
From semantic-mediawiki.org
Displays aggregated numerical data as a bar, line, pie, or donut chart
示例: Category:Jqplotchart examples
提供者: Extension "Semantic Result Formats"
添加版本: 1.8.0
移除版本: 仍支持
格式名称: jqplotchart
启用?表明安装相应扩展时是否默认启用该结果格式。 "是" is not recognized as a Boolean (true/false) value.
作者: James Hong Kong
分类: 图表
组合: jqPlot , 数据可视化

结果格式jqplotchart(jqPlot图表),displays aggregated numerical data as a bar, line, pie, or donut chart.

It is using the jqPlot Javascript library and starting with SRF 1.8, jqplotbar and jqplotpie have been merged into one class called jqplotchart which will handle all standard tasks that earlier jqplotbar and jqplotpie have managed. For compatibility reasons the format name jqplotbar and jqplotpie will still be available as aliases but point to format jqplotchart where the bar chart is set as default chart. Other chart layouts are available by using parameter ['layout'] which introduces two additional layouts, a line and a donut chart layout.

The change tried to accommodate compatibility as best as possible but some parameters have been either renamed or altered in their usage pattern to ensure similar behaviour across all layouts and in both classes ( jqplotchart and jqplotseries).


参数 类型 默认 说明
distribution 布尔值 no 计算并显示值出现的次数,而不是每一个值。
distributionsort 文本 none 按出现次数排序取值的分布。
distributionlimit 整数 no 将取值分布限制在某些取值的计数之上。
aggregation 文本 subject 指定聚合应与什么相关
min 整数 no Y-轴上所要显示的最小值
direction 文本 vertical 指定图纸或图表的方向
charttitle 文本 空白 图表标题
charttext 文本 空白 描述性图表文本
numbersaxislabel 文本 空白 数字轴标签
labelaxislabel 文本 空白 标签轴的标签
height 整数 400 指定图表或曲线图的高度(像素)
width 文本 100% 指定图表或曲线图的宽度(像素或百分比)
smoothlines 布尔值 no 在折线图上应用平滑算法
valueformat 文本 %d 指定取值的格式编排规则
ticklabels 布尔值 yes 启用勾选标签的显示
highlighter 布尔值 no 显示数据点高亮参数
theme 文本 空白 选择网格主题
filling 布尔值 yes 具体填充选项
chartlegend 文本 none 图表图例位置
datalabels 文本 none 图纸/图表数据标签
colorscheme 文本 空白 选择配色方案
chartcolor 文本 空白 指定具体图表颜色
class 文本 空白 指定附加的层叠式样式表类
charttype 文本 bar 可用图表类型


As a list of values cannot be listed yet (see also here), here are some options what parameter values can be chosen, e.g. direction=horizontal.

  • direction: vertical, horizontal
  • charttype: bar, donut, line, pie
  • datalabels: none, value, label, percent

Changes deployed with SRF 1.8[edit]

  • Added donut and line chart layout
  • Added parameter [class], allows to add CSS characteristics
  • Added parameter [charttext], a text field for an explanatory chart text
  • Added parameter [smoothlines], applies a smoothing algorithm (only applied to the line chart)
  • Added parameter [theme], a basic theming support for commonly styled attributes (vector, simple)
  • Added parameter [colorscheme], option for an easy selection of pre-defined colours schemes
  • Added parameter [datalabels], displays individual data as ( 'none', 'value', 'label', 'percent')
  • Changed parameter [bardirection] to [direction] to accommodate overall changes


No best practices assigned to this printer.


The value distribution is supported as well with jqplotchart as it was with jqplotbar and jqplotpie.


Reasons for the re-factoring effort was to ensure that the jqplot printer and its JavaScript plug-ins are used entirely throughout the ResourceLoader, eliminate identical code among jqplotbar and jqplotpie classes, and make use of the same JavaScript for both jqplotseries and jqplotchart class.

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Help:Jqplotchart format zh-hans 1.8.0