2012 (CET)
  24. Help:Jqplotpie format -- Help:Jqplotpie format/zh-hans -- Help:Jqplotpie format/zh-hans--Linforest 06:37, 20 March 2012 (CET)
  25. Help:JSON format -- Help:JSON format/zh-hans--Linforest 16:33, 16 March 2012 (CET)
  26. Help:KML format -- KML格式--Linforest 15:45, 16 March 2012 (CET)
  27. Help:List format -- 列表格式--Linforest 15:01, 13 March 2012 (CET)
  28. Help:Map format -- 帮助:地图格式--Linforest 16:25, 16 March 2012 (CET)
  29. Help:Max format -- Help:最大值格式--Linforest 16:46, 12 March 2012 (CET)
  30. Help:Median format -- 帮助:中位数格式--Linforest 16:27, 12 March 2012 (CET)
  31. Help:Min format -- Help:最小值格式--Linforest 16:59, 12 March 2012 (CET)
  32. Help:Ol format -- 帮助:有序列表格式--Linforest 14:51, 12 March 2012 (CET)
  33. Archive:OpenLayers format -- Archive:OpenLayers format/zh-hans--Linforest 16:11, 16 March 2012 (CET)
  34. Help:Outline format -- Help:Outline format/zh-hans--Linforest 13:58, 13 March 2012 (CET)
  35. Help:Product format -- 帮助:积格式--Linforest 16:41, 12 March 2012 (CET)
  36. Help:RDF format -- Help:RDF format/zh-hans--Linforest 12:15, 14 March 2012 (CET)
  37. Help:RSS format -- 帮助:RSS格式--Linforest 12:57, 14 March 2012 (CET)
  38. Help:Sum format -- 帮助:和格式--Linforest 16:35, 12 March 2012 (CET)
  39. Help:Table format -- Help:Table format/zh-hans--Linforest 13:21, 13 March 2012 (CET)
  40. Help:Tagcloud format -- 标签云格式--Linforest 13:22, 14 March 2012 (CET)
  41. Archive:Template format -- Archive:Template format/zh-hans--Linforest 17:47, 13 March 2012 (CET)
  42. Help:Timeline format -- 时间轴格式 -- Help:时间表格式--Linforest 14:31, 15 March 2012 (CET)
  43. Help:Ul format -- Help:Ul format/zh-hans--Linforest 15:02, 12 March 2012 (CET)
  44. Help:VCard format -- Help:VCard format/zh-hans -- Help:VCard format/zh-hans--Linforest 06:30, 15 March 2012 (CET)
  45. Archive:Yahoo! Maps format -- Archive:Yahoo! Maps format/zh-hans--Linforest 16:42, 16 March 2012 (CET)
  1. Semantic_MediaWiki_-_主页_(zh-hans)
  2. 讨论与出版物 --Linforest 10:45, 4 February 2012 (CET)
  3. 程序员指南·(英文版)--Linforest 12:03, 6 February 2012 (CET) To --Linforest 15:01, 6 February 2012 (CET)
  4. 路线图--Linforest 23:26, 7 February 2012 (CET) To --Linforest 13:03, 8 February 2012 (CET)
  5. 语义监视列表英文版--Linforest 12:32, 9 February 2012 (CET)
  6. 语义词汇表英文版--Linforest 03:29, 12 February 2012 (CET) To
  7. RDF--Linforest 08:36, 17 February 2012 (CET)
  8. MediaWiki--Linforest 02:16, 19 February 2012 (CET)
  9. Extension "Validator" - Extension "Validator" - Extension "Validator" - Extension "Validator" --Linforest 09:43, 28 February 2012 (CET)
  10. Data visualization -- 数据可视化
  11. Testimonials -- 用户褒奖--Linforest 09:40, 22 March 2012 (CET)
  12. Sandbox -- 沙盒--Linforest 15:00, 23 March 2012 (CET)
  13. Sites using Semantic MediaWiki -- 使用Semantic MediaWiki的网站--Linforest 12:30, 25 March 2012 (CEST)

Special properties -- 特殊属性

Help:Adding subobjects -- Help:添加子对象

  1. 编辑
  2. 语义MediaWiki简介--Linforest 11:51, 29 January 2012 (CET) To --Linforest 12:15, 30 January 2012 (CET)
  3. SMW快速参考--Linforest 14:43, 30 January 2012 (CET)
  4. 用户手册--Linforest 15:17, 30 January 2012 (CET) To --Linforest 16:25, 30 January 2012 (CET)
  5. 安装--Linforest 03:44, 31 January 2012 (CET) To --Linforest 05:10, 31 January 2012 (CET)
  6. 安装--Linforest 12:13, 31 January 2012 (CET) To --Linforest 18:10, 31 January 2012 (CET)
  7. 管理员手册--Linforest 12:53, 1 February 2012 (CET)
  8. 语义MediaWiki邮件列表英文版)--Linforest 13:05, 1 February 2012 (CET)
  9. 帮助:获取支持--Linforest 13:15, 1 February 2012 (CET) To --Linforest 14:11, 1 February 2012 (CET)
  10. 报告错误--Linforest 07:43, 2 February 2012 (CET) To --Linforest 08:17, 2 February 2012 (CET)
  11. SMW项目--Linforest 08:42, 2 February 2012 (CET) To --Linforest 09:44, 2 February 2012 (CET)
  12. FAQ/zh-hans--Linforest 12:13, 2 February 2012 (CET) To --Linforest 10:21, 3 February 2012 (CET)
  13. 扩展--Linforest 16:17, 3 February 2012 (CET)
