Status: | effective |
Progress: | 99% |
Version: | 4.1.0+ |
Help:Carousel format
Carousel format | |
Display results as a carousel | |
Further Information | |
Provided by: | Extension "Semantic Result Formats" |
Added: | 4.1.0 |
Removed: | still supported |
Requirements: | none |
Format name: | carousel |
Enabled? Indicates whether the result format is enabled by default upon installation of the respective extension. | yes |
Authors: | thomas-topway-it for KM-A |
Categories: | other |
Group: | group=image , gallery , carousel , interaction |
Table of Contents | |
Contents[hide] |
The result format carousel, part of the Extension "Semantic Result Formats" extension, is a complete porting of the Slick Javascript library for Semantic MediaWiki! 1
The Carousel format allows to explicitly specify a property to be used as image (imageproperty
), link (linkproperty
), title (titleproperty
), and caption (captionproperty
) however none of them are required, and they will be automatically inferred depending on the kind of query and retrieved properties (if any).
The Carousel format also supports virtually all parameters of the original Javascript library using the prefix "slick-", then followed by the native option keeping the camelCase form (e.g. slick-autoplaySpeed=7000
{{#ask: [[File:+]] |format=carousel |slick-dots= 0 |limit=100 |height=400px }}
(selects all the images on the wiki within the limit, uses the file page as a link, and displays them without title and caption)
{{#ask: [[Category:Projects]] |?Intro |?Image |format=carousel |height=380px |slick-autoplaySpeed=5000 |class=homepage }}
(displays all the images within the category "Projects" corresponding to the property "Image", use the property "Intro" as caption, use some of the available native Slick options)
{{#ask: [[File:+]] |?Has title |?Has caption |titleproperty=Has title |captionproperty=Has caption |format=carousel |slick-dots= 1 |limit=10 |slick-autoplay=0 |slick-autoplaySpeed=5000 |height=400px |class=my-class }}
(selects all the images on the wiki and uses the properties "Has title" and "Has caption" respectively as title and caption, use some of the available native Slick options)
{{#ask: [[File:+]] [[Has caption::+]] |?Has caption |format=carousel |slick-dots= 1 |limit=10 |slick-autoplay=0 |height=400px }}
(selects all images with the property "Has caption" and uses such property as caption, uses some of the available native Slick options)
(standard carousel on large screens)
(responsive carousel on small screens)
(the description of Slick's native parameters are taken from the original repository)
parameter | description | type | default |
width | sets carousel width | string | |
height | sets carousel height | string | |
class | adds additional classes to the widget | string | |
captionproperty | property used for caption (can be null) | string | |
titleproperty | property used for title (can be null) | string | |
linkproperty | property used for link (can be null) | string | |
imageproperty | property used for image (can be null) | string | |
slick-accessibility | Enables tabbing and arrow key navigation. Unless autoplay: true, sets browser focus to current slide (or first of current slide set, if multiple slidesToShow) after slide change. For full a11y compliance enable focusOnChange in addition to this. | boolean | true |
slick-adaptiveHeight | Adapts slider height to the current slide | boolean | false |
slick-arrows | Enable Next/Prev arrows | boolean | true |
slick-autoplay | Enables auto play of slides | boolean | true |
slick-autoplaySpeed | Auto play change interval | integer | 3000 |
slick-centerMode | Enables centered view with partial prev/next slides. Use with odd numbered slidesToShow counts. | boolean | false |
slick-centerPadding | Side padding when in center mode. (px or %) | string | 50px |
slick-cssEase | CSS3 easing | string | ease |
slick-dots | Current slide indicator dots | boolean | false |
slick-dotsClass | Class for slide indicator dots container | string | slick-dots |
slick-draggable | Enables desktop dragging | boolean | true |
slick-easing | animate() fallback easing | string | linear |
slick-edgeFriction | Resistance when swiping edges of non-infinite carousels | float | 0.15 |
slick-fade | Enables fade | boolean | false |
slick-focusOnSelect | Enable focus on selected element (click) | boolean | false |
slick-focusOnChange | Puts focus on slide after change | boolean | false |
slick-infinite | Infinite looping | boolean | true |
slick-initialSlide | Slide to start on | integer | 0 |
slick-lazyLoad | Accepts 'ondemand' or 'progressive' for lazy load technique. 'ondemand' will load the image as soon as you slide to it, 'progressive' loads one image after the other when the page loads. | string | ondemand |
slick-mobileFirst | Responsive settings use mobile first calculation | boolean | false |
slick-nextArrow | Allows you to select a node or customize the HTML for the "Next" arrow. | string | <button type="button" class="slick-next">Next</button> |
slick-pauseOnDotsHover | Pauses autoplay when a dot is hovered | boolean | false |
slick-pauseOnFocus | Pauses autoplay when slider is focussed | boolean | true |
slick-pauseOnHover | Pauses autoplay on hover | boolean | true |
slick-prevArrow | Allows you to select a node or customize the HTML for the "Previous" arrow. | string | <button type="button" class="slick-prev">Previous</button> |
slick-respondTo | Width that responsive object responds to. Can be 'window', 'slider' or 'min' (the smaller of the two). | string | window |
slick-rows | Setting this to more than 1 initializes grid mode. Use slidesPerRow to set how many slides should be in each row. | integer | 1 |
slick-rtl | Change the slider's direction to become right-to-left | boolean | false |
slick-slide | Slide element query | string | |
slick-slidesPerRow | With grid mode initialized via the rows option, this sets how many slides are in each grid row. | integer | 1 |
slick-slidesToScroll | # of slides to scroll at a time | integer | 1 |
slick-slidesToShow | # of slides to show at a time | integer | 1 |
slick-speed | Transition speed | integer | 300 |
slick-swipe | Enables touch swipe | boolean | true |
slick-swipeToSlide | Swipe to slide irrespective of slidesToScroll | boolean | false |
slick-touchMove | Enables slide moving with touch | boolean | true |
slick-touchThreshold | To advance slides, the user must swipe a length of (1/touchThreshold) * the width of the slider. | integer | 5 |
slick-useCSS | Enable/Disable CSS Transitions | boolean | true |
slick-useTransform | Enable/Disable CSS Transforms | boolean | true |
slick-variableWidth | Disables automatic slide width calculation | boolean | false |
slick-vertical | Vertical slide direction | boolean | false |
slick-verticalSwiping | Changes swipe direction to vertical | boolean | false |
slick-waitForAnimate | Ignores requests to advance the slide while animating | boolean | true |
slick-zIndex | Set the zIndex values for slides, useful for IE9 and lower | integer | 1000 |
- ^ Semantic MediaWiki: GitHub pull request gh:srf:730