Help:Slideshow format

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Slideshow format
Displays query results as a slideshow
Further Information
Provided by: Extension "Semantic Result Formats"
Added: 1.8.0
Removed: still supported
Requirements: JavaScript
Format name: slideshow
Enabled? Indicates whether the result format is enabled by default upon installation of the respective extension. yes
Authors: Stephan Gambke
Categories: media
Table of Contents

The result format slideshow, part of the Extension "Semantic Result Formats" extension, can be used to display the query result as a slideshow, i.e. showing one element of the result set then switching to the next automatically after a while. Be aware that this format only works on JavaScript enabled browsers.

Users of MediaWiki 1.26 and later need to update to version 2.4.2 and later of extension "Semantic Result Formats"Provides additional formats for semantic queries1 to be able to continue using this result format. A fix was required due to a formerly required dependency which was removed from MediaWiki.2



Parameter Type Default Description
source text empty Alternative query source
limit whole number 50 The maximum number of results to return
offset whole number 0 The offset of the first result
link text all Show values as links
sort list of texts empty Property to sort the query by
order list of texts empty Order of the query sort
headers text show Display the headers/property names
mainlabel text no The label to give to the main page name
intro text empty The text to display before the query results, if there are any
outro text empty The text to display after the query results, if there are any
searchlabel text ... further results Text for continuing the search
default text empty The text to display if there are no query results

Format specific[edit]

Parameter Type Default Description
template text empty ⧼smw_paramdesc_template⧽
class text empty Specify an additional cascading style sheet class
height text 100px Height
width text 200px Width
delay whole number 5 The delay between slides in seconds
nav controls yes/no no Show navigation controls or not
effect text none The effect to be used to switch from slide to slide

Available values for parameters:

  • effect: none, slide left, slide right, slide up, slide down, fade and hide


A query for this format could look like:

 |?Area#km²=Size in km²

 |template=Query output demo
 |nav controls=yes
 |effect=slide left




This extension was kindly sponsored by Prescient Software


There are issues integrating this result format on a wiki using the VisualEditor extension.34


  1. ^  Semantic Result Formats: GitHub issue gh:srf:137
  2. ^  Semantic MediaWiki: Gerrit commit phab:mw:5472c66d7831
  3. ^  Semantic MediaWiki: GitHub issue gh:smw:1055
  4. ^  Semantic MediaWiki: Phabricator task phab:mw:T76278