  14. 配置--Configuration--Linforest 12:36, 9 February 2012 (CET) To --Linforest 14:17, 11 February 2012 (CET)
  15. 浏览界面英文版--Linforest 12:07, 13 February 2012 (CET) To --Linforest 11:45, 14 February 2012 (CET)
  16. 特殊页面“Ask”--Linforest 12:31, 14 February 2012 (CET) To --Linforest 13:58, 14 February 2012 (CET)
  17. 特殊页面“Browse”--Linforest 15:14, 14 February 2012 (CET)
  18. 语义MediaWiki版本历史--Linforest 08:46, 15 February 2012 (CET) To -Linforest 11:49, 15 February 2012 (CET)
  19. 语义搜索-Linforest 12:39, 15 February 2012 (CET) To -Linforest 13:36, 15 February 2012 (CET)
  20. 概念缓存--Linforest 14:09, 16 February 2012 (CET)
  21. 美化URI--Linforest 08:33, 17 February 2012 (CET)
  22. 使用SPARQL和RDF存储--Linforest 08:33, 17 February 2012 (CET) To --Linforest 12:53, 17 February 2012 (CET)
  23. 排除故障 --Linforest 14:08, 17 February 2012 (CET) To --Linforest 12:14, 20 February 2012 (CET)
  24. 修复数据和数据结构 --Linforest 12:27, 21 February 2012 (CET) To --Linforest 13:03, 22 February 2012 (CET)
  25. MediaWiki扩展--Linforest 13:23, 24 February 2012 (CET)
  26. 语义MediaWiki扩展--Linforest 14:30, 24 February 2012 (CET) To --Linforest 04:12, 26 February 2012 (CET)
  27. 选择页面 - 选择页面 --Linforest 12:22, 26 February 2012 (CET) To --Linforest 15:05, 27 February 2012 (CET)
  28. 严格比较运算符 - 严格比较运算符 - Strict comparators --Linforest 11:07, 28 February 2012 (CET)
  29. 显示信息 - #显示信息 - Displaying information --Linforest 11:07, 28 February 2012 (CET) To --Linforest 09:10, 29 February 2012 (CET)
  30. 结果格式 - Result formats --Linforest 09:12, 29 February 2012 (CET)
  31. Help:CSV格式 - Help:CSV format --Linforest 09:29, 29 February 2012 (CET) To --Linforest 13:20, 29 February 2012 (CET)
  32. 行内查询 - 行内查询 - 行内查询 - Inline queries --Linforest 09:41, 1 March 2012 (CET) To --Linforest 07:01, 2 March 2012 (CET)
  33. 概念 --Linforest 08:14, 2 March 2012 (CET) To --Linforest 09:25, 2 March 2012 (CET)
  34. 推理 --Linforest 09:29, 2 March 2012 (CET) To --Linforest 17:42, 2 March 2012 (CET)
  35. 属性和类型 --Linforest 16:35, 3 March 2012 (CET)
  36. 自定义单位 - 自定义单位 - Help:惯用单位 --Linforest 02:49, 4 March 2012 (CET) To --Linforest 13:45, 6 March 2012 (CET)
  37. 语义模板 --Linforest 15:36, 6 March 2012 (CET)
  38. 服务链接 --Linforest 06:49, 7 March 2012 (CET) To --Linforest 09:08, 7 March 2012 (CET)
  39. 语义网--Linforest 09:09, 7 March 2012 (CET) To --Linforest 10:05, 7 March 2012 (CET)
  40. RDF导出--Linforest 11:24, 7 March 2012 (CET) To --Linforest 14:35, 7 March 2012 (CET)
  41. Archive:Reuse/zh-hans--Linforest 15:43, 7 March 2012 (CET)
  42. 导入词汇--Linforest 03:31, 8 March 2012 (CET)
  43. Archive:Ontology import/zh-hans--Linforest 06:05, 8 March 2012 (CET)
  44. Help:Type Code/zh-hans-- Category:Datatype --Linforest 13:34, 8 March 2012 (CET)
  45. Help:Geo related result formats - 帮助:地理相关结果格式--Linforest 16:56, 16 March 2012 (CET)
SMW admin manual
Concept caching
Fixed properties
Using SPARQL and RDF stores
Pretty URIs
Repairing data and data structures
Basic extensions
Semantic extensions
SMW user manual
Table of Contents





SMW user manual
Properties and types
Special properties
Inverse properties
Custom units

Semantic templates

Service links

Browsing interfaces
Special page "Ask"
Semantic search
Selecting pages
Strict comparators
Displaying information
Result formats
Inline queries
Querying for queries
Using the API
Semantic Web
RDF export

Importing vocabulary

SMW admin manual
Table of Contents

{{#smwdoc:table|language=zh-hans}} -- User talk:Jeroen De Dauw

pagemaster pagename spaceauthorsupportereditorlast edited"Modification date" is a predefined property that corresponds to the date of the last modification of a subject and is provided by Semantic MediaWiki.prioritystatusprogresswarning
Reuse/zh-hansReuseArchiveLinforest-LittlePaw3652023-10-03T13:59:592other100Invalid status
Master page updated
No description
浏览界面Browsing interfacesHelpMarkus Krötzsch--2023-10-03T06:16:442effective100Master page updated
