Status: | effective |
Progress: | 99% |
Version: | 3.0.0+ |
Help:List of configuration parameters
Semantic MediaWiki offers a number of configuration parameters that site administrators may modify according to the particular needs of their wiki. This page lists all 155 configuration parameters for Semantic MediaWiki. All available configuration parameters can also be found in the file "DefaultSettings.php" (as of Semantic MediaWiki 2.4.0Released on 9 July 2016 and compatible with MW 1.19.0 - 1.27.x. and later).
To change the setting of any configuration parameter, copy the respective assignment into your "LocalSettings.php" file, after including Semantic MediaWiki as described in installation. Do not change the "DefaultSettings.php" file directly, as your changes would be overwritten in software upgrades. See also the help page on the function enableSemantics
Parameter | Description | Default | Version |
$maxRecursionDepth | Sets the recursion depth for a template output | 2 |
1.4.0+ |
$smwgCheckForConstraintErrors | Sets whether constraint violations are shown to the user via a page indicator | see documentation | 3.1.0+ |
$smwgCompactLinkSupport | Sets whether compact links to special query pages should be used | false |
3.0.0+ |
$smwgCompactLinkSupport | Sets whether compact links to special query pages should be used | false |
3.0.0+ |
$smwgEnableUpdateJobs | Sets whether tasks are deferred until after a page was edited by using the job queue | true |
1.2.0+ |
$smwgEnableExportRDFLink | Controls the visibility of the RDF export link in page headers. | true |
5.0+ |
$smwgEnabledCompatibilityMode | Sets whether Semantic MediaWiki will be enabled together with extensions that may have an impact on performance when used together on the same wiki | false |
2.4.0 - 3.1.2 |
$smwgEnabledHttpDeferredJobRequest | Sets whether selected jobs can be executed asynchronously to the initial transaction triggering the job | true |
2.3.0 - 2.5.8 |
$smwgEnabledQueryDependencyLinksStore | Sets whether tracking and storing of dependencies of embedded queries may be used | false |
2.3.0+ |
$smwgEnabledResultFormatsWithRecursiveAnnotationSupport | Sets whether templates used by result formats should be parsed unrestrictedly | see documentation | 2.3.0 - 2.4.6 |
$smwgFactboxCacheRefreshOnPurge | Sets whether or not a cached factbox should be invalidated on an "action=purge" event. | true |
1.9.0+ |
$smwgFactboxFeatures | Sets the behaviour of features related to the factbox | see documentation | 3.0.0+ |
$smwgFactboxUseCache | Sets whether or not a factbox content should be stored in cache. | true |
1.9.0+ |
$smwgFallbackSearchType | Sets the search engine to fall back to in case SMWSearch is used as custom search engine but is unable to interpret the search term as an semantic query. | null |
2.1.0+ |
$smwgHistoricTypeNamespace | Sets whether the namespaces "Type" and "Type talk" can be accessed | false |
1.6.0 - 2.5.8 |
$smwgIgnoreExtensionRegistrationCheck | Sets whether users will be informed about the discrepancy of having Semantic MediaWiki installed but not enabled | false |
3.1.0+ |
$smwgIgnoreUpgradeKeyCheck | Allows to disable the upgrade key check | false |
4.1.3+ |
$smwgMandatorySubpropertyParentTypeInheritance | false |
3.1.0+ | |
$smwgNamespace | Sets the namespace of exported URIs | see documentation | 1.0+ |
$smwgNamespaceIndex | Sets the index of the first namespace to be used by Semantic MediaWiki | 100 |
0.7+ |
$smwgNamespacesWithSemanticLinks | Defines for which namespaces the semantic links and annotations are to be evaluated | see documentation | 0.7+ |
$smwgPDefaultType | Sets the default datatype for a property if it was not defined manually | _wpg |
1.1.2+ |
$smwgPlainList | Sets whether the list format should provide class attributes to HTML elements | false |
3.1.2+ |
$smwgPostEditUpdate | Sets how many jobs should be executed as part of a post-edit event | see documentation | 3.0.0+ |
$smwgPropertyInvalidCharacterList | Sets a list of invalid characters which are not allowed to be used for property naming | see documentation | 2.5.0+ |
$smwgQSortFeatures | Sets the behaviour for the sorting features of the semantic search | see documentation | 3.0.0+ |
$smwgQUpperbound | Sets the upper bound of the offset used for the maximal number of rows ever printed in an embedded query | 5000 |
