Help:Requesting features


Feature requests for Semantic MediaWiki (SMW) should be filed at the issue tracking system provided by GitHub.1

A feature request is a new or altered behaviour of an existing functionality with a request containing a detailed description of the expected behaviour to avoid misunderstandings in the process of an implementation.

How to request a feature[edit]

All feature request should answer at least the following questions as well as provide examples:

  1. Why is the feature requested or relevant?
  2. What does the feature solve? Does it address a generalizable behaviour or it is made to solve a specific use case
  3. Examples are provided and demonstrate the expected behaviour by:
    • Being simple, clear, and targeted towards the feature and not rely on any other external functionality like e.g. other parser functions or extensions.
    • It should be anticipated that those examples are to be transformed into integration tests.
    • In case of a modified behaviour, examples demonstrate the old and the expected new behaviour and explain the difference
    • In case of a new behaviour, examples are written in a step-by-step approach to outline the expected new behaviour
    • Where feasible, examples outline a use case with the help of the sandbox wiki

These notes are provided to aid the inquiry and help prioritize a request for a developer.2

How is the issue assessed and classified[edit]

See the document answering the question: Bug, feature request, or question?

See also[edit]


  1. ^ mail:user:smw:tt5021710 
  2. ^  Semantic MediaWiki: GitHub commit gh:smw:5cb2f7f