No description
显示信息Displaying informationHelpLinforest-LittlePaw3652023-10-03T09:00:302effective100Master page updated
No description
语义网Semantic WebHelpLinforestMarkus Krötzsch-2023-10-03T13:44:422effective100Master page updated
No description
语义MediaWiki简介Introduction to Semantic MediaWikiHelpLinforest--2023-09-25T16:54:143effective100No description
Master page updated
Jqplotpie format/zh-hansJqplotpie formatHelpLinforestYaron KorenLittlePaw3652023-10-03T08:24:203effective100Master page updated
No description
Querying one page/zh-hansQuerying one pageHelpLinforest-LittlePaw3652023-10-03T14:58:053effective100Master page updated
No description
Calendar format/zh-hansCalendar formatHelpLinforestYaron KorenLittlePaw3652023-10-12T19:29:553effective100Master page updated
No description
Array format/zh-hansArray formatHelpLinforestDaniel WernerLittlePaw3652023-10-12T19:32:083effective100Master page updated
No description
Hash format/zh-hansHash formatHelpLinforestDaniel WernerLittlePaw3652023-10-12T19:36:233effective100Master page updated
No description
Storing query results/zh-hansStoring query resultsHelpLinforest-LittlePaw3652023-10-13T14:14:563effective100Master page updated
No description
Debug format/zh-hansDebug formatHelpLinforestJeroen De DauwLittlePaw3652023-10-13T14:22:223effective100Master page updated
No description
Extension "Semantic Image Input"Extension "Semantic Image Input"
Linforest-Karsten Hoffmeyer2019-01-26T14:10:054effective100No description
Master page updated
Extension "Semantic Watchlist"Extension "Semantic Watchlist"
LinforestJeroen De DauwKarsten Hoffmeyer2019-01-26T14:10:064effective100No description
Master page updated
Extension "Halo"Extension "Halo"
Linforest-Karsten Hoffmeyer2019-01-26T14:10:184effective100No description
Master page updated
Extension "Semantic Need"Extension "Semantic Need"
Linforest-Karsten Hoffmeyer2019-01-26T14:10:194effective100No description
Master page updated
Extension "Semantic Page Series"Extension "Semantic Page Series"
LinforestStephan GambkeKarsten Hoffmeyer2019-01-26T14:10:194effective100No description
Master page updated
Extension "Semantic Signup"Extension "Semantic Signup"
LinforestKarsten HoffmeyerKarsten Hoffmeyer2019-01-26T14:10:204effective100No description
Master page updated
Extension "SolrStore"Extension "SolrStore"
Linforest-Karsten Hoffmeyer2019-01-26T14:10:214effective100No description
Master page updated
Extension "Semantic Web Browser"Extension "Semantic Web Browser"
Linforest-Karsten Hoffmeyer2019-01-26T14:10:214effective100No description
Master page updated
Type URL 1.0 - 1.7.1/zh-hansHelp:Datatype "URL"HelpLinforestJeroen De DauwLittlePaw3652023-10-03T15:12:383effective95Master revision id not found
No description
Filtered format/zh-hansFiltered formatHelpLinforest-LittlePaw3652023-10-12T19:47:413draft25Master revision id not found
Type Record 1.5.0 - 1.6.0/zh-hansHelp:Datatype "Record"HelpLinforestJeroen De DauwLittlePaw3652023-10-13T14:09:003effective95Master revision id not found
No description
pagemaster pagename spaceauthorsupportereditorlast edited"Modification date" is a predefined property that corresponds to the date of the last modification of a subject and is provided by Semantic MediaWiki.prioritystatusprogresswarning
浏览界面Browsing interfacesHelpMarkus Krötzsch--2023-10-03T06:16:442effective100Master page updated
No description
显示信息Displaying informationHelpLinforest-LittlePaw3652023-10-03T09:00:302effective100Master page updated
No description
语义网Semantic WebHelpLinforestMarkus Krötzsch-2023-10-03T13:44:422effective100Master page updated
No description
语义MediaWiki简介Introduction to Semantic MediaWikiHelpLinforest--2023-09-25T16:54:143effective100No description
Master page updated
Jqplotpie format/zh-hansJqplotpie formatHelpLinforestYaron KorenLittlePaw3652023-10-03T08:24:203effective100Master page updated
No description
