List of Attendees

Badgeicon48x48.pngAttendeeAttendeeAttendeesA participant of an event


Hector Javier Alfaro SilvaIMG 0683 Hector Javier.JPGAlfaro SilvaHector JavierSMWCon Fall 2017
Laurent AlquierAlquierLaurentEnterprise Semantic MediaWiki gardner since 2008.
C.Scott Ananian and Subbu Sastry, Content Transform Team, WMFAnanian and Subbu Sastry, Content Transform Team, WMFC.Scott
Lucian AnghelAnghelLucian
Sören AuerPhoto 2016-09-29 090304SörenAuer.jpgAuerSörenSMWCon Fall 2016,
Simon BachenbergBachenbergSimonMy name is Simon Bachenberg, I'm working as a Software Developer for GESIS in Cologne, Germany.
Kolja BaillyBaillyKoljaKolja Bailly is based at the Open Science Lab at TIB, Hannover. He develops services for open science and open culture with Wikibase and Semantic MediaWiki technologies.MediaWiki Users and Developers Conference Fall 2024
Maarten BeckerBeckerMaarten
Doug BeesonBeesonDougHi there. My name is Doug Beeson. I am an Enterprise Architect at Cogeco Cable in Montreal, Canada. My interests in SMW include modeling of enterprise concepts such as applications, data, business processes, people and the links between them. In my spare time I design and build electronic devices for making music, do some snowboarding, cook, and doodle around with Ruby programming. My latest programs in Ruby build 2-D cellular automata like the one shown below.
Sébastien BeyouPhoto 2016-09-28 112455 SebastienBeyou.jpgBeyouSébastienSMWCon Fall 2016,
Anton BilScreenshot 20171004 135700.pngBilAntonResearcher @ HZ University of Applied Sciences, Vlissingen, The NetherlandsSMWCon Fall 2017
Silliam Bims
(• _•)
BimsSilliamSilliam Bims is a legal name, acceptable for a variety of official uses, from employment, to banking and debt collection. It is suitable for emails, subscriptions, promotional offers, and all other organizational enterprises needing a semantic target for the biological referent. Silliam Bims worked night shifts at an Amazon warehouse in Troutdale, Oregon for several weeks without pay. While an employee, they excelled in their product picking to such an extent that they were awarded a novelty scratch ticket, redeemable for an unknown value at an Amazon Human Resources counter. The ticket remains unscratched, and was framed and hung upon the wall of the converted school bus where the biological creature currently resides.

As a human organism, I am quite interested in how technologies like SMW will be adapted into organic workflows, including especially the workflows of informal communities seeking self-representation. Through this sort of work, there is great potential for change from the current technological dynamic, where centralized corporations manage and leverage the data of individual users, to one where natural and spontaneous contexts of users can express, share and benefit mutually from their data. Such a change would mean a new understanding of the place of technology in both our societies as well as in our broader natural ecology.

Regarding SMWcon2021, I am curious to learn more about diverse SMW applications and how SMW might interface with emerging technologies like blockchain or IPFS. I am also keen to learn about how SMW and Maps might evolve to express our natural world with greater fidelity; for example by integration with GIS software and formats such as TopoJSON.
SMWCon Fall 2021
Moritz BlumBlumMoritzSMWCon Fall 2021
Andreas BlumauerBlumauerAndreasSMWCon Fall 2014,
Paul BoalPaulBoal.pngBoalPaulSMWCon Spring 2015,
Dan BolserSAM 6288 Dan bolser.JPGBolserDanSMWCon Fall 2015,
Franz BorrmannBorrmannFranzWelcome to my user page on SMW and thanks for your visit.

