A list of contributions to SMWCon Fall 2017

From semantic-mediawiki.org
< SMWCon Fall 2017
SMWCon Fall 2017A list of contributions to SMWCon Fall 2017

At total of 25 contributions are planned to be contributed or were contributed to SMWCon Fall 2017:

Title Description Contributor Keywords Type Video
Semantic Content Management System Using Semantic Mediawiki as a Content Management System Wolfgang Fahl Talk, Presentation, Regular talk
Translating system messages and other localizable strings Short introduction on how to provide translated and/or localised system messages to Semantic MediaWiki and related extensions. Karsten Hoffmeyer system message, translation, localization Demo, Workshop, Tutorial
Semantic Annotator Bundle Tobias Weller Talk, Presentation
Wiki Product Lines We've started using SMW as a framework for product lines. One of the main challenges we've encountered is how to streamline in-wiki content synchronization between product instantiations. Remco de Boer product lines, in-wiki content, synchronisation Talk, Presentation, Regular talk
QM-Wiki - a SMW-based tool for ISO9001-certified companies We demonstrate how to fulfill the ISO9001:2015 requirements using SMW. Daniel Hansch Talk, Presentation, Regular talk
eHumanities Workshop: SMW in Digital Social, Educational and Humanities Research This workshop presents and discusses Semantic MediaWiki as a tool and environment for research in Digital Social, Educational and Humanities Research. Cornelia Veja, Martin Gruner, Julian Hocker, Dennis Groenewegen, Thomas Wolf ehumanities, Digital humanities Workshop, Talk, Presentation
semantic::core go! Free MediaWiki distribution including Semantic, Visual Editor, Elasticsearch and many more powerful extensions. Alexander Gesinn MediaWiki, Virtual Appliance, VirtualBox, OVA Talk, Presentation, Demo
THESPIS.DIGITAL - A Semantic MediaWiki-based archive for the research of German travelling theatre in the 17th and 18th century Johannes A. Löcker-Herschkowitz Digital Humanities, Webbased Archive, Collaboration, Linked Open Data Talk, Presentation
News from the MediaWiki Platform Team News from the MediaWiki Platform Team Cindy Cicalese Talk, Presentation, Regular talk
Semantic Public Service Portfolio for the Greek Public Sector Indexing and describing the volume of the Public Services of greek Public Sector Organizations. David Bromoiras Talk
SMWQuiz - Dynamic Quiz Generation using Statements of any Semantic MediaWiki Matthias Frank Talk
Ambitious internet business with SMW This talk offers some takeaways from a project that is being developed for a California-based internet entrepreneur Viktor Schelling Business Talk
Smart data for smarter fire fighters Join Bart van Leeuwen on his journey to help fire services better utilize their data, understand the challenges of information sharing in crisis situations and the struggle of accountability based on data. Bart van Leeuwen Smart Data, Fire fighters Keynote
Implementing Rule-based Systems with Semantic MediaWiki Lloyd Rutledge Rule-based design, Model-driven development, Semantic Web, business rules Talk
Data Management in Organizations with SMW - fulfilling GDPR requirements The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) opens a unique window of opportunity for SMW to be used to document records of processing activities in organizations. Bernhard Krabina Business, GDPR, Public administration Talk, Presentation
SlideWiki: A collaborative platform for creating and sharing semantically annotated slide-decks SlideWiki allows the collaborative construction, editing, sharing, semantic annotation and re-use of slide-decks. In this presentation I will discuss the main aims of SlideWiki and its main functionalities (the audience will be encouraged to experiment), with an emphasis on the semantic functionalities in the system. Frank van Harmelen SlideWiki, Slide decks Keynote
Introduction to Semantic MediaWiki Short introduction to Semantic MediaWiki and beginners tutorial about how to annotate data and do basic queries for this data. Karsten Hoffmeyer tutorial, datatype, property, special property, inline queries, set, ask Tutorial
Taking the first step towards a Semantic Information Retrieval System (SIRS) Taking the first step towards a Semantic Information Retrieval System (SIRS) Lex Sulzer Workshop, Tutorial
SemanticMediaWiki As A Collaboration Platform For Self-Organizing Agents This talk by Nicole Merkle presents how Semantic MediaWiki can be used by self-organizing agents as a knowledge exchange platform. Matthias Frank, Nicole Merkle SWRL, SPARQL, Reinforcement Learning, Agent-based systems Talk
Current Status and Next Steps for Semantic MediaWiki This talk will provide an overview to what happened during the last year, the current status and the next steps for Semantic MediaWiki. Karsten Hoffmeyer yearly, roadmap, Semantic MediaWiki, contribute Talk
The Linked Open Data Wiki - Empowering Organizational Knowledge Bases with Linked Open Data Matthias Frank Linked Open Data, Semantic Web, Wiki systems, Knowledge Engineering Talk
Future of scholarly communication Pre-print servers, post-publication commenting, crowd sourcing, machine learning, alongside semantic web and MediaWiki, open ways for modernizing the current publication culture. Mario Malicki Talk
LDAP Hackathon Cindy Cicalese, Robert Vogel, Mark Hershberger Hackathon
Effective cooperation in local government This talk presents how Semantic MediaWiki is used to support a method for effective cooperation in local government. Dennis Groenewegen, Igno Pröpper Government Talk

See also a overview of contributions to all other Semantic MediaWiki Conferences (SMWCon).