Querying one page/zh-hansQuerying one pageHelpLinforest-LittlePaw3652023-10-03T14:58:053effective100Master page updated
No description
Calendar format/zh-hansCalendar formatHelpLinforestYaron KorenLittlePaw3652023-10-12T19:29:553effective100Master page updated
No description
Array format/zh-hansArray formatHelpLinforestDaniel WernerLittlePaw3652023-10-12T19:32:083effective100Master page updated
No description
Hash format/zh-hansHash formatHelpLinforestDaniel WernerLittlePaw3652023-10-12T19:36:233effective100Master page updated
No description
Storing query results/zh-hansStoring query resultsHelpLinforest-LittlePaw3652023-10-13T14:14:563effective100Master page updated
No description
Debug format/zh-hansDebug formatHelpLinforestJeroen De DauwLittlePaw3652023-10-13T14:22:223effective100Master page updated
No description
Extension "Semantic Image Input"Extension "Semantic Image Input"
Linforest-Karsten Hoffmeyer2019-01-26T14:10:054effective100No description
Master page updated
Extension "Semantic Watchlist"Extension "Semantic Watchlist"
LinforestJeroen De DauwKarsten Hoffmeyer2019-01-26T14:10:064effective100No description
Master page updated
Extension "Halo"Extension "Halo"
Linforest-Karsten Hoffmeyer2019-01-26T14:10:184effective100No description
Master page updated
Extension "Semantic Need"Extension "Semantic Need"
Linforest-Karsten Hoffmeyer2019-01-26T14:10:194effective100No description
Master page updated
Extension "Semantic Page Series"Extension "Semantic Page Series"
LinforestStephan GambkeKarsten Hoffmeyer2019-01-26T14:10:194effective100No description
Master page updated
Extension "Semantic Signup"Extension "Semantic Signup"
LinforestKarsten HoffmeyerKarsten Hoffmeyer2019-01-26T14:10:204effective100No description
Master page updated
Extension "SolrStore"Extension "SolrStore"
Linforest-Karsten Hoffmeyer2019-01-26T14:10:214effective100No description
Master page updated
Extension "Semantic Web Browser"Extension "Semantic Web Browser"
Linforest-Karsten Hoffmeyer2019-01-26T14:10:214effective100No description
Master page updated
SMW快速参考Semantic MediaWiki reference
LinforestLinforestKarsten Hoffmeyer2012-02-11T14:15:552effective100No description
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列表格式List formatHelpLinforest-Karsten Hoffmeyer2020-03-28T08:32:433effective100Master revision id not found
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事件轴格式Eventline formatHelpLinforestYaron KorenKarsten Hoffmeyer2020-04-12T16:50:473effective100No description
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时间轴格式Timeline formatHelpLinforestJeroen De DauwKarsten Hoffmeyer2020-04-12T17:01:163effective100Master revision id not found
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标签云格式Tagcloud formatHelpLinforestJeroen De DauwKarsten Hoffmeyer2020-04-12T17:02:593effective100No description
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DSV格式DSV formatHelpLinforestJeroen De DauwKarsten Hoffmeyer2020-04-13T10:50:263effective100No description
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KML格式KML formatHelpLinforestJeroen De DauwKarsten Hoffmeyer2020-04-13T10:58:173effective100No description
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ICalendar日历格式ICalendar formatHelpLinforestMarkus KrötzschKarsten Hoffmeyer2020-04-13T11:05:253effective100No description
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Help:最小值格式Min formatHelpLinforest-Karsten Hoffmeyer2020-04-13T11:49:133effective100No description
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Help:CSV格式CSV formatHelpLinforestJeroen De DauwKarsten Hoffmeyer2020-04-13T12:21:203effective100Master revision id not found
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Help:最大值格式Max formatHelpLinforestJeroen De DauwKarsten Hoffmeyer2020-04-13T15:20:333effective100Master revision id not found
