California | |
Population | 36,457,549 |
Area | 423,970 sq mi1,098,083.40 km² <br /> |
California is a state located on the West Coast of the Demo:United States of America.
[hide]Demonstrating Semantic MediaWiki features[edit]
Semantic template usage[edit]
If you view source of this page you will see that it uses a semantic template to both display the infobox on the right-hand side and annotate this article with properties and a category (see the factbox below).
Using an inline query to produce inverted annotation[edit]
If you view source of this page you will see that it uses Template:Invert-property to generate wiki text for the property Property:Location of by querying for pages with its inverse Located in::California. See the Germany page for other approaches to inverse relationships.
Using MediaWiki #REDIRECT to implement equivalent names[edit]
Another term for California is "The Golden State". In this wiki The Golden State is a redirect to the California page, so searching for the property value of one, for example [[Located in::California]], finds the other. See such queries on the San Francisco page.