2.1.0+ |
$smwgQueryDependencyAffiliatePropertyDetectionList | Sets affiliate special properties that additionally initiate a query dependency update when value change occurs | [ ] |
2.4.0 - 3.0.2 |
$smwgQueryDependencyPropertyExemptionList | Sets special properties that should be exempted from embedded queries updates | see documentation | 2.3.0+ |
$smwgQueryResultNonEmbeddedCacheLifetime | Sets the cache lifetime of non-embedded queries and their results fetched from the query engine | 60 * 10 |
2.5.0+ |
$smwgQueryResultNonEmbeddedCacheLifetime | Sets the cache lifetime of non-embedded queries and their results fetched from the query engine | 60 * 10 |
2.5.0+ |
$smwgRemoteReqFeatures | Sets the behaviour of the features provided for remote requests | see documentation | 3.0.0+ |
$smwgRemoteReqFeatures | Sets the behaviour of the features provided for remote requests | see documentation | 3.0.0+ |
$smwgResultFormats | Configuration parameter for registering the names of result formats in SMW. | [See below] |
+ |
$smwgResultFormatsFeatures | Sets whether features for some result formats should be extended | see documentation | 2.5.0+ |
$smwgSchemaTypes | Sets the mappings between a specific schema type, an accompanying schema group and a possible schema interpreter | []; |
3.0.0+ |
$smwgSemanticsEnabled | Sets the operational state of Semantic MediaWiki | true |
2.4.0 - 3.1.6 |
$smwgSparqlRepositoryConnectorForcedHttpVersion | Sets whether CURLOPT_HTTP_VERSION should explicitly be forced for the endpoint communication |
false |
2.3.1+ |
$smwgTranslate | Sets that all labels within special page "Browse"Shows all properties and their values annotated to a page are being translated given that they have interwiki links | false |
0.7+ |
$smwgUpgradeKey | Sets the current database schema version | see documentation | 3.0.0+ |
$smwgValueLookupCacheType | Sets a separate cache type for the object cache when requesting value lookups from the database | CACHE_NONE |
2.3.0 - 3.0.2 |
$smwgAdminFeatures | Sets which administrative features may be used via special page "SemanticMediaWiki" | see documentation | 2.5.0+ |
$smwgAdminRefreshStore | Sets whether it is possible to set up the database tables or to initiate the repairing or updating of all semantic data of wiki using the interface on special page "SemanticMediaWiki" | true |
1.3.0+ |
$smwgAutoRefreshOnPageMove | Sets whether or not to refresh semantic data in the store when a page was moved. | true |
1.9.0+ |
$smwgAutoRefreshOnPurge | Sets whether semantic data are refreshed in the store when a page is manually purged | true |
1.9.0+ |
$smwgAutoRefreshSubject | Sets whether or not to refresh the pages on which semantic data is stored. | true |
1.5.6+ |
$smwgAutocompleteInSpecialAsk | Sets whether the printout selection on special page "Ask"Provides an interface that assists users with creating and executing semantic queries should use autocompletion on property names | true |
1.5.2 - 2.5.8 |
$smwgBrowseByApi | Sets whether the display of special page "Browse" will be generated using an API request | true |
2.5.0+ |
$smwgBrowseFeatures | Sets the behaviour of the features provided by several browsing interfaces | see documentation | 3.0.0+ |
$smwgBrowseShowAll | Sets whether the browse view for incoming links on special page special page "Browse" should show the incoming links | true |
1.3.0+ |
$smwgBrowseShowInverse | Sets whether the browse view for incoming links on special page special page "Browse" should show the incoming links inverse to the reverse view | false |
1.3.0+ |
$smwgCacheType | Sets which object cache Semantic MediaWiki should use to track temporary changes | CACHE_ANYTHING |
1.9.0+ |
$smwgCacheUsage | Sets how the caching behaviour or special pages related to Semantic MediaWiki is controlled | see documentation | 1.9.0+ |
$smwgCategoriesAsInstances | Sets whether a category statement should be treated as an element of the category | true |
1.5.0+ |
$smwgCategoryFeatures | Sets the behaviour of the query features related to category handling | see documentation | 3.0.0+ |
$smwgChangePropagationProtection | Sets whether property pages are protected from editing while a property change propagation is being processed | true |
3.0.0+ |