iUS Institut für Umwelttechnologien und Strahlenschutz GmbH

You will find more of me and my work at

Emko BosIMG 0645 Emko Bos.JPGBosEmkoSMWCon Fall 2017
Pierre BoutetBoutetPierreSMWCon Fall 2019
Wojtek BreiterBreiterWojtekStudent at KIT.
Thimo BritschPhoto 2016-09-29 105641Thimo Britsch.jpgBritschThimoSMWCon Fall 2016,
David BromoirasPhoto 2016-09-28 112008 DavidBromoiras.jpgBromoirasDavidSMWCon Fall 2016,
Richard BrownBrownRichardSMWCon Fall 2016,
Slawomir BrzezickiPhoto 2016-09-29 105830Slawomir.jpgBrzezickiSlawomirSMWCon Fall 2016,
Matteo BusanelliBusa78-Avatar.jpgBusanelliMatteoI have been working since 2004 on Semantic Web and Knowledge Management, first as a researcher and then as a IT consultant for Imola Informatica. I've been using SMW (as a frontend component of semantic KM platform) for at least 10 years.SMWCon Fall 2019,EMWCon 2019
Matteo BusanelliBusa78-Avatar.jpgBusanelliMatteoI have been working since 2004 on Semantic Web and Knowledge Management, first as a researcher and then as a IT consultant for Imola Informatica. I've been using SMW (as a frontend component of semantic KM platform) for at least 10 years.SMWCon Fall 2019,EMWCon 2019
Michael CariasoSAM 5088.JPGCariasoMichaelSMWCon Spring 2015,
André CastroAndre Castro.jpegCastroAndréSMWCon Fall 2020
Cindy CicaleseSAM 5091 Cynthia Cicalese.JPGCicaleseCindy
Marcin CieslakCieslakMarcinSMWCon Fall 2016,
Chris CiufoCiufoChris
Larry ClamanClamanLarryHi, I'm Larry Claman, a Senior Technology Architect at Reed Elsevier Technology Services
Bernadette ClementeClementeBernadetteBernadette Clemente is the Associate Department Head of the Software Solutions and Technologies department at the MITRE Corporation. She is the thought leader behind the vision and application of Semantic MediaWiki for the enterprise at MITRE. She leads several knowledge management efforts at MITRE to transform enterprise content into interconnected, findable, and visualizable enterprise knowledge.SMWCon Fall 2013, SMWCon Spring 2014,
Charlot CobbenMe.jpgCobbenCharlot
Billy CoffieldCoffieldBillySMWCon Fall 2019
Rob CommerenCommerenRob
Gabriele CornacchiaGcornacchia-Avatar.jpgCornacchiaGabrieleSMWCon Fall 2019
Megan CutrofelloCutrofelloMeganI'm from now!SMWCon Spring 2015, MediaWiki Users and Developers Conference Fall 2024
Jeroen De DauwDe DauwJeroenSMW maintainer and Wikibase co-creator. Director of Professional.Wiki, and The Wikibase Consultancy.SMWCon Fall 2011, SMWCon Fall 2012, SMWCon Fall 2014, SMWCon Fall 2015, SMWCon Fall 2016, SMWCon Fall 2022, SMWCon Spring 2011, MediaWiki Users and Developers Conference Fall 2024
Jeroen De DauwDe DauwJeroenSMW maintainer and Wikibase co-creator. Director of Professional.Wiki, and The Wikibase Consultancy.SMWCon Fall 2011, SMWCon Fall 2012, SMWCon Fall 2014, SMWCon Fall 2015, SMWCon Fall 2016, SMWCon Fall 2022, SMWCon Spring 2011, MediaWiki Users and Developers Conference Fall 2024
Himeshi De SilvaDe SilvaHimeshiMy MediaWiki user page with details of the work I have done can be found here.
Selena DeckelmanDeckelmanSelena
Laura Di RoccoDi RoccoLauraSMWCon Fall 2021
Joris DirksPhoto 2016-09-29 085059Joris Dirks.jpgPortrait photo of Joris DirksDirksJorisI mainly help government clients with sharing knowledge through SMWSMWCon Fall 2016, SMWCon Fall 2020, SMWCon Fall 2022, SMWCon Fall 2023
Zoran DoriDoriZoranMediaWiki Users and Developers Conference Fall 2024
Mauro DragoniDragoniMauro
Stef DunlapDunlapStef
Edlira DushkuPhoto 2016-09-28 110839 EdliraDushku.jpgEdushku.pngDushkuEdliraSMWCon Fall 2015, SMWCon Spring 2015, SMWCon Fall 2016,
Johannes DyckPhoto 2016-09-28 110530 Johannes Dyck.jpgDyckJohannesSMWCon Fall 2016,
Ricardo EITO-BRUNEITO-BRUNRicardoSMWCon Fall 2023
Anja EbersbachPhoto 2016-09-28 110720 Anja Ebersbach.jpgEbersbachAnjaSMWCon Fall 2016,
Karsten EhmsKarsten-Emhms.pngEhmsKarstenMediaWiki Users and Developers Conference Fall 2024
Basil EllPhoto 2016-09-29 111007Basil Eli.jpgEllBasilSMWCon Fall 2010, SMWCon Fall 2012, SMWCon Fall 2016, SMWCon Fall 2021, SMW Camp 2009
Michael ErdmannErdmannMichaelMy company DIQA provides products and services for smart portals. Semantic MediaWiki is one of our main platforms for solution development. You might want to check out DataWiki and Power-Search for MediaWiki.SMWCon Fall 2010, SMWCon Fall 2021
Rich EvansRichard Evans NASA GRC-ATF.jpgEvansRichMr. Evans is an electronics engineer and computer scientist at the NASA Glenn Research Center’s Armstrong Test Facility in Sandusky, Ohio. He received a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering from Geneva College in Beaver Falls, PA in 1995 and a Master of Science in Applied Physics and Computer Science from Christopher Newport University in Newport News, VA in 2006. Mr. Evans worked from 1995 to 2006 at the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility in Newport News, VA as a digital/RF beamline instrumentation and controls engineer and came to Ohio in 2009 to work for NASA at the GRC Armstrong Test Facility’s Space Environment Complex as a data acquisition and control system lead. During his time at ATF, Mr. Evans was a core member of the team that established the Vibroacoustic Test Capabilities at ATF as well as establishing NASA’s high-power EMI/EMC testing capability at ATF for the Artemis Program. As of 2020 Mr. Evans serves as the Information Systems Manager and Knowledge Architect for GRC ATF.SMWCon Fall 2021, MediaWiki Users and Developers Conference Fall 2024
Rich EvansEvansRichSMWCon Fall 2022
DkeEveryDavidSMWCon Fall 2022
Maria FahlMaria Fahl.jpegFahlMariaI use wikis for my daily work in the office and for personal topics like bike riding.SMWCon Fall 2015, SMWCon Fall 2016, SMWCon Fall 2017, SMWCon Fall 2018, SMWCon Fall 2019, SMWCon Fall 2020, SMWCon Fall 2022, SMWCon Fall 2023, MediaWiki Users and Developers Conference Fall 2024
Wolfgang FahlPhoto 2016-09-29 140359WolfgangFahl.jpgFahlWolfgangWolfgang Fahl is founder and owner of BITPlan, Germany. He teaches Softwarearchitecture but is also involved with software development projects a lot.

Wolfgang has been using MediaWikis since 2007. He was e.g. involved with during his Newzealand Sabbatical in 2008.

You'll find Wolfgang on the web at:

