Help:Special:SemanticMediaWiki/Maintenance functions

< Special page "SemanticMediaWiki"
Special page "SemanticMediaWiki"Help:Special:SemanticMediaWiki/Maintenance functions

Maintenance functions provided[edit]

NameDescriptionHelp Page
Data rebuildAllows to rebuild the semantic data in the storage backendHelp:Special page "SemanticMediaWiki" - data rebuild
Database installation and upgradeAllows to setup and upgrade the tables to hold the semantic data in the storage backendHelp:Special page "SemanticMediaWiki" - database installation and upgrade
Full-text search index rebuildAllows to rebuild the index for the full-text searchHelp:Special page "SemanticMediaWiki" - full-text search index rebuild
Property statistics rebuildAllows to rebuild the statistics for property dataHelp:Special page "SemanticMediaWiki" - property statistics rebuild