Sites using Semantic MediaWiki
Websites using Semantic MediaWiki
1914-1918-online. International Encyclopedia of the First World War
1914-1918-online – International Encyclopedia of the First World War is an English-language online reference work on World War One. Launched in October 2014, the multi-perspective, public-access encyclopedia is a collaborative project by the largest network of WW1 researchers worldwide, spanning more than 50 countries. 1914-1918-online features innovative navigation and search functions based on semantic wiki technology and will eventually contain more than 1,000 articles. SMW is used as an editing system in the backend within which we can connect all metadata added.
A Database of Turkic Runiform Inscriptions
This database aims to provide a comprehensive edition of all the known runiform inscriptions written by the Turkic peoples of Eurasia. The corpus aims at being comprehensive, uses a unified description model and notation system. The description of the inscriptions relies on already existing editions, both printed and on-line.
AIFB Web Portal
The AIFB Web Portal is the public web site of the Institute of Applied Informatics and Formal Description Methods (AIFB) at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. It uses Semantic MediaWiki to provide a highly customised Content Management System. The site provides content in two languages (German and English), and it offers rich views for browsing different kinds of data. The content of the AIFB Web Portal is regularly edited by most members of the institute, from secretary to professor, but it is not open for public editing.
A wiki in support of AIRLab, the Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Laboratory at the Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering of Politecnico di Milano.
AcaWiki is like "Wikipedia for academic research" - it is designed to collect summaries and literature reviews of peer-reviewed academic research, and make them available to the general public. There are currently some 600 summaries of academic papers on AcaWiki, covering economics, psychology, sociology, business and computer science, among other fields. AcaWiki is run by an organization, also called AcaWiki, which is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit registered in California, founded in 2009 with seed funding from the Hewlett Foundation.
"Aktanak is a repository of information of early stamp seals of the Middle East primarily focusing on Late Neolithic stamp seals. It was initially created to accompany the PhD of Simon Denham, an AHRC funded Collaborative Doctoral Award between the University of Manchester and The British Museum. The thesis was awarded in October 2013. It is the process of being updated to accompany the publication of "Late Neolithic and Early Chalcolithic Stamp Seals in the British Museum", also by Simon Denham and published by the British Museum Press. At present it covers 349 stamp seals and 166 other objects, mostly 'pendants' or sealings."
Austrian Public Sector Award
The Website of the Austrian Public Sector Award showcases entries, nominees and award winning projects of the public sector in Austria. The award is held every two years and organized by the Federal Ministry for Arts, Culture, the Civil Service and Sport (BMKÖS).
BASAbaliWiki is a Balinese-English-Indonesian reference dictionary wiki, created to provide resources to strengthen and promote the Balinese language, a minority language in Indonesia that is under stress from the forces of nationalization and globalization. Initially based on an unpublished dictionary written by Fred Eiseman, and already edited by a team of volunteers and professional linguists, the wiki is designed to develop and evolve along with the language. It can be used as a Balinese language reference tool as well as a translation dictionary with Indonesian and English. The wiki launched in Sept. 2014, with interfaces available in English, Balinese, and Indonesian.
Beachapedia is a wiki that captures decades of experience and knowledge gained by Surfrider Foundation activists, scientists and staff through hundreds of environmental and educational campaigns on our coasts. By sharing this resource with the public we hope to provide tools and information to help communities make a positive impact on their local beaches.
Biodiversity of India
A wiki run under the umbrella of Project Brahma, a not-for-profit initiative aimed to create awareness about biodiversity conservation and the domino effects of species loss in India and across the world.
Book Owners Online
Book Owners Online is a directory of historical book owners, with information about their libraries, and signposts to further sources. It currently has entries for over 2450 British owners from the 16th to the 18th centuries, and is being expanded.
Book Owners Online is authored by the book historian David Pearson, published by the UCL Centre for Editing Lives and Letters (CELL), and generously funded by the Bibliographical Society, the Marc Fitch Fund, and the Board of Electors to the James PR Lyell Readership in Bibliography at the University of Oxford's Bodleian Library.