SMWCon Fall 2015,SMWCon Spring 2015,SMWCon Fall 2016,SMWCon Fall 2017, SMWCon Fall 2018, SMWCon Fall 2019, SMWCon Fall 2020, SMWCon Fall 2021, SMWCon Fall 2022, SMWCon Fall 2023,MediaWiki Users and Developers Conference Fall 2024
Isaac FarleySAM 5042 IsaacFarley.JPGFarleyIsaacI am Isaac Farley, digital publications manager at the Society of Exploration Geophysicists in Tulsa, Oklahoma. With Andrew Geary, I manage the SEG Wiki, a free online encyclopedia for applied geophysics.SMWCon Spring 2015,
TfellowsFellowsTomSMWCon Fall 2022
Eduardo FerreiraAgenda-Eduardo.pngFerreiraEduardoI am the founder of the Project that started in 2009.SMWCon Fall 2021
Werner FischerAgenda WernerFischer.jpgFischerWernerWerner Fischer, working in the Knowledge Transfer team at Thomas-Krenn, completed his studies of Computer and Media Security at FH Hagenberg in Austria. He is a regular speaker at many conferences like LinuxTag, OSMC, OSDC, LinuxCon, and author for various IT magazines. In his spare time he enjoys playing the piano and training for a good result at the annual Linz marathon relay.SMWCon Fall 2018
Ben FletcherIMG 0626 Ben FletcherJPG.JPGFletcherBenI am a Chartered Engineer who specialises in digital transformation and Cybersecurity. I discovered Semantic MediaWiki when I was tasked with updating the UK Ministry of Defence ICT Policy. It was the perfect solution to the transformation challenges with making a living Policy; how it could be maintained, and present information to the decision-makers. I was lucky enough to be invited to speak at the SMWCon in Houston about this project .SMWCon Fall 2017
Ben FletcherIMG 0626 Ben FletcherJPG.JPGFletcherBenI am a Chartered Engineer who specialises in digital transformation and Cybersecurity. I discovered Semantic MediaWiki when I was tasked with updating the UK Ministry of Defence ICT Policy. It was the perfect solution to the transformation challenges with making a living Policy; how it could be maintained, and present information to the decision-makers. I was lucky enough to be invited to speak at the SMWCon in Houston about this project .SMWCon Fall 2017
Clément FlipoAgenda ClémentFlipo.jpgFlipoClémentSMWCon Fall 2018
Clément FlipoFlipoClément
James ForresterForresterJames
Gary FosterIMG 0742 Gary Foster.JPGFosterGary
Matthias FrankPhoto 2016-09-29 090036MatthiasFrank.jpgSAM 6284 Matthias Frank.JPGFrankMatthiasSMWCon Fall 2015, SMWCon Fall 2016, SMWCon Fall 2017
Julian FrankenFrankenJulianSMWCon Fall 2022
JulianfFrankenJulianSMWCon Fall 2022
Michael Freiberg3E8E6AA1-FF48-4D57-BAF8-CEE24C0FBB50.jpegFreibergMichaelSMWCon Fall 2023
Philipp FrischmuthFrischmuthPhilippSMWCon Fall 2012
Stephan GambkeIMG 0622.JPGGambkeStephanI contribute (or contributed) to
  • Extension "Semantic Glossary" (author)
  • Extension "Semantic Page Series" (author)
  • Extension "Semantic Result Formats" (contributor)
  • MW:Extension:Lingo (contributor, maintainer)
  • MW:Extension:Bootstrap (author)
  • MW:Skin:Chameleon (author)
  • MW:Extension:PageTools (maintainer)
  • MW:Extension:SimpleBatchUpload (author)
  • MW:Extension:PurgePage (author)
  • SMW Camp 2009,SMWCon Fall 2010,SMWCon Fall 2011,SMWCon Fall 2012,SMWCon Fall 2016,SMWCon Fall 2017
    Andrew GearyAndrewGeary.jpgGearyAndrewSMWCon Spring 2015,
    Alexander GesinnSAM 6332 Alexander Gesinn.JPGGesinnAlexanderAlexander Gesinn is Managing Director & Partner at GmbH & Co. KG. Before, Alexander Gesinn held various management positions, most recently as the Chief Information Officer of a leading software company.SMWCon Fall 2013, SMWCon Fall 2014, SMWCon Fall 2015, SMWCon Fall 2016, SMWCon Fall 2017, SMWCon Fall 2022, MediaWiki Users and Developers Conference Fall 2024
    Yolanda GilGilYolanda
    PeterGiskesGiskesPeterSMWCon Fall 2022
    Markus GlaserMarkus-Glaser.jpgGlaserMarkusI mainly work in Please see my full profile there: mw:User:MglaserSMWCon Fall 2012, SMWCon Fall 2013, SMWCon Fall 2014, SMWCon Fall 2016, SMWCon Fall 2022, MediaWiki Users and Developers Conference Fall 2024
    Dennis GroenewegenPhoto 2016-09-28 142056 Dennis Groenewegen.jpgGroenewegenDennisSMWCon Fall 2016, SMWCon Fall 2017, SMWCon Fall 2022, SMWCon Fall 2023
    Martin GrunerGrunerMartinWorking at Universty Library Würzburg (Germany)SMWCon Fall 2011, SMWCon Fall 2012, SMWCon Fall 2013, SMWCon Fall 2016, SMWCon Fall 2017, SMWCon Fall 2018, SMWCon Fall 2023
    David Gómez FontanillsGómez FontanillsDavidSMWCon Fall 2015,
    Dennis GöhlertPhoto 2016-09-29 085720DennisGöhlert.jpgGöhlertDennisSMWCon Fall 2016,
    Lukas GüntherGüntherLukasLukas Günther is based at the Open Science Lab at TIB, Hannover. He develops services for open science and open culture with Wikibase and Semantic MediaWiki technologies.MediaWiki Users and Developers Conference Fall 2024
    Peter HaaseHaasePeterPeter Haase is working as a lead architect at fluid Operations, where he is leading the research and development activities at the interface of semantic technologies and cloud computing.

    Previously, Peter was at the Institute of Applied Informatics and Formal Description Methods ([AIFB) at the University of Karlsruhe, where he obtained his PhD in 2006. He was involved in numerous European projects. For example, he was the project leader and technical coordinator for the EU IP NeOn.

    Before joining the AIFB, he worked in the Silicon Valley Labs of IBM in the development of DB2.
    Tobias HaiderTobias_Haider.jpgHaiderTobiasSMWCon Fall 2018
    Matt HallHallMattI'm Matt Hall, a geoscientist in Nova Scotia, Canada.
    Oleander HansHansOleander
    Daniel HanschPhoto 2016-09-30 105314Daniel Hansch.jpgHanschDanielSMWCon Fall 2010,SMWCon Fall 2016,
    Hans-Jörg HappelHappelHans-Jörgsee Fall 2010,
    Ike HechtHechtIke MediaWiki Users and Developers Conference Fall 2024
    Richard HeiglRichard-Heigl.jpgHeiglRichard SMWCon Fall 2015, SMWCon Fall 2016, SMWCon Fall 2017, SMWCon Fall 2019, SMWCon Fall 2020, SMWCon Fall 2023
    Simon HeimlerPhoto 2016-09-29 084819SimonHeimler.jpgSimon H.jpgHeimlerSimonSmwcon fall 2013, smwcon fall 2014, smwcon fall 2015, SMWCon Fall 2016,
    Robert HeineHeineRobertSMWCon Fall 2017
    Axel HeinemannPhoto 2016-09-29 082904Axel Heinemann.jpgIMG 0685 Axel Heinemann.JPGHeinemannAxelSMWCon Fall 2016, SMWCon Fall 2017
    Anja HemmersbachPhoto 2016-09-28 111232 Anja Hemmersbach.jpgHemmersbachAnjaSMWCon Fall 2016,
    Toni Hermoso PulidoPhoto 2016-09-29 110001Toni.jpgToniHermosoSMWConFall2015.pngHermoso PulidoToniSMWCon Fall 2016, SMWCon Fall 2010, SMWCon Fall 2011, SMWCon Fall 2012, SMWCon Fall 2013, SMWCon Fall 2014, SMWCon Fall 2015,
    Iván Hernández-CazorlaHernández-CazorlaIvánSMWCon Fall 2020
    Basil HershbergerPhoto 2016-09-29 105453Basil Hershberger.jpgHershbergerBasilSMWCon Fall 2016,
    Ginger HershbergerPhoto 2016-09-29 105550Ginger Hershberger.jpgHershbergerGingerSMWCon Fall 2016
    Mark HershbergerMarkAHershberger.jpgHershbergerMarkSMWCon Spring 2015, SMWCon Fall 2015, SMWCon Fall 2016, SMWCon Fall 2017
    Daniel HerzigHerzigDanielHi,

    my name is Daniel. I worked at AIFB and build its SMW based portal AIFB_Web_Portal.