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计数格式Count formatHelpLinforestJeroen De DauwKarsten Hoffmeyer2020-04-13T15:52:523effective100Master revision id not found
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Yahoo! Maps format/zh-hansYahoo! Maps formatArchiveLinforestJeroen De DauwKarsten Hoffmeyer2020-04-13T17:07:043effective100No description
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BibTeX format/zh-hansBibTeX formatHelpLinforestYaron KorenLittlePaw3652023-10-03T07:34:433effective100Master revision id not found
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JSON format/zh-hansJSON formatHelpLinforestJeroen De DauwLittlePaw3652023-10-03T08:25:523effective100Master revision id not found
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RDF format/zh-hansRDF formatHelpLinforestJeroen De DauwLittlePaw3652023-10-03T14:14:293effective100Master revision id not found
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VCard format/zh-hansVCard formatHelpLinforestMarkus KrötzschLittlePaw3652023-10-03T14:23:013effective100Master revision id not found
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Embedded format/zh-hansEmbedded formatHelpLinforestJeroen De DauwLittlePaw3652023-10-03T14:38:353effective100Master revision id not found
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Setting values/zh-hansHelp:Setting values using #setHelpLinforest-LittlePaw3652023-10-03T15:02:033effective100Master revision id not found
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Recurring events/zh-hansRecurring eventsHelpLinforest--2023-10-06T19:28:223effective100Master revision id not found
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Type Number/zh-hansHelp:Datatype "Number"HelpLinforestJeroen De Dauw-2023-10-06T19:50:073effective100Master revision id not found
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Type Geographic coordinates/zh-hansHelp:Datatype "Geographic coordinates"HelpLinforestJeroen De DauwLittlePaw3652023-10-12T18:52:273effective100Master revision id not found
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Google Maps format/zh-hansGoogle Maps formatHelpLinforestJeroen De DauwLittlePaw3652023-10-12T19:10:063effective100Master revision id not found
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Ul format/zh-hansUl formatHelpLinforestJeroen De DauwLittlePaw3652023-10-12T19:13:223effective100Master revision id not found
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Template format/zh-hansTemplate formatArchiveLinforestJeroen De DauwLittlePaw3652023-10-12T19:17:153effective100Master revision id not found
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Gallery format 1.5.0 - 1.7.1/zh-hansGallery formatArchiveLinforestJeroen De DauwLittlePaw3652023-10-12T19:20:573effective100Master revision id not found
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Outline format/zh-hansOutline formatHelpLinforestYaron KorenLittlePaw3652023-10-12T19:38:343effective100Master revision id not found
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Table format/zh-hansTable formatHelpLinforestJeroen De DauwLittlePaw3652023-10-12T19:45:353effective100Master revision id not found
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Category format/zh-hansCategory formatHelpLinforestYaron KorenLittlePaw3652023-10-12T19:50:033effective100Master revision id not found
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Adding subobjects 1.7.0 - 1.7.1/zh-hansAdding subobjectsHelpLinforest-LittlePaw3652023-10-13T13:16:113effective100Master revision id not found
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Adding tooltips/zh-hansAdding tooltipsHelpLinforest-LittlePaw3652023-10-13T13:19:413effective100Master revision id not found
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Type String/zh-hansHelp:Datatype "String"HelpLinforestJeroen De DauwLittlePaw3652023-10-13T13:33:553effective100Master revision id not found