CODECS: Online Database and e-Resources for Celtic Studies
CODECS is a collaborative web platform which draws heavily on data management technologies from Semantic MediaWiki and its spin-offs to accommodate resources for the benefit of scholars of Celtic studies worldwide. By far its most ambitious ongoing project is the *selgā catalogue, a research and teaching tool focusing on annotated descriptions of historical sources (texts and manuscripts) and bibliographic records, with well over 15,000 entries and counting. Also of special note is Tionscadal na Nod, which serves as an aid to interpreting abbreviations and other devices employed by scribes of vernacular Irish manuscripts.
CSA Central
The nature of the work performed at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) fosters an environment that tends toward the forming of compartmentalized project groups who may interact little with other employees/groups. The internal CSA Central site was created to help address this issue by fostering better networking and information sharing between the various groups and individuals that comprise the Computational & Statistical Analytics (CSA) division at PNNL. Within the CSA division at PNNL there are six groups totaling approximately 265 employees. These employees are comprised primarily of Scientists, Engineers, Researchers, Developers, Specialists, Managers, Administrators, and Interns. Nearly two-thirds of these division employees are now active on the CSA Central site to varying degrees.
Creative Commons Wiki
“The purpose of this wiki is to help you learn more about CC and give you a chance to collaborate with us. CC relies on its community of users to keep it strong, so now is your chance to get involved!”
David Shaw: Bibliography of editions of the Satires of Juvenal published in Europe up to the year 1600
The Satires of Juvenal (Decimus Iunius Iuvenalis, 55? A.D. – 138? A.D.) were a constant part of the reading matter of the European Renaissance and were regularly studied in schools and colleges, especially in the sixteenth century, even if they were less popular than the poems of Vergil or the comedies of Terence.
This educational need was facilitated by the newly emergent printing industry. The earliest recorded printed edition of Juvenal was produced in 1468 or 1469, probably in Rome. By the end of the sixteenth century, at least 206 editions of the full text, selections, commentaries and translations of Juvenal had been produced for sale in 43 towns in 9 (modern) countries across Europe.
This wiki presents entries for these editions, many with images and links to digitised copies. Each entry includes a link to a PDF file with a traditional bibliographical description of the edition. A full census of surviving copies is given; please report any further copies for addition to the wiki.
The wiki has been implemented using MediaWiki software. This facilitates automated indexing by a multiplicity of categories, e.g. printers, booksellers, towns, commentators, libraries, formats and much more. The original version used Semantic MediaWiki but was discontinued when its host site went out of existence.
Dokit is a Semantic MediaWiki based platform for creating, publishing, sharing visual step-by-step instructions and user guides. Dokit aims to be a powerful tool for companies that need to implement standard procedures and share product manuals. It enables companies to share their digital documentation within and outside the organization in order to facilitate the transmission of knowledge.
Domotiki aims to bring together all the knowledge and information in the field of automation for including hardware, software, protocols, dealers, installers and builders. A typical page on domotiki describe hardware, software or professional activities (constructors, vendors, or installators).
Durham Priory
This site collects information relevant to the Benedictine priory at Durham up until the dissolution of the monasteries (after which it was re-founded as Durham Cathedral).
“The project uses a variety of readily available web technologies to present the text and image content. This website uses a combination of WordPress and Semantic Mediawiki for the text content and IIIF compliant imagery. The website uses WordPress for the basic content about the project. The blogging facility allows for updating on project progress, especially for announcing as each digitised manuscript becomes available online. These announcements are then enrolled on the Digitised Priory books page. The website also uses Semantic Mediawiki to record more structured information about the Priory Library, from descriptions of the manuscripts and interpretation of their content to background details of the individuals, institutions and buildings who built and ran the Priory.”
EVA Wiki
The EVA Wiki is a private wiki used to support operations of the International Space Station at NASA Johnson Space Center. It was created in 2011 to solve the Extravehicular Activity (EVA) group’s knowledge management problem. What started as a side-project quickly grew into the primarily means of recording EVA-related information, and has since spread to several other groups within Flight Operations.
Einband-Wiki. Eine Plattform zur Einbandforschung
A wiki that uses SMW for research on book bindings. Descriptions and images are catalogued.
Entropia Planets
This wiki is about the online virtual universe called Entropia Universe, which consists of multiple virtual planets each with their own theme and managed and developed by different companies. Currently there are 5 planets that are 'live' .