    Now, I am with SearchHaus GmbH, a startup specializing on semantic graph search.
    Bryan HilderbrandBryan Hilderbrand.jpgHilderbrandBryanMechanical Engineer by profession, started using MediaWiki in 2007.
    Marc HinterthanerHinterthanerMarc
    Julian HockerPhoto 2016-09-28 110436 Julian Hocker.jpgHockerJulianInterested in Open Science, Virtual Research environments, Usability, Digital HumanitiesSMWCon Fall 2016, SMWCon Fall 2017
    Karsten HoffmeyerKarstenHoffmeyer.jpgHoffmeyerKarstenSee section at the top of the page.Smwcon fall 2011, smwcon fall 2012, smwcon fall 2013, smwcon fall 2014, smwcon fall 2015, smwcon fall 2016, smwcon fall 2017, smwcon fall 2018, smwcon fall 2019, smwcon fall 2020, smwcon fall 2021, smwcon fall 2022
    Tim HolzheimTholzheim.jpegHolzheimTimSMWCon Fall 2022
    Giulia InguaggiatoIMG 0649 Giulia Inguaggiato.JPGInguaggiatoGiuliaSMWCon Fall 2017
    Anja JenztschJenztschAnjaAnja Jentzsch mail‐at‐anjajentzsch.deSMWCon Fall 2011, SMWCon Fall 2013,
    Jason JiJiJasonJason Ji is a software developer at The MITRE Corporation, currently working on MediaWiki and Semantic MediaWiki extensions, as well as iOS applications.SMWCon Spring 2014,
    Stephanie JohnstonSAM 5090 Stephanie Jonston.JPGJohnstonStephanieSMWCon Spring 2015,
    Yury KaktovKatkov profile picture.jpgKaktovYurySMWCon Fall 2012, SMWCon Fall 2013
    Michael KallingerMichael-Kallinger.pngKallingerMichaelMediaWiki Users and Developers Conference Fall 2024
    Daniel KinzlerDaniel Kinzler.jpgKinzlerDanielI'm a principal engineer on the platform engineering team at the Wikimedia foundation. I have been working on MediaWiki since 2005.
    Jae KlaasenIMG 0644 Jae Klaasen.JPGKlaasenJaeSMWCon Fall 2017
    Chris KoernerKoernerChrisI work at the Wikimedia Foundation as a community liaison for the Discovery department. I also support the reading web department with the Hovercards product. Previously I worked at Mercy, a non-profit health system in the mid-west section of the United States. I was in the IT department on the Data Management team. My primary role was working with data-focused co-workers to help provide robust support around the descriptions and definitions of data - via MediaWiki. To learn more about me, please visit my personal website.SMWCon Fall 2015, SMWCon Spring 2015,
    Thomas KolbKolbThomasMediaWiki Users and Developers Conference Fall 2024
    Robis KoopmansKoopmansRobis
    Yaron KorenAgenda-yaron.pngKorenYaronSMWCon Fall 2022, MediaWiki Users and Developers Conference Fall 2024
    Yaron KorenKorenYaronSMWCon Fall 2016, SMWCon Fall 2015, SMWCon Spring 2013, SMWCon Fall 2013,
    Olaf KosinskyKosinskyOlafI have a private page ( with SMW
    Bernhard KrabinaAgenda-bernhard krabina.pngKrabinaBernhardBernhard Krabina is a knowledge management specialst at Knowledge Management Austria in Vienna, Austria. He is an admistrator of various SMW installations - mainly for use cases in the public sector. Fall 2013,SMWCon Fall 2014,SMWCon Fall 2016,SMWCon Fall 2017, SMWCon Fall 2022, SMWCon Fall 2023, MediaWiki Users and Developers Conference Fall 2024
    Nancy KrautmannKrautmannNancyI work at Mercy, a non-profit health system in the mid-west section of the United States, in the IT department on the Data Management team. My role includes working with data-focused co-workers to help provide writing, editing, and organizing support around the descriptions and definitions of data and measurements.SMWCon Spring 2015,
    Bernd KreissigPhoto 2016-09-30 110751Bernd Kreissig.jpgKreissigBerndSMWCon Fall 2016,
    Anton KromAnton.krom.pngKromAntonFor 15 years, I've provided and supported Mediawiki-based solutions for companies, non-profit organizations, and individuals. Since 2018, I've been a proud member of the WikiTeq team. Living MediaWiki.MediaWiki Users and Developers Conference Fall 2024
    Tom KronenburgKronenburgTomI work with PBLQ, a Dutch company, specialized in information management in the public sector. I have been both a wiki developer, as well as project manager for Contact me, and find out more about me on LinkedIN, my company page
    Karsten KrumrückKrumrückKarsten
    Karsten KrumrückPhoto 2016-09-28 110902 Karsten Krumrück.jpgKrumrückKarstenSMWCon Fall 2016,
    Markus KrötzschMarkus Krötzsch.jpgKrötzschMarkusSMWCon Fall 2010,SMWCon Fall 2011,SMWCon Fall 2012,SMWCon Fall 2013,SMWCon Fall 2015,SMWCon Fall 2018, SMWCon Fall 2023
    Yury KupriyanovKupriyanovYuryHead of Knowledge Management at WikiVote!
    Piotr KuroczyńskiKuroczyńskiPiotrSMWCon Fall 2016,
    Benedikt KämpgenKämpgenBenedikt SMWCon Fall 2010, SMWCon Fall 2011, SMWCon Fall 2012, SMWCon Fall 2013, SMWCon Fall 2016,
    Samuel LampaPhoto 2016-09-29 083406Samuel Lampa.jpgLampaSamuelI'm a PhD student at Uppsala University (Dept of Pharm Biosci, Group of Data-intensive and translational bioinformatics). I also occasionally do contract work via RIL Partner AB.SMWCon Fall 2016,
    Andrew.LubenetsLubenetsAndrewSMWCon Fall 2022
    Johannes A. Löcker-HerschkowitzPhoto 2016-09-28 111136 JohannesALöcker.jpgLöcker-HerschkowitzJohannes A.I'm working as a Research Assistant at the Department of Theater, Film and Media Studies at the University of Vienna. At the moment I develop a SMW-DB for a research project about german-speaking travelling theatre troupes in the 17th and 18th century – THESPIS.DIGITAL.SMWCon Fall 2016, SMWCon Fall 2017
    Mario MalickiIMG 0654 Mario Malicki .JPGMalickiMarioSMWCon Fall 2017
    Karsten MarholdIMG 0656 Karsten Marhold.JPGMarholdKarstenSMWCon Fall 2017
    Alexander MashinMashinAlexanderAlexander Mashin from Traditio wikiSMWCon Fall 2021, SMWCon Fall 2022
    David MasonMasonDavidSMWCon Spring 2010, SMWCon Spring 2013, SMWCon Spring 2014
    Luca MauriMauriLuca
    • Born 1979, IT Professional, living in Italy.
    • Administrator at WikiTrek
    SMWCon Fall 2020
    John Mc ClureMc ClureJohnComputational ontologist specializing in smw-based solutions. Solid experience with all semantic extensions including Ontoprise extensions; and good experience developing own extensions and wiki page layout. Long-time developer of business intelligence and statistical analysis databases & systems. Contact jmcclure-at-hypergrove-dot-com.SMWCon Spring 2015,
    Kirk Mc DermidMc DermidKirkRecent dabbler in SMW...

