Entity examination doesn't finish on page when not logged in on a wiki with access controls

From semantic-mediawiki.org

I have a wiki with various custom $wgGroupPermissions (I can provide them if needed). If I view a page on that wiki in private mode, there is at least one page where the examiner never finishes unless viewed by a logged in user. The icon just keeps KnightRidering... Example: view https://ccmdb.kuality.ca/index.php?title=Reporting in private mode.

21:49, 12 February 2021

You probably have something like $wgGroupPermissions['*']['writeapi'] = false; in your "LocalSettings.php" file. You need to change this to $wgGroupPermissions['*']['writeapi'] = true;.

23:39, 12 February 2021

Finally got around to testing this, and yes, this fixes the problem. Thanks kgh!

18:28, 18 November 2021