EyeWiki, the Eye Encyclopedia written by Eye Physicians & Surgeons is a single site where ophthalmologists, other physicians, patients and the public can view an eye encyclopedia of content written by ophthalmologists covering the vast spectrum of eye disease, diagnosis and treatment in the field of ophthalmology.
Fontes Inediti Numismaticae Antiquae (FINA) aims at collecting, reading, studying and publishing unprinted textual evidence related to ancient coins created before 1800. In addition to the great amount of new information on numismatic topics that FINA provides, the project proves also important in a broader perspective as it adds information for reconstructing the history of ideas within each scholarly social network, documented here in the FINA Wiki.
Collection of digital sources for the early history of the German professional and scientific languages
Familypedia is a free-to-use public website for genealogy and family history, started in 2004 and hosted by Wikia. It began using Semantic MediaWiki in 2009.
Fandata is a large bibliographical database that provides information about fantastic literature (science fiction, fantasy and horror) published in the Dutch language, including original works as well as translations. It uses SMW with Elasticsearch as a query engine.
Folgerpedia is the Folger Shakespeare Library's collaboratively-edited encyclopedia of all things "Folger." Articles address each topic as it relates to the Folger and the Folger collection. Folgerpedia began in 2014.
Free Software Directory
The Free Software Directory is a catalog of useful free software that can run under free operating systems. It is hosted by the Free Software Foundation, and maintained by FSF staff and volunteers, who work together to collect detailed information about free software programs and organize it in a clear and accessible format.
Frühe Texte der Holocaust- und Lagerliteratur 1933 bis 1949
The aim of this project is to record the early texts of the German-language Holocaust and camp literature from 1933 to 1949 in an online database. In doing so, these early texts, which were largely superseded by cultural and collective memory, can be rediscovered and made accessible for public, scientific and didactic perception. In addition to content summaries, autobiographies and lists of publications are also provided if such information is available.
Funtoo Linux
A wiki about Funtoo Linux, a Linux-based operating system that is a variant of Gentoo Linux and run by Daniel Robbins. The wiki used to use Semantic MediaWiki for its official home page, documentation, tutorials, and package pages, but has moved to Cargo instead.
GEMMA-online is a semantic wiki used for publishing the Dutch municipalities reference architecture ('GEMMA') and related knowledge such as data exchange standards, workgroup proceedings, and API information. The wiki is maintained by the Dutch municipalities organisation VNG. The wiki was created on May 23rd, 2013. is a wiki-based project to create a free, "complete plant and garden wiki encyclopedia." There are over nearly 20,000 articles on the site, and a plant search box. is a "reference database with botany basics, cultivation, propagation, plant maintenance, glossary of botanical names and glossary of gardening terms".
Graz Wiki
Graz Wiki is a wiki that attempts to document the unique architectural heritage of the city of Graz, the second largest city in Austria. The project is part of the Graz initiative "SOKO Altstadt" ("old town social cooperative"), which aims to preserve the city' architectural landmarks.
Gregorian Archives Texts Editing
GATE is a project developed by the Historical Archives of the Pontifical Gregorian University (APUG) to make its holdings freely available on the web. Everybody can read the documents and browse their digitalization. In addition, GATE provides a collaborative enviroment where scholars from all over the world can give their contribution to the transcription, edition and annotation of the documents preserved by APUG.
HelioWiki is an SMW-based intranet wiki for Heliocentris' Quality Management System (QMS). Since 2011, the Heliocentris QMS is powered by semantic::bpm, a SMW-based QMS developed by GmbH & Co. KG.
Historisches Lexikon Bayerns
Das Historische Lexikon Bayerns ist ein ausschließlich online erscheinendes Sachlexikon zur bayerischen Geschichte. Allen an der Geschichte Bayerns Interessierten bietet es Informationen auf dem aktuellen Stand der Forschung.
Das Lexikon entsteht als zentrales wissenschaftliches Nachschlagewerk zu allen Fragen der bayerischen Geschichte von den Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart.
(Wikidata: Q431738)
Interlinking Pictura
Interlinking Pictura, a DIPF (Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education) project, presents selected content from pictura paedagogica online, an image archive about the history of education. Images and texts (e.g. from the german children's illustrated encyclopedia "Bilderbuch für Kinder") are annotated and linked to Wikidata entries in a crowdsourcing project.
