
< EvaVogel

Agenda-LydiaPintscher.png Agenda-bernhard krabina.png

TypeTimeDurationImageName AuthorNameAuthorJob TitleLinkText
11:3030Agenda-WolfgangFahl.pngWolfgang FahlFounder and owner of BITPlan, Germany, Research Assistant at RWTH Aachen i5Mediawiki 1.35 Migration (Tutorial)
Talk13:3020Agenda-KarstenHoffmeyer.jpgKarsten HoffmeyerDirector of Professional Wiki including ProWiki and The Wikibase ConsultancyYearly Semantic MediaWiki overviewAn overview of what happened in Semantic MediaWiki land during the last year, including the 3.2 release.
Talk14:0020Agenda-yaron.pngYaron KorenFounder/CEO of WikiWorksTwo new extensions: Page Exchange and Flex DiagramsOverview of two new extensions
Talk14:3020Anja_Ebersbach.jpgAnja EbersbachWiki and Multilingualism - a Contradiction?How to Build a Multilingual Wiki
Talk15:0020Agenda-LydiaPintscher.pngLydia Pintscher
Jens Ohlig
What's new in the world of Wikibase and where is it going?An overview of what's new around Wikibase and the plans we have for the Wikibase Ecosystem.
15:3020Avatar.pngLuca MauriHead of ITSMW and WikiBase: blasphemy or feasible?Success story in using SMW in concert with WikiBase to achieve a data-based, semantic-enabled MediaWiki site
16:0015Coffee Break - Day 2Let's have a short break in the coffee house.
Talk16:1520Philip Strömert
André Castro
Software engineerImporting RDF ontologies to SMW with ontology2smw and Academic Event OntologyIn this talk we like to present an overview of the process and challenges of automating an RDF ontology import into SemanticMediawiki with ontology2smw, in the context of the confIDent project and how Academic Event Ontology (AEON) is being developed to support the requirements of Semantic Mediawiki.
Lightning talk16:4515Agenda-JeroenDeDauw.pngJeroen De DauwSMW maintainer and Wikibase co-creator. Director of Professional.Wiki, and The Wikibase ConsultancyConnecting Wikibase and Semantic MediaWikiLive demo of Semantic Wikibase, a new extension that allows using Wikibase data directly in your semantic wiki
Talk17:0015Yaron KorenWikidata Walkabout: a drill-down interface for Wikidata
Lightning talk17:155Agenda-RichardHeigl.jpgRichard HeiglCEO at Hallo Welt!MediaWiki Experts BlogBuilding bridges between the many subprojects around MediaWiki
Tutorial18:0025Wolfgang FahlWikipush Toolkitwikipush,wikiedit,wikiupload,wikinuke,wikiuser a set of tools for automating SMW page content handling using python and a command line
Ansgar Steinhorst.jpeg
Laurent Alquier
Wolfgang Fahl
Lex Sulzer
Jeroen De Dauw
André Castro
Ansgar Steinhorst
Founder and owner of BITPlan, Germany, Research Assistant at RWTH Aachen i5
Knowledge Management Solutions Architect at dataspects GmbH
SMW maintainer and Wikibase co-creator. Director of Professional.Wiki, and The Wikibase Consultancy
Software engineer
Consultant at Quendian GmbH and
Backend infrastructure experience exchange e.g. SqlStore, Elasticsearch, Blazegraph, Virtuoso, JenaPanel discussion