    I'm a philosophy professor at Montclair State University in northern New Jersey. I use SMW in my upper-level courses to manage decentralized student learning. I've been using it for about 2 years now, but still feel very new to the whole thing - I am not a coder!

    A pseudonymized course replete with coursework:
    Alessio MelandriAlemela.jpgMelandriAlessioSMWCon Fall 2015,
    Sabine MelnickiSAM 6289 Sabine Melnicki.JPGMelnickiSabineSabine Melnicki, based in Vienna, Austria. Working with public and private wikis, offering consulting, concept and wiki packages at WikiAhoi.SMWCon Fall 2014, SMWCon Fall 2015, SMWCon Fall 2016, SMWCon Fall 2017, SMWCon Fall 2018, SMWCon Fall 2022, MediaWiki Users and Developers Conference Fall 2024
    Paul MeredithMeredithPaulSMWCon Fall 2022
    Nicole MerkleNicolem.pngMerkleNicoleSMWCon Fall 2015, SMWCon Fall 2016,
    Peter B. MeyerSAM 6340 Peter.JPGMeyerPeter B.I'm Peter B. Meyer, who edits as user:econterms on WMF sites. I've created a string of social science history research sites, notably on the history of technology of aeronautics and aviation up to 1916.SMWCon Fall 2015, SMWCon Fall 2020
    Christian MichlitsChristian.jpgMichlitsChristianSMWCon Fall 2020
    Alina MierlusPhoto 2016-09-29 110106AlinaMierlus.jpgSAM 6346 Alina Mierlus.JPGMierlusAlinaHi there! I'm Alina Mierlus, a technologist from Barcelona. I'm interested in SemanticWiki extension development and platform deployments. I'm working on project, doing stuff such as web applications development, deployment, support. Beside, I study Philosophy at University of Barcelona.SMWCon Fall 2015, SMWCon Fall 2016,
    Laurent MischlerMischlerLaurentSMWCon Fall 2019
    James MontalvoMontalvoJamesSMWCon Spring 2015, SMWCon Fall 2014,
    Iryna MozgovaMozgovaIryna
    Nischay NahataNahataNischayHi, I am an occasional developer on SMW and related extensions.

    Contact me at

    My works for MW are also listed on this page.
    Nicolas NalletPhoto 2016-09-28 112330 Nicolas Nallet.jpgSAM 6356 Nicolas Nallet.JPGNalletNicolasConsultant and MediaWiki expert
    • Founder of Sémantiki, a Semantic MediaWiki consulting company and Wiki Valley a MediaWiki consulting company
    SMWCon Fall 2016, SMWCon Fall 2012, SMWCon Fall 2013, SMWCon Fall 2014, SMWCon Spring 2014, SMWCon Fall 2015, SMWCon Fall 2017
    Yvar NanlohijNanlohijYvarSMWCon Fall 2023
    Brown NatashaPhoto 2016-09-29 104259Natasha Brown.jpgNatbrown.pngNatashaBrownI am a Russian teacher who has lived in London over 20 years. I make Youtube videos together with my daughter and granddaughter to help students learn Russian.

    I started making my first site in January 2010 as However I realised that it will work not only with Russian but with the other languages as well and I have remade the site as WikiTranslate.