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Type Date 1.7.1/zh-hansHelp:Datatype "Date"ArchiveLinforestJeroen De DauwLittlePaw3652023-10-13T13:37:413effective100Master revision id not found
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Type Boolean/zh-hansHelp:Datatype "Boolean"HelpLinforestJeroen De DauwLittlePaw3652023-10-13T13:58:063effective100Master revision id not found
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Type Quantity/zh-hansHelp:Datatype "Quantity"HelpLinforestJeroen De DauwLittlePaw3652023-10-13T13:59:243effective100Master revision id not found
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Type Text 1.0 - 1.7.1/zh-hansHelp:Datatype "Text"ArchiveLinforestJeroen De DauwLittlePaw3652023-10-13T14:00:273effective100Master revision id not found
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Type Annotation URI/zh-hansHelp:Datatype "Annotation URI"HelpLinforestLinforestLittlePaw3652023-10-13T14:02:163effective100Master revision id not found
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Type Temperature/zh-hansHelp:Datatype "Temperature"HelpLinforestJeroen De DauwLittlePaw3652023-10-13T14:02:483effective100Master revision id not found
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Type Email/zh-hansHelp:Datatype "Email"HelpLinforestJeroen De DauwLittlePaw3652023-10-13T14:06:143effective100Master revision id not found
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Type Telephone number/zh-hansHelp:Datatype "Telephone number"HelpLinforestJeroen De DauwLittlePaw3652023-10-13T14:07:443effective100Master revision id not found
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Type Page 1.0 - 1.7.1/zh-hansHelp:Datatype "Page"HelpLinforestJeroen De DauwLittlePaw3652023-10-13T14:10:103effective100Master revision id not found
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Type Code/zh-hansHelp:Datatype "Code"HelpLinforestJeroen De DauwLittlePaw3652023-10-13T14:11:453effective100Master revision id not found
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Generating documentation 1.6.0 - 1.7.0/zh-hansGenerating documentationHelpLinforest-LittlePaw3652023-10-13T14:14:163effective100Master revision id not found
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Querying multiple pages/zh-hansQuerying multiple pagesHelpLinforest-LittlePaw3652023-10-13T14:16:123effective100Master revision id not found
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Combining results of multiple queries/zh-hansCombining results of multiple queriesHelpLinforest-LittlePaw3652023-10-13T14:17:033effective100Master revision id not found
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Argument declaration in templates/zh-hansArgument declaration in templatesHelpLinforest-LittlePaw3652023-10-13T14:19:483effective100Master revision id not found
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特殊属性“Creation date”Special property "Creation date"HelpLinforest-LittlePaw3652023-10-16T07:24:153effective100Master revision id not found
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特殊属性“Corresponds to”Special property "Corresponds to"HelpLinforest-LittlePaw3652023-10-16T07:24:253effective100Master revision id not found
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特殊属性“Equivalent URI”Special property "Equivalent URI"HelpLinforest-LittlePaw3652023-10-16T07:26:253effective100Master revision id not found
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特殊属性“Display units”Special property "Display units"HelpLinforest-LittlePaw3652023-10-16T07:26:323effective100Master revision id not found
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特殊属性“Has fields”Special property "Has fields"HelpLinforest-LittlePaw3652023-10-16T07:33:243effective100Master revision id not found
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特殊属性“Imported from”Special property "Imported from"HelpLinforest-LittlePaw3652023-10-16T07:45:473effective100Master revision id not found
