Collaborative Financial Analysis using Semantic MediaWiki

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SMWCon Fall 2012Collaborative Financial Analysis using Semantic MediaWiki
SMWCon Fall 2012
Collaborative Financial Analysis using Semantic MediaWiki
Talk details
Description: Using Semantic MediaWiki for a more agile approach of collaborative budgeting, expense planning, and analysis in a use case of finance management within a research group.
Speaker(s): Benedikt Kämpgen, Tobias Zundel
Slides: see here
Type: Talk
Audience: Everyone
Event start: 2012/10/25 16:40:00
Event finish: 2012/10/25 17:00:00
Length: 20 minutes
Video: click here
Keywords: finance, pivot analysis, triple store, planning, case study
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Many organisations use Excel for budgeting and expense planning and for comparing budgets and plans with financial outcomes. Great organisations use spreadsheets only for reports and presentations [1], whereas the actual data is stored in server-based systems.

However, for users, those systems are mostly read-only. ETL processes regularly extract, preprocess, and load financial data into a data warehouse. Only interactive analyses can be performed and static reports created, yet, discussions and documentation of actions are done offline, using office suites.

We will discuss how to use Semantic MediaWiki for a more agile approach of collaborative budgeting, expense planning, and analysis in a use case of finance management within a research group.
