Starting with smw I installed the latest proposed.
Sadly I'm still unable to finish properly the installation. To point °4
- Add a call to enableSemantics() to the end of the "LocalSettings.php" file. enableSemantics() takes in the domain name of the wiki
include_once("$IP/extensions/SemanticMediaWiki/SemanticMediaWiki.php"); enableSemantics('localhost');
or just (as "The calls require_once … must neither be added for Semantic MediaWiki nor for Validator since Composer loads the extensions automatically.")
are ineffective. The wiki isn't working with this in LocalSettings.php but work cleared from those lines.
I haven't any $smwgNamespaceIndex
I went to previous installation procedures and did not see any other instruction for this point. I checked other reference such as github or WOW - Wiki Aided Organization DraWing
the command:
php maintenance/update.php
PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function enableSemantics() in /etc/mediawiki/LocalSettings.php on line 147
I found a divergent advice here on sourceforge
got the error with th ";"; then tried with:
and got again
PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function enableSemantics() in /etc/mediawiki/LocalSettings.php on line 147
Single occurrence of "enable Semantics" in configuration help is at:
ls from /mediawiki returns
AdminSettings.php catch_it.png composer.lock config images includes install-utils.inc LocalSettings.php opensearch_desc.php redirect.php skins thumb.php vendor api.php composer.json composer.phar extensions img_auth.php index.php languages maintenance profileinfo.php redirect.phtml StartProfiler.php trackback.php wiki.phtml
and /extensions
README SemanticMediaWiki Validator
So I suppose it is indeed installed but not enabled.
Would you please consider putting a LocalSetting.php article wihtin this wiki or on GitHub to help installation? As done for SefaultSetting of mediawiki on GitHub
> Would you please consider putting a LocalSetting.php article wihtin this wiki or on GitHub to help installation? As done for SefaultSetting of mediawiki on GitHub
> include_once("$IP/extensions/SemanticMediaWiki/SemanticMediaWiki.php");
This line is not required in LocalSettings for SMW.
Please have a look at the video [0] which shows a vanilla MW/SMW installation from the start to the end.
Thanks MWjames,
The problem came from a different mediawiki version (oups didn't checked that). I installed through:
sudo apt-get install mediawiki
But the version on the repository was 1.15 and not 1.25.
The video did help as I realised this gap in version within the first few images "Download mediawiki 1.24.2". So thank you for pointing toward it. I didn't notice there was some in the "Help:Installation" page.
I take the liberty to add a "version checking " line in the steps describe. May it help those hasty and inattentive as I can sometime be.