International Center for Computational Logic
The International Center for Computational Logic is an interdisciplinary center of teaching and research in the field of computational logic, founded in October 2003 at Technische Universität Dresden in Germany. Its homepage is a Semantic MediaWiki-based wiki and has been in existence since October 2014.
Kamigraphie: Zur Ikonographie und Ikonologie japanischer Gottheiten
“Kamigraphie ist ein Wiki-Projekt von Studierenden für Studierende, das im Rahmen universitärer Lehrveranstaltungen erarbeitet wird. Der Projekttitel setzt sich aus zwei Teilen zusammen, „Kami“ und „Graphie“. Kami 神 ist ein japanisches Wort, das in etwa mit „Gottheit“ übersetzt werden kann. Im engeren Sinne bezeichnet Kami die Gottheiten des Shinto (wtl. „Weg der Kami“, die einheimische Religion Japans). Wie man sich diese Gottheiten genau vorzustellen hat, ist keineswegs einfach zu bestimmen und im übrigen auch historischen Veränderungen unterworfen. Ziel dieses Projekts ist es daher, Inhalt und Bedeutungsumfang des Begriffs Kami genauer abzustecken. Graphie impliziert sowohl Gezeichnetes und Gemaltes (Bildquellen) als auch Erzähltes (im Sinne von Historiographie). Je nach Thema und Quellenlage wird in manchen Fällen mehr auf visuelle, in anderen mehr auf textliche Quellen zurückgegriffen.”
KnowIt is a private wiki developed by Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceutical Research & Development, L.L.C to explore the use of Semantic MediaWiki as a knowledge sharing and semantic data integration tool.
LINKS Community Center
“A key objective of the LINKS project is to build a sustainable, multidisciplinary, stakeholder community consisting of different actors from different countries, professions and schools of thought but all interested in the field of social media and crowdsourcing (SMCS) in disasters. An important tool for this community is the LINKS Community Center (LCC) as it will be the technical foundation for the online community.
The LCC brings together the different stakeholders of the LINKS Community in one user-friendly and flexible web-based platform and enables them to exchange knowledge and experiences and to access, discuss and assess knowledge on the usage of SMCS in disasters.”
LISTedTECH is a portal into the world of educational technology data in higher education. In essence, it is a wiki of educational companies, products, and institutions that anyone can edit. Its main goal is to assist higher-ed institutions in getting the hard data on educational products and companies used by specific institutions.
Lexicon Leponticum (LexLep)
"Lexicon Leponticum (LexLep) is a web-based, interactive platform based on the MediaWiki open source application. The aim of LexLep is to set up an interactive online etymological dictionary of the Lepontic and Cisalpine Gaulish language that is freely accessible for all users. In addition to information about linguistic and etymological features of the Lepontic language, it includes substantial data about the epigraphic, archaeological and historical context of the inscriptions as well.
LexLep is a living lexicon comparably to other Wikis. Its content will constantly grow and be revised. In its current state LexLep is a valuable and innovative resource in Celtic historical linguistics; it must, however, be remembered that it is not a final, finished edition. "
The LibrePlanet Project is a global network of free software activists and teams working together to help further the ideals of software freedom by advocating and contributing to free software. ... The LibrePlanet wiki contains information about the free software movement; threats to the freedom of computer users, such as Digital Restrictions Management (DRM); and advocacy materials for free software activists. Additionally, the FSF uses the LibrePlanet wiki to publish internal meeting notes in an effort to improve transparency and accountability. The LibrePlanet wiki also serves as the basis for organizing our yearly LibrePlanet conference, coordinating grassroots campaigns work with volunteers and free software activists, and organizing local LibrePlanet chapters.
Living Poets
The aim of this project is to develop a new approach to classical poetry, based on how listeners and readers imagined the Greek and Roman poets. From antiquity to the present, people have produced a vast range of narrative and visual representations of the ancient poets, drawing from three main sources: their understanding of classical poetry, other representations, and their own personal, lived experience. The main contention of this project is that representations of the ancient poets tell us something crucial – not about the actual poets of Greece and Rome, but about their readers. Classical poetry has been transmitted for over two millennia: this project focuses on the people who recognised its value, ensured its survival, and reconfigured its relevance for their particular contexts. These people often had a powerful sense of the poets’ presence: they saw the ancient poets in dreams, had imaginary conversations with them, made fun of them, wrote biographies and anecdotes, produced portraits, and visited the places where they were supposed to have lived and died. An analysis of how readers imagined the Greek and Roman poets offers a powerful means of investigating the shifting social and cultural value of classical poetry from antiquity to the present. The project is directed by Prof. Barbara Graziosi and funded by the European Research Council.
