An upgrade is understood as "the process of replacing a product with a newer version of the same product"1 and Semantic MediaWiki tries to provide a simple yet sufficient process to ensure that data consistency is ensured while new features are made available and for that reason the following changes were added with Semantic MediaWiki 3.0.0Released on 11 October 2018 and compatible with MW 1.27.0 - 1.31.x.2 and extended with Semantic MediaWiki 3.0.1Released on 25 January 2019 and compatible with MW 1.27.0 - 1.31.x.34:
Upgrade check[edit]
- The software is checking the consistency of its database schema during upgrades (and also at installation) using an upgrade key as well as other status information, e.g. for the completion of populating the hash fields for the object IDs5.
- If an update contains changes to the database schema (e.g. a new field, index, etc.), or if the content of related $smwgFixedProperties and/or $smwgPageSpecialProperties is altered then it is required to either run the update.php or alternatively Semantic MediaWiki's maintenance script "setupStore.php"Allows to set up the data backend/store.
Nasıl yükseltilir?[edit]
- Upgrade from SMW 3.2.x to SMW 4.0.x (MW 1.35.0 to MW 1.37.x)
- Upgrade from SMW 3.1.x to SMW 3.2.x (MW 1.31.0 to MW 1.35.x)
- Upgrade from SMW 3.0.x to SMW 3.1.x (MW 1.31.0 to MW 1.33.x)
- Upgrade from SMW 2.5.x to SMW 3.1.x (MW 1.31.0 to MW 1.33.x)
- Upgrade from SMW 2.5.x to SMW 3.0.x (MW 1.27.0 to MW 1.31.x)
- Upgrade from SMW 1.9.x or later to SMW 2.5.x (MW 1.25.0 to MW 1.30.x)
- Upgrade from SMW 1.9.x or later to SMW 2.1.x (MW 1.22.0 to MW 1.24.x)
- Upgrade from SMW 1.9.x or later to SMW 2.1.x (MW 1.19.0 to MW 1.21.x)
- Upgrade from SMW 1.8.x to SMW 1.9.x (MW 1.19.0 to MW 1.23.x)
- Upgrade from SMW 1.7.x or earlier
Ayrıca bakınız[edit]
- Upgrade and setup consistency check was introduce to validate the status of the database and settings that influence the "shape" of its tables and indices.
- Incomplete upgrade describes situation where an incomplete state requires additional intervention from an administrator
- Deprecation notices assist you on updating your wiki's configuration in the "LocalSettings.php" file according to the information provided.
The setup information file ".smw.json" is used to store information about the upgrade process and the setup independent of any active database connection.
Dosya, yükseltme ilerlemesi, genel olarak yükleme ve uzantının yaşam döngüsü sırasında ortaya çıkabilecek diğer değişiklikler hakkındaki bilgileri depolar. Dosyanın artık erişilebilir olmadığı, manuel olarak değiştirildiği veya kaldırıldığı durumlarda, dosya yeniden oluşturulana ve gerekli bilgileri içerene kadar bir hata çıkışı görüntülenir.
- ^ | |
- ^ Semantic MediaWiki: GitHub pull request gh:smw:3095
- ^ Semantic MediaWiki: GitHub pull request gh:smw:3611
- ^ | | Semantic MediaWiki: GitHub pull request gh:smw:3738
- ^ Semantic MediaWiki: GitHub pull request gh:smw:3080