Examples not working

From semantic-mediawiki.org

I can't get the examples working with Semantic MediaWiki Version

   $propertyValue = SMWPropertyValue::makeProperty('Test');
   $property = new SMWSomeProperty($propertyValue, new SMWThingDescription);

This produces the following error:

   PHP Catchable fatal error:  Argument 1 passed to SMWSomeProperty::__construct() must be an instance of SMWDIProperty, instance of SMWPropertyValue given, called in /srv/httpd/mediawiki/extensions/SidebarLanguagelink/SidebarLanguagelink.php on line 38 and defined in /srv/httpd/mediawiki/extensions/SemanticMediaWiki/includes/storage/SMW_Description.php on line 786
16:55, 17 July 2014

I did manage to do some queries based on the examples, but I think they won't work with the current version of SMW. Here's an example which looks up the value for a property "Master_page" on the current page, and returns the value of that property:

    function getCanonical() {
	global $wgTitle;
	$masterPageProperty = new SMWDIProperty('Master_page');

	$title = Title::newFromText(  $wgTitle->mTextform );
	$currentArticle = SMWDIWikiPage::newFromTitle( $title );
	$semanticData = smwfGetStore()->getSemanticData( $currentArticle );

	$masterPagePropVals = $semanticData->getPropertyValues( $masterPageProperty );
	$masterPageProp = array_pop( $masterPagePropVals );
	if ( is_null( $masterPageProp ) )  return NULL;
	$masterPage	= $masterPageProp->getDBkey();

	$canonicalTitle = Title::newFromText( $masterPage );
	return  SMWDIWikiPage::newFromTitle( $canonicalTitle );

Here's an example that finds all pages which have the same value for a particular property "Master_page", sorted by a "Language_code" property:

    function getTranslations(&$canonicalTranslation) {
	$masterPageProperty = new SMWDIProperty('Master_page');

	$description = new SMWValueDescription( $canonicalTranslation );
	$property = new SMWSomeProperty( $masterPageProperty, $description );

	$query = new SMWQuery( $property );
	$query->sort = true;
	$query->sortkeys = array('Language_code' => 'ASC');

	$queryResult = smwfGetStore()->getQueryResult( $query );
	return $queryResult->getResults();
17:37, 21 July 2014

Perhaps such examples are best written in actual PHP files, put in SemanticMediaWiki/docs/technical/examples/. Then they could have simple tests executed by the CI, ensuring they stay up to date with the SMW version they are bundled with.

19:49, 21 July 2014