    We are working on an English course now together with my husband who in a native professional English teacher.
    SMWCon: Fall 2010 (Amsterdam); Fall 2015 (Barcelona), SMWCon Fall 2016,
    Joel NatividadNatividadJoelJoel Natividad contributed SRF-Ploticus. He is a long-time advocate for Open Source in the Enterprise and is focused on accelerating corporate adoption of Semantic Technologies. He headed TCG's Knowledge Engineering Practice for 3 years before striking out to start Ontodia - an Urban Informatics startup focusing on using Semantics for Smarter Cities with their SMW-powered Pediacities offering.SMWCon Fall 2012, SMWCon Fall 2013, SMWCon Spring 2014, SMWCon Spring 2013,EMWCon 2020
    Julia NeidhardtNeidhardtJuliaMediaWiki Users and Developers Conference Fall 2024
    Axel NgongaNgongaAxel
    Jan Willem NoteboomNoteboomJan Willem
    Jan NovacekNovacekJan
    Maximilian NöthNöthMaximiliandeveloper andSMWCon Fall 2023
    Tobias OettererPhoto 2016-09-28 111512 TobiasOetterer.jpgOettererTobiasSMWCon Fall 2013,SMWCon Fall 2014,SMWCon Fall 2016,EMWCon Spring 2017,SMWCon Fall 2018,SMWCon Fall 2019
    Renato OnganiaOnganiaRenato
    • Born 1978, living in Milan (Italy).
    • Administrator at [1]
    SMWCon Fall 2020
    Erwin OordSAM 6327 ErwinOord.JPGOordErwin
    Philippos PapadopoulosPapadopoulosPhilippos
    • Founder of Open Risk
    • Admin of Open Risk Manual, a public semantic mediawiki providing human and machine readable documentation of risk management concepts, models and tools
    SMWCon Fall 2019
    Andreu Paytuví-GallartPaytuví-GallartAndreuSMWCon Fall 2015
    Marcus PermanSAM 5048 MarcusPerman.JPGPermanMarcusSMWCon Spring 2015,
    Mike PhamPhamMike
    Lydia PintscherPhoto 2016-09-29 082658Lydia Pintscher.jpgPintscherLydiaI work for Wikimedia Germany as the product manager for Wikidata. You can find my other places on the web at Fall 2011, SMWCon Fall 2013, SMWCon Fall 2016,
    Bill PirklePirkle Bill Jan2019.jpgPirkleBillI'm an engineer on the Platform Engineering Team at Wikimedia Foundation.
    Jeremi PlazasSAM 5050 JermemiPlazas.JPGPlazasJeremi
    Wouter RademakerIMG 0638 Wouter Rademaker.JPGRademakerWouterSMWCon Fall 2017, SMWCon Fall 2020, SMWCon Fall 2022, SMWCon Fall 2023
    Robert RadkeAgenda RobertRadke.jpgRadkeRobertBorn 1972; Co-founder of Data Farms; enthusiastic chessplayerSMWCon Fall 2014, SMWCon Fall 2016,
    Rudolf RempelRempelRudolf
    Steffen RietzschelSAM 6334 Steffen.JPGRietzschelSteffenSMWCon Fall 2015,
    Marc RittbergerRittbergerMarcSMWCon Fall 2016,
    Liselot RoelenRoelenLiselotSMWCon Fall 2023
    Ralf RoletschekRoletschekRalfI'm Wiki Consultant for Data-Farms at Volkswagen AG and i have a private page with SMW. More information:
    Lozana RossenovaTIB-photo-square-lr.jpgRossenovaLozanaLozana Rossenova is based at the Open Science Lab at TIB, Hannover. She develops services for open science and open culture with Wikibase and Semantic MediaWiki technologies.MediaWiki Users and Developers Conference Fall 2024
    Ernst RosserPhoto 2016-09-29 083544Ernst Rosser.jpgRosserErnstSMWCon Fall 2016,
    Fotis RoutsisPhoto 2016-09-28 111928 FotisRoutsis.jpgRoutsisFotisSMWCon Fall 2016,
    Gregory RundlettRundlettGregorySMWCon Fall 2022
    Lloyd RutledgePhoto 2016-09-29 085013Lloyd Rutledge.jpgSAM 6323 Lloyd.JPGRutledgeLloydSMWCon Fall 2015, SMWCon Fall 2016, SMWCon Fall 2013, SMWCon Fall 2017
    Arjen SantemaArjen Santema.pngSantemaArjenSMWCon Fall 2022
    Amir SarabadaniSarabadaniAmir
    Bahar SateliSateliBaharI am a Computer Science PhD candidate and doctoral researcher at Concordia University. My research is mainly focused on the applications of Natural Language Processing techniques in web-based information systems, such as Wikis. More information about my research is available on the Semantic Software Lab website. I am also the local chair of the SMWCon_Spring_2014. Should you have any questions, I can be reached at sateli‐at‐semanticsoftware.infoSMWCon Spring 2014,
    Viktor SchellingPhoto 2016-09-28 141735 Viktor Schelling.jpgSchellingViktorSMWCon Fall 2016, SMWCon Fall 2017, SMWCon Fall 2021, SMWCon 2018, SMWCon 2019, SMWCon Fall 2023, MediaWiki Users and Developers Conference Fall 2024
    Michael SchermMichael-scherm-foto.256x256 (1).jpgSchermMichaelSMWCon Fall 2018
    Daniel ScherzerScherzerDanielMediaWiki Users and Developers Conference Fall 2024, EMWCon Spring 2023, MWCon Spring 2024
    Toine Schijvenaars20220405 portret Toine.jpgSchijvenaarsToineSMWCon Fall 2013, SMWCon Fall 2015, SMWCon Fall 2016, SMWCon Fall 2017, SMWCon Fall 2022, SMWCon Fall 2023, MediaWiki Users and Developers Conference Fall 2024
    Christoph SchindlerSchindlerChristophSMWCon Fall 2016,
    Miriam SchlindweinMiriamSchlindwein.jpgSchlindweinMiriamSMWCon Fall 2023, MediaWiki Users and Developers Conference Fall 2024
    Sebastian SchmidAgenda SebastianSchmid.jpgSchmidSebastianSMWCon Fall 2018
    Daniel K. SchneiderSchneiderDaniel K.I am a lecturer in educational technology and run as well as several smaller mediawikis.

    I use several mediawiki extensions and started to invest learning and using SMW extensions.

    Wiki home page
    SMWCon Fall 2013,
    Henk ScholtenScholtenHenkThis is the info page of user Henk Scholten.

    Please see for my work.

    You can reach me at: hscholten--at--bi-team--dot--com
    SMWCon Fall 2010,
    Thilo SchrothSchrothThilo
    Mark SchubertSchubertMarkTechnical writer and consultant at parson communication. Contact: mark.schubert[at]
    Hermann SchwärzlerPhoto 2016-09-29 105411Hermann Schwärzler.jpgSchwärzlerHermannI am a server-admin and developer at University of Innsbruck (IT-Center).SMWCon Fall 2014, SMWCon Fall 2016,
    Stefan Seidner-BrittingPhoto 2016-09-28 111756 StefanSeidner.jpgSeidner-BrittingStefanMy name is Stefan Seidner-Britting. I've been using MediaWiki since 2009. I live in Nürnberg, Germany.

    My main wikis are:

    In August 2012 I started to explore SMW and I'm still fascinated by its possibilities.

