
From semantic-mediawiki.org

Configuration parameter details:
Name $smwgQueryDependencyPropertyExemptionList
Description Sets special properties that should be exempted from embedded queries updates
Default setting See below
Software Semantic MediaWiki
Since version
Until version still available
Configuration Installation · Store settings · Experimental
Keyword sqlstore · query setting · query dependency · query management · experimental

$smwgQueryDependencyPropertyExemptionList is a configuration parameter that sets special properties that should be exempted from a query dependency update, i.e. that when an value change to a property value occurs query dependencies for the related entity are not recorded. It was introduced in Semantic MediaWiki 2.3.0Released on 29 October 2015 and compatible with MW 1.19.0 - 1.25.x. as configuration parameter $smwgPropertyDependencyDetectionBlacklist1 but was renamed in Semantic MediaWiki 2.4.0Released on 9 July 2016 and compatible with MW 1.19.0 - 1.27.x..2 It was further renamed from $smwgQueryDependencyPropertyExemptionlist with Semantic MediaWiki 2.5.1Released on 22 April 2017 and compatible with MW 1.23.0 - 1.29.x..3 The former configuration parameter name will be removed with the release of Semantic MediaWiki 3.1.0Released on 23 September 2019 and compatible with MW 1.31.0 - 1.33.x..4 At the same time this release also extended the setting to this configuration parameter by several further special properties.5

This configuration parameter only takes effect if the embedded query update feature was enabled and is considered experimental.

Default setting[edit]

$smwgQueryDependencyPropertyExemptionList = [ '_MDAT', '_SOBJ', '_ASKDU','_ASKDE', '_ASKSI', '_ASKFO', '_ASKST' ];

This means that by default the following special properties are not triggering a query dependency update:

  • Special property "Has subobject"Holds the subobjects set on a page − it will however not exclude any properties defined by a subobject given that it is not part of an extended exclusion list
  • Special property "Modification date"Holds a fixed value that corresponds to the date of the last modification of each page – to avoid a purge on each page edit

The following special properties are also exempted by default because changes to them should not trigger an update of possible query dependencies as this has no bearing on the result list:

Changing the default setting[edit]

To modify the setting to this configuration parameter, add one of the following lines to your "LocalSettings.php" file after the enableSemantics() call:

Disable query dependency updates on changes to special property "Is a new page"Holds a value marking a page as being new or not and special property "Last editor is"Holds the page name of the user who created the last page revision
$smwgQueryDependencyPropertyExemptionList = array_merge(
        $smwgQueryDependencyPropertyExemptionList, [
  • It is discouraged to remove one or all special properties set by default to this configuration parameter.
  • See the "propertyLabels" section of the respective internationalization file6 for a complete list of property keys and the special properties they stand for that have to be added to set changes to this configuration parameter. (→ Search for special properties by key)

See also[edit]


  1. ^  Semantic MediaWiki: GitHub pull request gh:smw:1135
  2. ^  Semantic MediaWiki: GitHub pull request gh:smw:1626
  3. ^  Semantic MediaWiki: GitHub pull request gh:smw:2364
  4. ^  Semantic MediaWiki: GitHub pull request gh:smw:2384
  5. ^  Semantic MediaWiki: GitHub commit gh:smw:3fff96b
  6. ^  Semantic MediaWiki: Source code quote for "propertyLabels"