MarineLives is a collaborative volunteer driven project. The project started as a spinoff from a National Archives hackathon in early 2012. We are exploring lives touched by the marine world between 1540 and 1690. Commerce, materials, language and correspondence.
Narragonien digital
KALLIMACHOS project aimed at providing a digital edition of the German satire Das Narrenschiff (English: Ship of Fools).
Natural History of Southeast Alaska
A Semantic MediaWiki site created to serve as a comprehensive resource for subjects related to the natural history of Southeast Alaska. In practice, this includes links to other more general internet resources (including observation databases) and compilation within the wiki of other information, both from published print resources as well as unpublished or oral accounts from experienced naturalists in the region. It is hoped that the wiki will serve both scientists working in the field as well as amateurs interested in learning and sharing more about some aspect(s) of natural history in Southeast Alaska.
Nihon Ryo
“Nihon Ryo-Wiki ist eine Materialsammlung zu den ältesten buddhistischen Legenden Japans, die im Nihon ryōiki („Wundersame Begebenheiten aus Japan“, um 800) zusammengestellt sind. Der Grundstock dieses Projektes wurde im Rahmen der Lehrveranstaltung „Nihon ryōiki: Der Beginn der buddhistischen Erzähltradition in Japan“ (WS 2010/11) von Studierenden am Ostasieninstitut der Universität Wien, Abteilung Japanologie, erstellt.”
Now Music Wiki
Now Music Wiki is an ambitious project that aims to meticulously document every single track and artist featured on the iconic "Now That's What I Call Music" albums. As a treasure trove for music enthusiasts, this digital compendium strives to be the ultimate go-to resource for anyone seeking to explore the rich tapestry of popular music from various eras.
OGD Cockpit
OGD Cockpit (Open Government Data Cockpit) is a demonstration site meant to showcase the potential of Semantic MediaWiki in supporting a collaborative effort of interactively putting together a data catalog inside public administrations. The cities of Bonn and Cologne (Germany) and Linz (Austria) have Open Government Data Initiatives, but they lack the tools to set up an internal data catalog. The current standard is CKAN for an OGD portal, but CKAN lacks the features needed to allow for easy front end data collection, discussing data quality and planning release stages. In order to put this "proof on concept" into reality, a way of pushing data from SMW to CKAN will be needed, but this can be discussed later on.
One Laptop per Child
One Laptop per Child (OLPC) Wiki focuses on children's education, access to networks of collaboration, and access to knowledge in every region, in the local language, and for every age range and subject matter. One Laptop per Child spreads the power of education by equipping children in rural parts of developing countries with connected laptops.
OpenEI is a web-based system that enables widespread sharing of energy information, including data, tools, models, and other digital resources. It was launched by the United States Department of Energy on December 9, 2009. It has subsequently been named as a "flagship initiative" in the Department's Open Government Initiative plan, and has been listed as a "featured innovation" on Several high-profile individuals have commented on OpenEI, including Dr. Steven Chu, Tim Berners-Lee, and Tim O'Reilly.
OpenSemanticLab Demo
A wiki created for the purpose of demonstrating the capabilities of Open Semantic Lab (OSL), “a holistic web platform that can capture all data and ideas and link them precisely (semantically/ontology-based) - no matter if it' s inventory (LIMS), lab notes (ELN), procedures (SOPs) or research (KB). Each piece of information can also be machine-read, blockchain-signed and written to automatically transfer (Lab 4.0) and analyze (AI) measurement data.”
Opera Camerarii
Opera Camerarii is a project of the Digital Humanities Center at the University of Würzburg which offers collections of all printed publications and letters of Joachim Camerarius (1500-1574).
Our Brant
Our Brant is a local-history wiki created by the County of Brant Public Library, meant to make it as easy as possible for local residents to collaborate on historical information about the County of Brant, Ontario, and to share memories about the past. The site was created as a response to the lack of a centralized online resource for collaboration on local history topics in the County. It targets local historians and genealogists as users, and is advertised on the Library's websites and through its physical branches.
