
From semantic-mediawiki.org
(Redirected from $smwgDefaultStore)

Configuration parameter details:
Name $smwgDefaultStore
Description Sets the storage backend to be used for the semantic data
Default setting
(Other) available settings

Allows to set the usage of a RDF database to be used for the semantic data


Allows to set the usage of a Elasticsearch database to be used for the semantic data

Software Semantic MediaWiki
Since version
Until version still available
Configuration Installation · Store settings
Keyword sqlstore · sparqlstore · store · sparql · sql · elasticsearch · elasticsearchstore

$smwgDefaultStore is a configuration parameter that is used to set the storage backend for the semantic data either SQL, SPARQL or Elasticsearch. This configuration parameter was introduced in Semantic MediaWiki 0.7Released on 28 April 2007 and compatible with MW 1.8.x - 1.10.x..

From Semantic MediaWiki 1.2.0Released on 10 July 2008 and compatible with MW 1.11.x - 1.14.x. to Semantic MediaWiki 1.7.1Released on 5 March 2012 and compatible with MW 1.16.0 - 1.19.x. the default store was SMWSQLStore2 (relational database) which received legacy support in Semantic MediaWiki 1.8.0Released on 2 December 2012 and compatible with MW 1.17.0 - 1.22.x
(except 1.22.1).
and was dropped with Semantic MediaWiki 1.9.0Released on 3 January 2014 and compatible with MW 1.19.0 - 1.22.x..

From Semantic MediaWiki 1.8.0Released on 2 December 2012 and compatible with MW 1.17.0 - 1.22.x
(except 1.22.1).
to Semantic MediaWiki 3.2.3Released on 30 March 2021 and compatible with MW 1.31.0 - 1.35.x., the default value was SMWSQLStore3. This default value becames SMW\SQLStore\SQLStore in Semantic MediaWiki 4.0.0Released on 18 January 2022 and compatible with MW 1.35.0 - 1.37.x. 1, but this is just a renaming of the class and SMWSQLStore3 remains a class alias.

Default setting[edit]

$smwgDefaultStore = 'SMW\SQLStore\SQLStore';

This means that a relational database is being used as a data backend/store for Semantic MediaWiki which is suitable for most standard environments.

Available options[edit]

  • SMW\SQLStore\SQLStore (or alias SMWSQLStore3) − Sets a relational database as a data backend/store, i.e. MySQL, SQLite or PostgreSQL
NoteNote: This option is available since Semantic MediaWiki 1.8.0Released on 2 December 2012 and compatible with MW 1.17.0 - 1.22.x
(except 1.22.1).
, originally as value SMWSQLStore3 before renaming to SMW\SQLStore\SQLStore in Semantic MediaWiki 3.1.0Released on 23 September 2019 and compatible with MW 1.31.0 - 1.33.x. 2.
  • SMW\SPARQLStore\SPARQLStore (or alias SMWSparqlStore) − Sets a sparql database as the data backend/store, e.g. Blazegraph, Sesame, Fuseki etc.
NoteNote: This option is available since Semantic MediaWiki 1.6.0Released on 30 July 2011 and compatible with MW 1.15.x - 1.18.x., originally as value SMWSparqlStore before renaming to SMW\SPARQLStore\SPARQLStore in Semantic MediaWiki 2.0Released on 4 August 2014 and compatible with MW 1.19.0 - 1.24.x. 3.
  • SMW\Elastic\ElasticStore (or alias SMWElasticStore) − Sets an Elasticsearch database as the data backend/store
NoteNote: This option is available since Semantic MediaWiki 3.0.0Released on 11 October 2018 and compatible with MW 1.27.0 - 1.31.x. 4.
Semantic MediaWiki 5.0.0Released on an unknown date and compatible with unknown versions of MediaWiki. removed the aliases above (SMWSQLStore3, SMWSparqlStore and SMWElasticStore)5.
When choosing SMW\Elastic\ElasticStore as as setting to this configuration parameter you still need a relational database providing data storage functionality. This is not the case for the other two available options.

Changing the default setting[edit]

To modify the setting to this configuration parameter, add one of the following lines to your "LocalSettings.php" file after the enableSemantics() call:

Change to a sparql database for data storage
$smwgDefaultStore = 'SMW\SPARQLStore\SPARQLStore';
See the help page on using SPARQL and RDF stores and the configuration parameter $smwgSparqlRepositoryConnectorIdentifies a database connector that ought to be used together with the semantic data store. for Semantic MediaWiki 2.0.0Released on 4 August 2014 and compatible with MW 1.19.0 - 1.24.x. and later for more information on this setting.
If you change the setting for this configuration parameter, please ensure to run maintenance script "setupStore.php"Allows to set up the data backend/store followed by maintenance script "rebuildData.php"Allows to rebuild all the semantic data for a selected data backend/store.
Change to a Elasticsearch database for data storage
$smwgDefaultStore = 'SMW\Elastic\ElasticStore';
See the help page on using the Elasticsearch store for more information on this setting.4
If you change the setting for this configuration parameter, please ensure to run maintenance script "setupStore.php"Allows to set up the data backend/store followed by maintenance script "rebuildElasticIndex.php"Allows to rebuild all the semantic data for the Elasticsearch index.

See also[edit]


  1. ^  |  Semantic MediaWiki: GitHub pull request gh:smw:5169
  2. ^  Semantic MediaWiki: GitHub pull request gh:smw:4192
  3. ^  Semantic MediaWiki: GitHub pull request gh:smw:415
  4. a b  Semantic MediaWiki: GitHub pull request gh:smw:3054
  5. ^  Semantic MediaWiki: GitHub pull request gh:smw:6044
  6. ^  Semantic MediaWiki: GitHub pull request gh:smw:4732