Help:Special pages

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Special pages are provided either to allow exploring the information and data added to the wiki or to give overviews on available information as well as statistical data that help to perform various administrative and maintenance tasks.

The following table lists the 18 special pages currently made available by Semantic MediaWiki (SMW):

Name Description Help Added
Ask Provides an interface that assists users with creating and executing semantic queries help page 0.6
Browse Shows all properties and their values annotated to a page help page 0.7
Concepts Lists all concepts which were created help page 1.9.0
ConstraintErrorList Lists constraint errors that occurred in connection with Semantic MediaWiki help page 3.1.0
MissingRedirectAnnotations Lists pages that are missing redirect annotations help page 3.1.0
PageProperty Allows to search all values of a given property on the wiki or a given page help page 0.7
PendingTaskList Lists constraint errors that incomplete or pending maintenance tasks for Semantic MediaWiki help page 3.1.0
ProcessingErrorList Lists errors that occurred in connection with Semantic MediaWiki help page 2.5.0
Properties Lists properties and displays their usage help page 0.4
PropertyLabelSimilarity Lists syntactic similarities between property labels help page 2.5.0
SearchByProperty Allows to search the wiki by properties or property value combinations help page 1.1.0
SemanticMediaWiki Provides functions for wiki administrators that assist in doing their administration work help page 2.5.0
Types Lists all available datatypes help page 0.4
URIResolver help page
UnusedProperties Lists properties with an explicit datatype assignment without having a value assignment (annotation) help page 0.3
WantedProperties Lists used properties with no explicit datatype assignment help page 0.3

The following table lists the 2 special pages made available by Semantic MediaWiki (SMW) which are obsolete and were removed:

Name Description Help Ver­sions
SMWAdmin Provides functions for the software administrators that assist in doing their administration work help page 0.3 - 2.5.8
SemanticStatistics Lists statistics about semantic data help page 0.7 - 2.5.8