Personenlexika von Baader und Lipowsky
Die Lexika von Baader und Lipowsky sind historische Nachschlagewerke, die Anfang des 19. Jahrhunderts erschienen sind und Biographien bedeutender Persönlichkeiten verzeichnen. Zur Personenrecherche wurden diese Lexika vollständig gescannt und jeder Personeneintrag im Volltext in der ursprünglichen Form ohne redaktionelle Korrekturen erfasst. Zusätzlich besteht die Möglichkeit, sich den Scan der zugehörigen Seite anzeigen zu lassen.
A presentation of luxury bindings in the collection of the Bavarian State Library.
Practical Plants
Practical Plants was a collaboratively edited plant encyclopedia covering the subject of plants cultivated for practical purposes, with a strong bias towards organic agriculture and sustainability. It was featured as Wiki of the Month in August 2013. While further work on the site appears to have been abandoned today, an archived version of the site is still available.
Religion in Japan: ein Handbuch
“Wie kommt es, dass in Japan zwei Religionen, Buddhismus und Shintō, seit Jahrhunderten konfliktfrei koexistieren? Wo liegen ihre Unterschiede? Oder gibt es im Grunde nur eine shintō-buddhistische Religion? Dieses digitale Handbuch nähert sich derartigen Fragen aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven. Es bietet einen Einstieg in die gelebte Praxis, die Geschichte und das wechselseitige Ineinandergreifen von Buddhismus und Shintō, enthält aber auch darüber hinaus gehende Informationen über japanische „Religion“ im weitesten Sinne. Es richtet sich dabei sowohl an Japan-Kenner als auch an Japan-Interessierte, die grundsätzlich mehr über Japan erfahren wollen.”
A database of empirical studies (so far mainly in economics), the availability of replication material for them and of replication studies. It can help teaching replication to students. Seminars at several faculties internationally were already taught for which the information of this database was used. In the starting phase the focus was on some leading journals in economics. Replication results can be published as replication working papers of the University of Göttingen's Center for Statistics.
RopeWiki is a Semantic MediaWiki-based site containing information about technical, rope-based outdoor recreation, particularly canyoneering.
SILVER ERC, led by Francis Albarède (ENS-Lyon)[...] aims to study the flow of silver in the ancient world in a doubly innovative way. On the one hand, by studying the isotopic compositions of both coins and ores; on the other, by working on lead and silver isotopes. [...]The SILVER website [focuses] on two types of numismatic data: die-studies and overstrikes (surfrappes, Überprägungen, riconazioni), with the aim of gaining a better understanding of the production and circulation of money in the Mediterranean basin in the broadest sense. It brings together and makes accessible two databases launched by François de Callataÿ more than 25 years ”
SKYbrary is a web-based single point of reference for aviation safety knowledge. It is also a common entry point, that enables users to access the safety data made available on the websites of various aviation organisations - regulators, service providers, industry. It is run by the European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation, or EUROCONTROL.
SNPedia is a Semantic MediaWiki-based wiki investigating human genetics. We keep track of all of the scientific literature known about each position in the human genome, otherwise known as a Single Nucleotide Polymorphism or SNP. (SNP is pronounced "snip"; thus SNPedia is pronounced "snipedia".) SNPedia is used by scientists ([PMID 22140107]), and has become a standard reference taught in schools. We also serve an audience of regular folks who have had their DNA tested by companies such as or They can use the site to look into their raw data, and better understand what diseases are more likely, or to which medicines they may have a bad reaction.
A wiki that holds information about museums, libraries, archives and kominkans (community centers) (MLAK) in Japan stricken by the 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami. The site gathers information on the damage done to those facilities in the disaster area, and publishes requests for assistance from the victims. It is also part of a larger project, also called saveMLAK, that includes efforts in other social media like Google Groups and Twitter.
Semantic CorA
Semantic Collaborative Corpora Analysis (Semantic CorA) is a virtual research environment developed (VRE) by KIT and DIPF. It provides a modular plattform of tools for collaborative analysis of large amounts of data. See this page for projects Semantic CorA is used for. See here for an overview of the extensions used and developed during the project.
