opensemanticlab - smw for science and r&d

< SMWCon Fall 2022
SMWCon Fall 2022OpenSemanticLab - SMW for Science and R&D

SMWCon Fall 2022
OpenSemanticLab - SMW for Science and R&D
Talk details
Description: Open Semantic Lab is a SMW-based holistic web platform that can capture all data and ideas and link them precisely (semantically/ontology-based) - no matter if it' s inventory (LIMS), lab notes (ELN), procedures (SOPs) or research (KB). Each piece of information can also be machine-read, blockchain-signed and written to automatically transfer (Lab 4.0) and analyze (AI) measurement data. As an open system, Open Semantic Lab can be easily adapted with little to none programming knowledge without losing the uniform structure. In this way, we can contribute to everyone's knowledge individually and yet in a standardized way.
Speaker(s): Simon Stier
Type: Talk
Audience: Everyone
Event start: 2022/10/27 10:30:00
Event finish: 2022/10/27 11:00:00
Length: 30 minutes
Video: click here
Keywords: data modelling, enterprise knowledge management, open science, research, smw, smw extension, use case
More on the website: OpenSemanticLab Demo
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In science and technology, complex relationships exist between the properties of products and their composition and processing. For this reason, digital transformation and acceleration in this domain represents a particularly big challenge. Although it is generally agreed that data must be linked together by means of semantics and ontologies to form holistic data spaces, there is still a lack of suitable tools for integrating the necessary structures into the everyday work of scientists and engineers. Open Semantic Lab offers a holistic approach to address this deficiency: A SMW-based interactive web platform that can capture all our data and ideas and link them precisely - no matter if it' s inventory (LIMS), lab notes (ELN), procedures (SOP) or general knowledge. Each piece of information can also be machine-read, blockchain-signed and written to automatically transfer (Lab 4.0) and analyse (AI) measurement data. As an open (source) system, Open Semantic Lab can be easily adapted without programming knowledge without losing the uniform structure. In this way, we can contribute to everyone's knowledge individually and yet in a standardized way.

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