Upgrading from MW 1.24.1 to 1.25.2 cause error
From semantic-mediawiki.org
Call to undefined function enableSemantics()
to upgrade i had to remove the semantic extensions from the localsettings.php. the update program (MW-config) wouldn't get past "enableSemantics( 'repopnation.com' );" and let me upgrade. So i remove that and the extensions under it to update. Got thru update. Placed the text back into localsettings.php and bamn i get the "Call to undefined function enableSemantics()" on the front page aiming me at that line again.
so for the time being i removed Semantic from the php so my people could at least use part of the wiki.
Did i do something wrong? should i not had bothered to upgrade MW? I couldnt see any steps of how to do the upgrade differently if i used SMW.
please help... thanks!