$smwgChangePropagationWatchlist | Sets the properties that are relevant for property change propagation | see documentation | 1.5.0+ |
$smwgConceptPagingLimit | Sets the number of listings shown in the namespace "Concept" | 200 |
1.3.0+ |
$smwgConfigFileDir | Sets the directory for storing the setup information file ensuring database consistency | __DIR__ |
3.0.1+ |
$smwgCreateProtectionRight | Sets the user right required to create new properties | false |
3.0.0+ |
$smwgDVFeatures | Sets the available features regarding property data values | see documentation | 2.4.0+ |
$smwgDataTypePropertyExemptionList | Sets which datatypes are exempted from the property registration process | see documentation | 2.5.0+ |
$smwgDecodeTextAnnotationWithStripMarker | Sets whether strip markers for properties of datatype "Text" may be stored within property values | false |
0.0.0 - 0.0.0 |
$smwgDefaultNumRecurringEvents | Sets the default number of recurring events if no end date is set | 100 |
1.4.3+ |
$smwgDefaultStore | Sets the storage backend to be used for the semantic data | SMW\SQLStore\SQLStore |
0.7+ |
$smwgEditProtectionRight | Sets the user right required to edit pages which are edit protected with special property "Is edit protected" | false |
2.5.0+ |
$smwgEnabledDeferredUpdate | Sets whether updates to pages are queued and executed after edits | true |
2.4.0+ |
$smwgEnabledEditPageHelp | Sets whether helpful information is displayed when editing a page | true |
2.1.0+ |
$smwgEnabledFulltextSearch | Sets whether full-text search support for properties may be used | false |
2.5.0+ |
$smwgEnabledInTextAnnotationParserStrictMode | Sets whether strictness should be enforced during the annotation parsing process | true |
2.3.1+ |
$smwgEnabledSpecialPage | Enables Semantic MediaWiki-specific annotation and content processing for special pages | [ 'Ask' ]; |
1.9.0+ |
$smwgEntityCollation | Sets which collation entities in Semantic MediaWiki should sort with | identity |
3.0.0+ |
$smwgExperimentalFeatures | Sets experimental features | see documentation | 3.0.0+ |
$smwgExportResourcesAsIri | Sets whether resources should be exported as IRIs (Internationalized Resource Identifiers) | true |
2.5.0+ |
$smwgExtraneousLanguageFileDir | Sets the path to the extraneous language files used by Semantic MediaWiki as seen in the local filesystem | __DIR__ . '/i18n/extra'; |
2.5.0+ |
$smwgFieldTypeFeatures | Sets relational database specific field type features | false |
3.0.0+ |
$smwgFixedProperties | Sets user defined properties to have a dedicated database table for them | []; |
1.9.0+ |
$smwgFulltextDeferredUpdate | Sets the number of expected full-text search index updates | true |
2.5.0+ |
$smwgFulltextLanguageDetection | Sets which languages to detect for the full-text search from an indexable text | []; |
2.5.0+ |
$smwgFulltextSearchIndexableDataTypes | Sets which datatypes are allowed to be indexed using the full-text search | see documentation | 2.5.0+ |
$smwgFulltextSearchMinTokenSize | Sets the minimum word/token length to help to decide whether MATCH or LIKE operators are to be used for a condition statement | 3 |
2.5.0+ |
$smwgFulltextSearchPropertyExemptionList | Sets the property keys for which value assignments are being exempted from the full-text indexing | see documentation | 2.5.0+ |
$smwgFulltextSearchTableOptions | Sets the full-text search table options to use during installation or update | see documentation | 2.5.0+ |
$smwgIP | Sets the path to the installation of Semantic MediaWiki as seen in the local filesystem | __DIR__ . '/'; |
0.1+ |
$smwgImportFileDirs | Sets the contents import directory for legitimate files to be imported upon installation of Semantic MediaWiki | see documentation | 2.5.0+ |
$smwgImportReqVersion | Sets the contents import file version for legitimate files to be imported upon installation of Semantic MediaWiki | 1 |
2.5.0+ |
$smwgInlineErrors | Sets whether warnings should be shown right after problematic annotations | true |
1.0+ |
$smwgLinksInValues | Sets whether internal links in values for properties of datatype "Text" may be stored within property values | false |
1.3.0+ |
$smwgLocalConnectionConf | Sets the database connection characteristics for providers used | see documentation | 2.5.3+ |
$smwgMainCacheType | Sets which object cache Semantic MediaWiki should use to track temporary changes | CACHE_ANYTHING |
