Sites using Semantic MediaWiki
Websites using Semantic MediaWiki
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Interlinking Pictura
Interlinking Pictura, a DIPF (Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education) project, presents selected content from pictura paedagogica online, an image archive about the history of education. Images and texts (e.g. from the german children's illustrated encyclopedia "Bilderbuch für Kinder") are annotated and linked to Wikidata entries in a crowdsourcing project.
LINKS Community Center
“A key objective of the LINKS project is to build a sustainable, multidisciplinary, stakeholder community consisting of different actors from different countries, professions and schools of thought but all interested in the field of social media and crowdsourcing (SMCS) in disasters. An important tool for this community is the LINKS Community Center (LCC) as it will be the technical foundation for the online community.
The LCC brings together the different stakeholders of the LINKS Community in one user-friendly and flexible web-based platform and enables them to exchange knowledge and experiences and to access, discuss and assess knowledge on the usage of SMCS in disasters.”
Transcribe Bentham
The Transcription Desk is the heart of a major online initiative to transcribe the manuscripts of the English philosopher Jeremy Bentham. It is managed by the Bentham Project at University College London. The project is in the process of moving from MediaWiki to Transkribus.
See also[edit]
- Digital humanities – A specially curated list of semantic wikis in the digital humanities
- Testimonials – Read endorsements from professionals
- Wiki of the Month – Websites featured as Wiki of the Month (2010–2015)
- WikiApiary (external) – A more extensive list of public websites running Semantic MediaWiki can be obtained from the WikiApiary website. The site has been having difficulties for some time but is in the process of being revived.
- Add an SMW website - Have an interesting wiki to show to the community? One that uses Semantic MediaWiki? You are welcome to add it to the site.
- Wikis that are defunct or that have moved away from MediaWiki – not included above.