SMWCon Fall 2013/Hands-on session. Programming MediaWiki extension/Linux setup
If you have linux machine you have to install the following:
- Apache
- set up MediaWiki on that
There are good instructions on how to install Apache+php+mysql. We assume that you have Ubuntu.
1. Go to console and run
sudo apt-get install apache2 mysql-server php5 php5-mysql libapache2-mod-php5 php5-cli
2. Set mysql password
sudo mysqladmin -u root password "<enter the new password here>"
3. Create a mysql database and mysql user and make it possible for user to write into database. For that go to console and run:
mysql -uroot -p"<enter the password here>" CREATE DATABASE mw CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci; CREATE USER mwuser IDENTIFIED BY 'userpasswordhere'; GRANT ALL ON mw.* TO mwuser IDENTIFIED BY 'userpasswordhere';
4. Download the latest version of MediaWiki
5. Unpack it into your webserver directory. In case of Ubuntu it will be /var/www
6. Open your browser and go to Follow the installation process as usual
7. Install gedit (installation and usage instructions) or any other text editor