Maps examples/Google Maps with searchmarkers

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Maps examplesMaps examples/Google Maps with searchmarkers
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This page shows examples for basic maps rendered with Google Maps allowing to search markers via an additional search field provided within the map.

option / value
searchmarkers / "empty string" (default), "all" or "title"

If an empty sting is provided this option will not be available.


Try searching on "Belgium of" or "fancy" in the examples provided below.


 42.8,-123.9~Map Pin~This is the fancy map pin~Green_marker.png;
 50.958426723359935,10.2392578125~Germany~Here be Germany~Green_marker.png;
 46.98025235521883,2.4169921875~France~This is France;
Loading map...

<display_map service="googlemaps3" searchmarkers="all">
42.8,-123.9~Map Pin~This is the fancy map pin~Green_marker.png;
50.958426723359935,10.2392578125~Germany~Here be Germany~Green_marker.png;
46.98025235521883,2.4169921875~France~This is France;
Loading map...


 42.8,-123.9~Map Pin~This is the fancy map pin~Green_marker.png;
 50.958426723359935,10.2392578125~Germany~Here be Germany~Green_marker.png;
 46.98025235521883,2.4169921875~France~This is France;
Loading map...

<display_map service="googlemaps3" searchmarkers="title">
42.8,-123.9~Map Pin~This is the fancy map pin~Green_marker.png;
50.958426723359935,10.2392578125~Germany~Here be Germany~Green_marker.png;
46.98025235521883,2.4169921875~France~This is France;
Loading map...

Starting June 11, 2018 the free usage of the Google Maps APIs is limited to 28,000 calls a month for dynamic maps. As soon as this monthly limit is reached no more maps will be served that month for this wiki by Google.