Help:Valuerank format

Valuerank format
Lists values based on their occurrence
Further Information
Provided by: Extension "Semantic Result Formats"
Added: 1.7.0
Removed: still supported
Requirements: none
Format name: valuerank
Enabled? Indicates whether the result format is enabled by default upon installation of the respective extension. yes
Authors: Daniel Schuba , James Hong Kong
Categories: misc
Table of Contents

The result format valuerank, part of the Semantic MediaWiki extension, prints query results as a valuerank. In other words, it prints a list of all occuring values, with duplicates removed, together with their occurrence count. Note that it will only count occurrences for the results actually included in the query and that the limit parameter will also limit the number of results for which occurrences are counted. It is derived from result format "tagcloud"Displays queried data in a tagcloud.


Parameter Type Default Description
includesubject yes/no no Subject names themselves should be included
min whole number 1 The minimum amount of times a value needs to occur to be listed
maxtags whole number 1000 The maximum amount of tags in the cloud
template text empty The name of a template with which to display the printouts
userparam text empty A value passed into each template call, if a template is used
introtemplate text empty The name of a template to display before the query results, if there are any
outrotemplate text empty The name of a template to display after the query results, if there are any
liststyle text ul The style to display the list
class text empty An additional CSS class to set for the list

Since Semantic Result Formats 1.8.01 the following parameters are supported:

  • liststyle (ul, ol, or none)
  • template
  • introtemplate
  • outrotemplate
  • class
  • mincount was renamed to min

When using a template the template parameter {{{rank|}}} can be used to display (and format) the occurrence count.


 [[Has category::+]]
 [[Docinfo language::en]]
 |?Has category
 |searchlabel=Value rank ordered list example result

Value rank ordered list example result

 [[Has category::+]]
 [[Docinfo language::en]]
 |?Has category
 |searchlabel=Value rank unordered list example result

Value rank unordered list example result

 [[Has category::+]]
 [[Docinfo language::en]]
 |?Has category
 |searchlabel=Value rank template example result

Value rank template example result


  1. ^  Semantic Result Formats: Gerrit commit gerrit:srf:32069