    My company's website:
    SMWCon Fall 2016
    BsenstSenstBenjaminSMWCon Fall 2022
    Tim SobkowiakPhoto 2016-09-29 085504TimSobkowiak.jpgSobkowiakTimSMWCon Fall 2016,
    Christoph SonnlechnerSonnlechnerChristophChristoph Sonnlechner is an archivist and historian in Vienna. He works at the Wiener Stadt- und Landesarchiv (Municipal and Provincial Archives of Vienna). He is head of the Wien Geschichte Wiki working group at the archives.SMWCon Fall 2014
    Thomas SteinerSteinerThomasThomas Steiner

    Google Germany GmbH
    ABC-Straße 19
    20354 Hamburg
    Ansgar SteinhorstSteinhorstAnsgarI have been working for many years as consultant for business transformation projects aligning business process design and IT solutions in the domain of ERP and supply chain management. Reference models and standard software have been used successfully in these transformation projects. I am interested in semantic technology because it can serve to make any complex business domain explicit and shareable across the involved parties. Human creativity is accelerated and can drive innovation.
    Kendra StichtStichtKendraSMWCon Fall 2016,
    Simon StierPortrait Simon-Stier.jpegStierSimonSMWCon Fall 2022, MediaWiki Users and Developers Conference Fall 2024
    Ad Strack van SchijndelAgenda-AdStrackVanSchijndel.jpgStrack van SchijndelAdHi, my name is Ad STRACK VAN SCHIJNDEL.

    In 2023 started a new company: Juggel. Excited with the possibilities of combining MediaWiki with AI.

    If you want to know more about it and about the Juggel product, book a demo on the website.
    MediaWiki Users and Developers Conference Fall 2024, SMWCon Fall 2015, SMWCon Fall 2016, SMWCon Fall 2017, SMWCon Fall 2022
    Bernd StrahlerBernd-strahler-foto.256x256.jpgStrahlerBerndBernd Strahler, Headmaster Handelslehranstalt Hameln, [2].SMWCon Fall 2018
    Lex SulzerSAM 6293 Lex Sulzer.JPGSulzerLex

    I understand and consider my computer systems as co-workers rather than ordinary tools. In the spirit of Take the time to go fast I am into any approach allowing me to mould creative solutions into code and keep myself free for forcefully creative development and further education. If you asked me for a single resource summing up my mind-set in this regard, it would be Demanding Software Professionalism: A Critical Management Imperative by Robert C. Martin (Uncle Bob).

    Tommi SuominenSAM 6365 Tommi Suominen.JPGSuominenTommiI am Tommi Suominen, the Software Development Team Leader at the European Forest Institute. I manage projects and the development of tools, models and information systems, mostly for forest related questions.SMWCon Fall 2015,
    Frank TaylorTaylorFrankFrank Taylor is the founder and editor-in-chief of Law Explorers Incorporated ( The objectives of the project include the use of technology to facilitate comprehension of the language and terminology of law and to promote multilingual, multicultural "legal literacy."
    Martin TelefontTelefontMartinSection Manager for Data Integration in the BlueBrainProject link to my frontiers profile
    Tina TenbergenTt.jpgTenbergenTina
    I host several semantic mediawikis for my work for UMG at the University of Manitoba and the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority / Health Sciences Centre.
    Jeff ThompsonSAM 6308 Jeff.JPGThompsonJeffSMWCon Fall 2015,
    Robert TimmTimmRobertHi, I am Robert. Find more information on my User Page on Meta.
    Dietmar Trees20231031-DietmarTrees.pngTreesDietmarDietmar Trees is a knowledge management specialist at HMS Analytical-Software GmbH in Heidelberg, Germany. He is a member of the developer group for the company's internal knowledge base.SMWCon Fall 2018, SMWCon Fall 2022
    Dietmar Trees180x220-dtrees.pngTreesDietmarAfter finishing my career at German Air Force , I have been working since 2019 at HMS Analytical Software GmbH in Heidelberg in the area of knowledge management. My tasks includes the maintenance of our Wiki solution. Since 2022 we are running an exiting project "HMS Knowledge Base" based on Mediawiki, SMW, Blaze Graph, Docker, etc.SMWCon Fall 2018, SMWCon Fall 2022, SMWCon Fall 2023
    Robert UlrichAgenda-Robert-Ulrich.pngUlrichRobertHello. I am Robert Ulrich and work at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT).
    Thomas UrbanPhoto 2016-09-28 111825 ThomasUrban.jpgUrbanThomasSMWCon Fall 2016,
    Christos VarvantakisChristos VarvantakisVarvantakisChristosI am a Partner Manager at Wikimedia Deutschland (WMDE). I am responsible for connecting with global institutions and onboarding them to Wikibase. I also act as a point of contact and information exchange for Partners, WMDE’s software department, and Wiki Communities.MediaWiki Users and Developers Conference Fall 2024
    Cornelia VejaPhoto 2016-09-30 105637Lia.jpgSAM 6294 Cornelia.JPGVejaCorneliaResearch Fellow at DIPF, Franfurt am Main, GermanySMWCon Fall 2015, SMWCon Fall 2016, SMWCon Fall 2017, SMWCon Fall 2018, SMWCon Fall 2019, SMWCon Fall 2020, SMWCon Fall 2023
    Leonid VerhovskijPhoto 2016-09-28 111419 Leonid Verhovskij.jpgVerhovskijLeonidSMWCon Fall 2016,
    Robert VogelRobert-Vogel.jpgVogelRobertHi,

    my name is Robert Vogel, I work as Software Engineer / Developer at Hallo Welt! Medienwerkstatt GmbH in Regensburg, Germany.

    My work includes:

