Sites using Semantic MediaWiki


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Websites using Semantic MediaWiki

A variety of websites and projects using Semantic MediaWiki are collected on this website to showcase the many strengths of the software and its creative uses in a diversity of fields. The list is not intended to be exhaustive but represents selections made by the community, including websites that have previously been featured as Wiki of the Month, an initiative which ran from 2010 to 2015, and wikis of interest to digital humanities. Know of an interesting semantic wiki that should be included here? Feel free to add it yourself.

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A Database of Turkic Runiform Inscriptions

This database aims to provide a comprehensive edition of all the known runiform inscriptions written by the Turkic peoples of Eurasia. The corpus aims at being comprehensive, uses a unified description model and notation system. The description of the inscriptions relies on already existing editions, both printed and on-line.

Lexicon Leponticum (LexLep)

"Lexicon Leponticum (LexLep) is a web-based, interactive platform based on the MediaWiki open source application. The aim of LexLep is to set up an interactive online etymological dictionary of the Lepontic and Cisalpine Gaulish language that is freely accessible for all users. In addition to information about linguistic and etymological features of the Lepontic language, it includes substantial data about the epigraphic, archaeological and historical context of the inscriptions as well.

LexLep is a living lexicon comparably to other Wikis. Its content will constantly grow and be revised. In its current state LexLep is a valuable and innovative resource in Celtic historical linguistics; it must, however, be remembered that it is not a final, finished edition. "

Thesaurus Inscriptionum Raeticarum (TIR)

"Thesaurus Inscriptionum Raeticarum (TIR) is an online edition of the Raetic inscriptions in the form of an interactive online platform of the MediaWiki type. It was created during an FWF-funded research project (no. P 25495) conducted at the Department for Linguistics of the University of Vienna. Funding ran from 24th June 2013 until 23rd June 2016. [...] The aim of the TIR project was a comprehensive collection, display and linguistic analysis of the inscriptions which are considered part of the Raetic corpus. The project therefore comprised the following tasks:

  • Collecting all Raetic inscriptions hitherto known, including those of doubtful status.
  • Examining the original inscriptions, and documenting them, including photos, drawings and photogrammetry.
  • Collecting and examining the secondary literature concerning both the individual inscriptions, and Raetic language and script, archaeology, and history in general.
  • Creating a database and online interactive platform capable of displaying the inscriptions in an online corpus, with all aspects of the inscriptions (linguistic, archaeological, and graphematic data) documented exhaustively."

See also[edit]

  • Digital humanities – A specially curated list of semantic wikis in the digital humanities
  • Testimonials – Read endorsements from professionals
  • Wiki of the Month – Websites featured as Wiki of the Month (2010–2015)
  • WikiApiary (external) – A more extensive list of public websites running Semantic MediaWiki can be obtained from the WikiApiary website. The site has been having difficulties for some time but is in the process of being revived.
  • Add an SMW website - Have an interesting wiki to show to the community? One that uses Semantic MediaWiki? You are welcome to add it to the site.
  • Wikis that are defunct or that have moved away from MediaWiki – not included above.