2.3.0+ |
$smwgMaxNumRecurringEvents | Sets the maximum number of recurring events that can be defined regardless of a given end date | 500 |
1.4.3+ |
$smwgMaxPropertyValues | Sets the number of values that are shown for each page in the listing on pages in namespace "Property" | 3 |
1.4.3+ |
$smwgOnDeleteAction | Sets whether the update process for when a page / property and its value assignments are deleted should be send to the job queue | see documentation | - 2.3.1 |
$smwgPageSpecialProperties | Sets the page related special properties to be used | [ '_MDAT' ] |
1.7.0+ |
$smwgPagingLimit | Sets the number of results shown in the listings on pages in the namespace "Property", "Concept" as well as on the special pages "Special:Types" and "Special:ProcessingErrorList" | $smwgPagingLimit = [ 'type' => 200, 'concept' => 200, 'property' => 50, 'errorlist' => 25, ]; |
3.0+ |
$smwgParserFeatures | Sets the behaviour of features related to text and annotation parsing | see documentation | 3.0.0+ |
$smwgPropertyLowUsageThreshold | Sets a threshold value for when a property is being highlighted as "hardly being used" on special page "Properties". | 5 |
1.9.0+ |
$smwgPropertyPagingLimit | Sets the number of results shown in the listings on pages in the namespace "Property" | 25 |
0.7+ |
$smwgPropertyReservedNameList | Sets which names are reserved from usage as property names | see documentation | 3.0.0+ |
$smwgPropertyZeroCountDisplay | Sets whether properties with a usage count of zero should be shown on special page "Properties" | true |
1.9.0+ |
$smwgQComparators | Sets the list of comparator characters supported by queries for use in a regex. | see documentation | 1.0+ |
$smwgQConceptFeatures | Defines which concept features should be available by default. | see documentation |
+ |
$smwgQDefaultLimit | Default number of rows returned in a query. Can be increased with limit=... in #ask . |
50 |
1.0+ |
$smwgQDisjunctionSupport | Sets whether disjunctions are supported in queries | true |
1.0 - 1.1.2 |
$smwgQEnabled | Activates or deactivates all query related features and interfaces | true |
1.0+ |
$smwgQEqualitySupport | Should redirects between page names be considered as equality between the described objects? This is usually appropriate for cases where data is given for a page at all. | SMW_EQ_SOME |
1.0+ |
$smwgQFeatures | Defines which query features should be available by default. | see documentation | 1.2.0+ |
$smwgQFilterDuplicates | Sets whether duplicate query conditions should be removed from computing query results | false |
2.5.0+ |
$smwgQMaxDepth | Sets the maximum property depth for inline queries | 4 |
1.0+ |
$smwgQMaxInlineLimit | Sets the maximal number of rows ever printed by queries | 500 |
1.0+ |
$smwgQMaxLimit | Sets the maximal number of results ever retrieved by queries | 10000 |
1.0+ |
$smwgQMaxSize | Sets the maximum number of conditions for inline queries | 12 |
1.0+ |
$smwgQPrintoutLimit | Maximal number of supported printouts (added columns in result table, ?-statements). | 100 |
1.0+ |
$smwgQRandSortingSupport | Sets whether random sorting of query results should be possible | true |
1.0+ |
$smwgQSortingSupport | Sets whether sorting of query results should be possible | true |
1.0+ |
$smwgQStrictComparators | Sets whether the ">" and "<" comparators should be strict | false |
1.5.3+ |
$smwgQSubcategoryDepth | Sets the maximum level of subcategory inclusion (steps within category hierarchy) when querying | 10 |
1.0+ |
$smwgQSubpropertyDepth | Sets the maximum level of subproperty inclusion (steps within property hierarchy) | 10 |
1.0+ |
$smwgQTemporaryTablesAutoCommitMode | Sets whether certain types of database transactions may be performed that cannot be safely logged using global transaction identifiers (GTIDs) | false |
2.5.0+ |
$smwgQueryProfiler | Sets whether specific monitorable profile data are recorded | true |
1.9.0+ |
$smwgQueryResultCacheLifetime | Sets the cache lifetime of embedded queries and their results fetched from the query engine | 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 |
2.5.0+ |
$smwgQueryResultCacheRefreshOnPurge | Sets whether it is possible to manually refresh the query cache by doing a "purge" action | true |
2.5.0+ |