Seven Sages of Rome Database
Database of narratives belonging to the collection known as the Seven Sages of Rome. As of January 2025, it is still work in progress.
A Wiki-hostiad wiki for the community of players and other fans of the video game Spore. Spore is a so-called "god game", first released in 2008, that lets players develop and control a species through its evolution from a microscopic organism all the way to an advanced creature that can build and pilot spacecraft. Spore was developed by the game company Maxis and designed by Will Wright, best known as the creator of the Sims video game series.
Säsongsmat is a guide to produce and recipes by season. It also works as a repository for data about fruit tree in public spaces, used at e.g. and in mobile apps. Säsongsmat's focus is sharing food recipes as well as offering ecological, economical and nutritional information about the each ingredient in the recipe (i.e. when they are available without having been transported around the globe or produced in heated green houses). This wiki is in Swedish only, and is intended for a Scandinavian audience, but it could easily be translated and expanded geographically if people elsewhere are interested.
THESPIS.DIGITAL is a research project building a digital archive about German-speaking theatre groups in the 17th and 18th centuries.
The Aquarium Wiki
The Aquarium Wiki is a collaborative location to find and share information related to aquarium life, as well as reviews of products, companies, and clubs listings across the world.
The Traditional Tune Archive
The Traditional Tune Archive is a web-based information storing and retrieval tool dedicated to instrumental music of the past 300 years traditionally used for dancing in Ireland, Great Britain, and North America. It is a semantic system in which the meanings (semantics) of information are organized in a way that makes it possible for the web to “understand” and satisfy the requests of people and machines to use the content. Thus, the aim is to allow the semantics of traditional music pieces — their properties, historical information and musicological traits, commentaries, etc. — to be employed in an improved data structure that allows for myriad research possibilities.
De Theaterencyclopedie omvat informatie over alle podiumkunsten (m.u.v. muziek): toneel, dans, opera, muziektheater, musical, mime, cabaret, jeugdtheater, poppentheater, revue, show, variété, illusionisme en circus.
Thesaurus Inscriptionum Raeticarum (TIR)
"Thesaurus Inscriptionum Raeticarum (TIR) is an online edition of the Raetic inscriptions in the form of an interactive online platform of the MediaWiki type. It was created during an FWF-funded research project (no. P 25495) conducted at the Department for Linguistics of the University of Vienna. Funding ran from 24th June 2013 until 23rd June 2016. [...] The aim of the TIR project was a comprehensive collection, display and linguistic analysis of the inscriptions which are considered part of the Raetic corpus. The project therefore comprised the following tasks:
- Collecting all Raetic inscriptions hitherto known, including those of doubtful status.
- Examining the original inscriptions, and documenting them, including photos, drawings and photogrammetry.
- Collecting and examining the secondary literature concerning both the individual inscriptions, and Raetic language and script, archaeology, and history in general.
- Creating a database and online interactive platform capable of displaying the inscriptions in an online corpus, with all aspects of the inscriptions (linguistic, archaeological, and graphematic data) documented exhaustively."
Tijdbalk Amersfoort
Tijdbalk Amersfoort (English: Timeline Amersfoort) is a wiki showing a timeline of the Dutch city of Amersfoort. De site is owned and maintained by the local historical society.
Traditio (also Традиция, "tradition") is a free Russian semantic wiki. A comprehensive encyclopedic network project that exists for the creation, collection and organization of knowledge in the interests of the Russian nation.
Transcribe Bentham
The Transcription Desk is the heart of a major online initiative to transcribe the manuscripts of the English philosopher Jeremy Bentham. It is managed by the Bentham Project at University College London. The project is in the process of moving from MediaWiki to Transkribus.
Tyrolis Latina
Von der umfangreichen Produktion lateinischer Texte, die auf dem Gebiet des historischen Tirol (heutiges Bundesland Tirol, Südtirol und Trentino) seit dem frühen Mittelalter bis ins 21. Jahrhundert entstanden sind, hat sich in den Bibliotheken und Archiven von Klöstern, Schulen, Universitäten, Städten und anderer Institutionen eine beträchtliche Zahl an Handschriften und Drucken erhalten. In den Jahren 2002 bis 2009 wurde diese Literatur in einem vom Österreichischen Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung finanzierten Projekt unter der wissenschaftlichen Leitung von Karl-Heinz Töchterle systematisch erschlossen.
