Extension "Semantic External Query Lookup"

From semantic-mediawiki.org
Semantic External Query Lookup
Allows to seamlessly integrate query results from an external query source to a local repository or wiki
Further Information
Homepage: → external page
Maintainer(s): James Hong Kong
First released: December 2015
Release: stable
Development: active
Area of usage: Other area of usage
Association:SMW = Semantic MediaWiki, SB = Extension "Semantic Bundle", MW = MediaWiki SMW
Shortcut:This is the shortcut to mark the beginning of the subject line when writing a support request to the mailing list or to the extension's author directly. See also this help page. SEQL
Composer: → external page
Wikidata-ID: Q25653037

The Semantic External Query Lookup (a.k.a. SEQL) extension to extension "Semantic MediaWiki"Allows to store and query data annotated to pages allows to seamlessly integrate query results from an external query source to a local repository or wiki.

Documentation can be found in the "README" file.


Examples can be found here: <sandbox.semantic-mediawiki.org>