Help:Datatype "Temperature"

Holds temperature values (similar to type Quantity)
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Provided by: Semantic MediaWiki
Since version: 1.0
Until version: still in use
Datatype ID:
In this wiki: Temperature
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The datatype temperature is for temperature values. Unlike other physical quantities, temperature has to be a built-in type in SMW, because conversions between temperature scales can't be expressed as simple conversion factors in user-defined custom units.

Its possible units are

Temperature is a physical dimension whose standard unit is the K temperature unit in the International System of Units (SI).

Temperatures are rarely used in practical wikis. The feature is mainly provided as an example of how to realize own unit conversions by writing a simple PHP file. Indeed, the implementation of the temperature type could easily be copied and adapted to obtain support for other special datatypes that do not fit into the unit conversion framework of SMW.

The format of this datatype in RDF Export is XSD Double.


API example