    Please, visit my user page on User:Osnard
    SMWCon Fall 2013, SMWCon Fall 2016, SMWCon Fall 2017, SMWCon Fall 2019, SMWCon Fall 2020, SMWCon Fall 2023, MediaWiki Users and Developers Conference Fall 2024
    Marc VollebregtIMG 0640 Marc Vollebregt.JPGVollebregtMarcSMWCon Fall 2017
    Denny VrandečićVrandečićDennyDenny (actually Zdenko) Vrandečić is one of the original developers of Semantic MediaWiki. He studied computer science and philosophy in Stuttgart, Germany, and has Dalmatian ancestry. He earned his PhD in 2010 from the AIFB, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (formerly Universität Karlsruhe (TH)), working on the semantic web and ontologies.SMWCon Fall 2015,
    Lydia VroegindeweijIMG 0754 Lydia.JPGVroegindeweijLydiaTheologian / musicologist and publisher. Initiator and projectmanager of Kerkliedwiki.SMWCon Fall 2017
    Jethro WaandersWaandersJethroWebdeveloper @ HZ University of Applied Sciences, Vlissingen, The NetherlandsSMWCon Fall 2017
    Markus WagenhoferWagenhoferMarkusSMWCon Fall 2021, SMWCon Fall 2022
    Christian WagnerPhoto 2016-09-28 111313 ChristianWagner.jpgWagnerChristianI'm from Vienna, employed at the "Institut für Theater-, Film- und Medienwissenschaft" at the University of Vienna. At the moment I am working on THESPIS.DIGITAL, a Semantic-MediaWiki based database for German-speaking travelling theatre troupes in the 17th and 18th century.SMWCon Fall 2016,
    Jeffrey WangJeffreyWang-2023-06-11.jpegWangJeffreySMWCon Fall 2022, MediaWiki Users and Developers Conference Fall 2024
    Tobias Weller158px-TobiasWeller.jpgWellerTobias SMWCon Fall 2015, SMWCon Fall 2016, SMWCon Fall 2017
    Daren WelshSAM 5089 Daren Welsh.JPGWelshDarenSMWCon Spring 2015,
    Daniel A. R. WernerWernerDaniel A. R.Please see my user profile on for details.
    Cecilia WhitehurstSAM 5043 Cecilia Whitehurst.JPGWhitehurstCecilia
    Tim WittenborgTim.jpegWittenborgTimPhD Student at Leibniz University Hannover (LUH), Department of Data Science and Digital Libraries and the L3S Research Center (L3S) Joint Lab with TIB – Leibniz-Informationszentrum Technik und Naturwissenschaften und Universitätsbibliothek, and also NPO BorgNetzWerk founder as well as science communication and knowledge management enthusiast.MediaWiki Users and Developers Conference Fall 2024
    Rudiger Wolf200pxWolfRudigerI am based in the United Kingdom and have had a long interest in Semantic Mediawiki but no compelling reason to delve deeper. Now have an opportunity to explore SMW capabilities in order to help a team better build and maintain a common understanding of their Enterprise Architecture.SMWCon Fall 2015,
    Thomas WolfIMG 0752 Thomas Wolf.JPGWolfThomasBorn 1971, living in Munich and working at the Digital Library Department of the Bavarian State Library as a developer for CMS-based web applications.
    Peter WoudsmaWoudsma.jpgWoudsmaPeterSMWCon Fall 2014, SMWCon Spring 2013, SMWCon Spring 2015
    Jonas WäckerleWäckerleJonasTechnical writer and SMW user Contact:
    Ueli ZuberbühlerPhoto 2016-09-28 112137 Ueli Zuberbühler.jpgZuberbühlerUeliSMWCon Fall 2016,
    Laurel ZuckermanZuckermanLaurelSMWCon Fall 2019
    Remco de BoerPhoto 2016-09-29 085306RemcoDeBoer.jpgSAM 6330 Remco de Boer.JPGde BoerRemcoSMWCon Fall 2012, SMWCon Fall 2013, SMWCon Fall 2015, SMWCon Fall 2016, SMWCon Fall 2017, SMWCon Fall 2023
    Hans de Bruinde BruinHansHi,

    My name is Hans de Bruin. I am part-time professor ICT at the HZ University of Applied Sciences, Vlissingen, The Netherlands. You can contact me by e-mail:

    • (my own consultancy company)

    Best regards,

    Bart den DulkIMG 0660 Bart denDulk.JPGden DulkBartSMWCon Fall 2017
    Jimmy van DelftJimmy.jpegvan DelftJimmyMediaWiki Users and Developers Conference Fall 2024
    PvaneverdingenPieter-van-everdingen-pldn.jpgvan EverdingenPieterWorking as independent Enterprise & Information Architect at customer projects and working for Platform Linked Data Nederland (PLDN), where we make use of SMW for our PLDN-website since 2016. Also participated in a pilot where we have implemented a first version of a Linked Data Solution Catalogue as part of the The EU Knowledge Graph.SMWCon Fall 2022
    Marc van HoofIMG 0624 Marc vanHoof.JPGvan HoofMarcSMWCon Fall 2017,SMWCon Fall 2018
    Eric-Jan van KakerkenEj2.pngvan KakerkenEric-JanSMWCon Fall 2023
    Eric-Jan van KakerkenIMG 0628 Eric-Jan van Kakerken.JPGvan KakerkenEric-JanSMWCon Fall 2017, Smwcon fall 2023, MediaWiki Users and Developers Conference Fall 2024
    Andries van RenssenIMG 0632 Andries vanRenssen.jpgvan RenssenAndriesSMWCon Fall 2017
    Jan Willem van VeenPhoto 2016-09-29 085410JanWillemVanVeen.jpgSAM 6321 Jan Willem van Veen.JPGvan VeenJan Willem
    • Managing Partner at ArchiXL and our international subsidiary XL&Knowledge.
    • Our platform: WikiXL.
    • Wiki of the month Januari 2013.
    SMWCon Fall 2015, SMWCon Fall 2016, SMWCon Fall 2017
    Marijn van WezelMarijn van Wezel.jpgvan WezelMarijnSMWCon Fall 2023
    Matthijs Peter van den BergMatthijsPetervandenBerg.jpgvan den BergMatthijs PeterI am an administrator for Kerkliedwiki.SMWCon Fall 2017
    Nick van den Bergvan den BergNickSMWCon Fall 2022
    Youri van den Bogertvan den BogertYouriSMWCon Fall 2013, SMWCon Fall 2022, Smwcon fall 2023, Smwcon fall 2024, MediaWiki Users and Developers Conference Fall 2024
    Frans van der Horstvan der HorstFrans
    Frans A.L. van der HorstFrans vd Horst.pngvan der HorstFrans A.L.I'm a healthcare professional, who is very much interested how to transfer knowledge into the digital twin. Currently working on the introduction of semantic medical guidelines.SMWCon Fall 2022
    Robin van der WielPhoto Robin.jpegvan der WielRobin
    • Consultant and developer at ArchiXL
    SMWCon Fall 2022, SMWCon Fall 2023, MediaWiki Users and Developers Conference Fall 2024
    Ton van der ZwetPhoto 2016-09-28 111701 Ton van der Zwet.jpgvan der ZwetTonSMWCon Fall 2010, SMWCon Fall 2016, SMWCon Fall 2017, SMWCon Fall 2022, SMWCon Fall 2023
