Semantic MediaWiki 3.0.0 released/nl

Semantic MediaWiki 3.0.0 releasedSemantic MediaWiki 3.0.0 released/nl
This page is a translated version of the page Semantic MediaWiki 3.0.0 released and the translation is 25% complete.


Semantic MediaWiki 3.0 (SMW 3.0.0), the next feature version after 2.5 has now been released.

This new version brings many enhancements and new features such as most notably the reworked "list" and "template" formats, many user interface changes mostly for special pages, extended query syntax (conditions, markers, printouts), grouping of properties, the property create protection feature and new API modules ("smwbrowse" and "smwtask"). ElasticStore was added as a new query backend and not to forget special page "SemanticMediaWiki" was further extended and improved.

Zie ook de versiepagina voor informatie over meer verbeteringen en nieuwe snufjes. Additionally this version fixes a lot of bugs and brings stability and performance improvements. Automated software testing was again further expanded to assure software stability. Lees alstublieft de hulppagina's op installeren of opwaarderen Semantic MediaWiki voor nauwkeurige aanwijzige hoe dit aan te pakken.