$smwgQueryResultCacheType | Sets whether the query result cache may be used | CACHE_NONE |
2.5.0+ |
$smwgQuerySources | Sets a list of sources, i.e. query back-ends that can return query results | see documentation | 1.8.0+ |
$smwgRSSEnabled | Sets whether RSS is enabled or not | true |
1.0 - 1.7.1 |
$smwgRSSWithPages | Sets whether RSS feeds should deliver whole pages or just link to them | true |
1.0 - 1.7.1 |
$smwgRedirectPropertyListLimit | Sets the number of redirect results (synonyms) shown in the listings in the "Synonyms" section on pages in namespace "Property" | 25 |
2.5.0+ |
$smwgResultAliases | Sets available aliases for result formats | see documentation | 1.8.0+ |
$smwgSearchByPropertyFuzzy | Sets whether special page "Search by property" should display nearby results | see documentation | 1.1.0+ |
$smwgServicesFileDir | Sets the path to the service's files used by Semantic MediaWiki as seen in the local filesystem | __DIR__ . '/src/Services'; |
2.5.0+ |
$smwgShowFactbox | Sets in which cases the factbox should be shown below a page | see documentation | 0.7+ |
$smwgShowFactboxEdit | Sets in which cases the factbox should be shown when editing a page | see documentation | 1.0+ |
$smwgShowHiddenCategories | Sets whether to omit categories marked with the HIDDENCAT behaviour switch from the annotation process | true |
1.9.0+ |
$smwgSimilarityLookupExemptionProperty | Sets the property used to exclude a property from being evaluated during similarity checks | owl:differentFrom |
2.5.0+ |
$smwgSparqlCustomConnector | Defines the SPARQL custom database connectors | custom |
1.6.0+ |
$smwgSparqlDataEndpoint | Sets the endpoint for data on the SPARQL database | http://localhost:8080/data/ |
1.6.0+ |
$smwgSparqlDefaultGraph | Sets the identifier (graph) of the SPARQL database | '' |
1.7.0+ |
$smwgSparqlQFeatures | Sets the SPARQL query features that are expected to be supported by the repository of the identifier (graph) of the SPARQL database | see documentation | 2.3.0+ |
$smwgSparqlQueryEndpoint | Sets the endpoint for querying the SPARQL database | http://localhost:8080/sparql/ |
1.6.0+ |
$smwgSparqlReplicationPropertyExemptionList | see documentation | + | |
$smwgSparqlRepositoryConnector | Identifies a database connector that ought to be used together with the semantic data store. | default |
2.0.0+ |
$smwgSparqlUpdateEndpoint | Sets the endpoint for updating the SPARQL database | http://localhost:8080/update/ |
1.6.0+ |
$smwgSpecialAskFormSubmitMethod | Sets the HTTP submit method used by Special page "Ask" | SMW_SASK_SUBMIT_POST |
3.0.0+ |
$smwgSubPropertyListLimit | Sets the number of subproperties shown in the listings in the "Subproperties" section on pages in namespace "Property" | 25 |
2.5.0+ |
$smwgToolboxBrowseLink | Sets whether the toolbox in the wiki's sidebar will show a link to special page special page "Browse" | true |
1.3.0+ |
$smwgTypePagingLimit | Sets the number of listings shown in Special:Types | 200 |
0.7+ |
$smwgURITypeSchemeList | Sets the permissive URI schemes for data values to properties of datatype URL and Annotation URI | see documentation | 3.0.0+ |
$smwgUseCategoryHierarchy | Sets whether elements of the subcategory hierarchy are considered as hierarchy elements in the annotation process | true |
1.5.0+ |
$smwgUseCategoryRedirect | Set whether redirects on categories should be detected and used as annotation value | true |
0.0.0 - 0.0.0 |
$smwgValueLookupCacheLifetime | Sets the cache lifetime of the value lookup cache until it is being invalidated | 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 |
2.3.0+ |
$smwgValueLookupFeatures | Sets which value lookup features should be served from value lookup cache | see documentation | 2.3.0+ |
$smwgAutocompleteInSpecialAsk | Sets whether the printout selection on special page "Ask"Provides an interface that assists users with creating and executing semantic queries should use autocompletion on property names | true |
1.5.2 - 2.5.8 |
$smwgCacheUsage | Sets how the caching behaviour or special pages related to Semantic MediaWiki is controlled | see documentation | 1.9.0+ |
$smwgLinksInValues | Sets whether internal links in values for properties of datatype "Text" may be stored within property values | false |
1.3.0+ |
$smwgRSSEnabled | Sets whether RSS is enabled or not | true |
1.0 - 1.7.1 |