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特殊属性“Is a new page”Special property "Is a new page"HelpLinforest-LittlePaw3652023-10-16T07:45:523effective100Master revision id not found
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特殊属性“Last editor is”Special property "Last editor is"HelpLinforest-LittlePaw3652023-10-16T08:04:413effective100Master revision id not found
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特殊属性“Modification date”Modification dateHelpLinforest-LittlePaw3652023-10-16T08:30:063effective100Master revision id not found
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特殊属性“Provides service”Special property "Provides service"HelpLinforest-LittlePaw3652023-10-16T08:30:273effective100Master revision id not found
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特殊属性“Subproperty of”Special property "Subproperty of"HelpLinforest-LittlePaw3652023-10-16T08:31:173effective100Master revision id not found
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特殊属性“Has improper value for”Special property "Has improper value for"HelpLinforest-LittlePaw3652023-10-16T08:32:093effective100Master revision id not found
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特殊属性“Has subobject”Special property "Has subobject"HelpLinforest-LittlePaw3652023-10-16T08:58:473effective100Master revision id not found
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特殊属性“Has type”Special property "Has type"HelpLinforest-LittlePaw3652023-10-16T08:58:563effective100Master revision id not found
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Extension "Semantic Forms Inputs"Extension "Semantic Forms Inputs"
Linforest-Karsten Hoffmeyer2019-01-26T14:10:054effective100No description
Master revision id not found
Extension "Validator"Extension "Validator"
LinforestJeroen De DauwKarsten Hoffmeyer2019-01-26T14:10:064effective100No description
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Extension "Semantic Glossary"Extension "Semantic Glossary"
Linforest-Karsten Hoffmeyer2019-01-26T14:10:194effective100Master revision id not found
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Extension "Semantic Extra Special Properties"Extension "Semantic Extra Special Properties"
LinforestKarsten HoffmeyerKarsten Hoffmeyer2019-01-26T14:10:194effective100No description
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Extension "Semantic Incoming Properties"Extension "Semantic Incoming Properties"
LinforestKarsten HoffmeyerKarsten Hoffmeyer2019-01-26T14:10:194effective100No description
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Extension "Semantic Title"Extension "Semantic Title"
LinforestKarsten HoffmeyerKarsten Hoffmeyer2019-01-26T14:10:214effective100No description
Master revision id not found
Extension "Semantic Tasks"Extension "Semantic Tasks"ExtensionLinforest-Karsten Hoffmeyer2019-04-25T15:33:024effective100Master revision id not found
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Extension "Semantic Compound Queries"Extension "Semantic Compound Queries"ExtensionLinforest-Karsten Hoffmeyer2019-04-25T15:34:414effective100Master revision id not found
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Extension "Maps"Extension "Maps"ExtensionLinforestJeroen De DauwLittlePaw3652023-10-12T19:04:224effective100Master revision id not found
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推理InferencingHelpMarkus Krötzsch--2023-10-03T09:16:352effective100No description
... further results
pagemaster pagename spaceauthorsupportereditorlast edited"Modification date" is a predefined property that corresponds to the date of the last modification of a subject and is provided by Semantic MediaWiki.prioritystatusprogresswarning
Ontology import/zh-hansOntology importArchive---2023-12-25T14:42:183obsolete95No description