Das Ergebnis des Durchforstens der wichtigeren Bibliotheken und Archive Tirols war eine umfangreiche Datenbank mit mehr als 7000 Werk- und rund 2500 Autoreneinträgen. Von dieser großen Zahl konnte naturgemäß nur eine kleine Auswahl in die schließlich 2012 bei Böhlau unter dem Titel Tyrolis Latina (hrsg. von Martin Korenjak, Florian Schaffenrath, Lav Šubarić und Karlheinz Töchterle) erschienenen Literaturgeschichte der lateinischen Literatur in Tirol aufgenommen werden. In vorliegendem Wiki soll der Schatz der im Hintergrund der Tyrolis Latina angelegten Datenbank in vollem Umfang der Öffentlichkeit in aufbereiteter Form zugänglich gemacht werden.
The website is a German-language wiki that aims to provide a platform for knowledge about cooperation in public administration (the meaning of "verwaltungskooperation"). The wiki focuses mainly on documenting projects, people related to these projects, topics related to these projects, institutions, literature and further resources, mostly around Austria and Germany. The content structure makes it easy for users to grasp the essential project information at a glance. Links to pages for topics, project partners, and contact persons encourage further exploration of the wiki, and external links to projects' websites invites readers to go into further detail.
Vienna History Wiki
The Vienna History Wiki ("Wien Geschichte Wiki") is an encyclopedic wiki about the history of the City of Vienna in Austria. Built by the Municipal and Provincial Archives of Vienna (MA8)] and the Vienna City Library (MA 9), it serves a geo-referenced knowledge platform aiming at combining knowledge from the city administration with those of external experts. The website incorporates content from the Historisches Lexikon Wien and contains many entries about persons, buildings, topographical objects (streets, parks, waters, districts...), organisations, events and other items (such as special German expressions used in Vienna).
Wiki Law School
Wiki Law School is a knowledge base that was primary developed for law students, but it can also be helpful to anyone who is interested in learning about the law.
WikiApiary gathers statistics and usage information about 5,500+ MediaWiki installations with more being added each day. The site is currently being revived.
WikiParques is a Semantic MediaWiki site that lets citizens share their knowledge about, explore and discuss the national parks and protected areas of Brazil. The wiki is entirely in Portuguese.
A wiki guide to Star Trek in Italian, using both Wikibase and Semantic MediaWiki.
Wiltshire Parent Carer Council
WPCC is a voluntary organisation, run by parent carers for parent carers. They offer a specialist consultation and participation service that gives parents a voice about the services and support their children and families receive.
ZweiDat (Datenbank sprachlicher Zweifelsfälle)
Kallimachos project presenting cases of linguistic ambiguities in early German language. "Hier finden Sie die Würzburger Datenbank sprachlicher Zweifelsfälle (ZweiDat). In diesem Portal werden maßgebliche Quellentexte erfasst, die sich mit sprachlichen Zweifelsfällen und vergleichbaren Normproblemen beschäftigen. Es handelt sich dabei nicht um sprachwissenschaftliche Texte im engeren Sinn, sondern um normierende Texte, die als Bestandteile des neuhochdeutschen Sprachkodex gelten können. Damit wird ein einfacher Zugang zu demjenigen Textkorpus geschaffen, das bei der Entstehung, Bewertung und Normierung der neuhochdeutschen Standardsprache eine wesentliche Rolle spielt(e). Die Texte, die hier systematisch und im Zusammenhang zugänglich gemacht werden, zeigen für die jüngere Geschichte des Deutschen, was nach Ansicht viel gelesener Autoren als "gutes" und "richtiges" Deutsch (Standarddeutsch) gelten soll."
See also[edit]
- Digital humanities – A specially curated list of semantic wikis in the digital humanities
- Testimonials – Read endorsements from professionals
- Wiki of the Month – Websites featured as Wiki of the Month (2010–2015)
- WikiApiary (external) – A more extensive list of public websites running Semantic MediaWiki can be obtained from the WikiApiary website. The site has been having difficulties for some time but is in the process of being revived.
- Add an SMW website - Have an interesting wiki to show to the community? One that uses Semantic MediaWiki? You are welcome to add it to the site.
- Wikis that are defunct or that have moved away from MediaWiki – not included above.