

Well, since I figured that might take a bit for you to get it work. I added i18n support with [1]. Which means as soon as the keys are available in translatewiki, you can start to translate

	'srf-ui-eventcalendar-label-today' => 'Today',
	'srf-ui-eventcalendar-label-month' => 'Month',
	'srf-ui-eventcalendar-label-week' => 'Week',
	'srf-ui-eventcalendar-label-day' => 'Day',
	'srf-ui-eventcalendar-label-allday' => 'All day',
	'srf-ui-eventcalendar-format-time' => 'h(:mm)t',
	'srf-ui-eventcalendar-format-time-agenda' => 'H:mm( - H:mm)',
	'srf-ui-eventcalendar-format-axis' => 'H:mm',
	'srf-ui-eventcalendar-format-title-month' => 'MMMM yyyy',
	'srf-ui-eventcalendar-format-title-week' => 'd [ yyyy]{ \'—\'[ MMM] d MMM yyyy}',
	'srf-ui-eventcalendar-format-title-day' => 'dddd, d MMM, yyyy',
	'srf-ui-eventcalendar-format-column-month' => 'ddd',
	'srf-ui-eventcalendar-format-column-week' => 'ddd d/M',
	'srf-ui-eventcalendar-format-column-day' => 'dddd d/M',

Month, days are taken from MW's own message key's, so no need for any translation.


16:28, 5 October 2012


Thought it would be good to have the other texts translated as well so just did 100% of SMW and SRF (except for om SMW-message that does not show it's pop-up window).

20:24, 5 October 2012