Purge deleted properties

From semantic-mediawiki.org

My Versions: MediaWiki: 1.25.1 | PHP: 5.6.8 | MySQL: 5.6.24 Semantic MediaWiki: 2.2.1

If you have articles that use the deleted property; you will continue to see the deleted property among existing properties. Cleaning up articles to remove references to the deleted property can help.

I have also seen improvement by using maintenance scripts.

Deleting Unused Content[edit]


This deletes old revisions from the database.

php deleteOldRevisions.php --delete



This deletes deleted pages from the database.

php deleteArchivedRevisions.php --delete


Hurrying Jobs[edit]

The folowing speeds up pending jobs.



It is demanding and can freeze the server, so I don't do it.

The following is less demanding and does not freeze the server.

php runJobs.php --maxjobs 1000

I run this from an XAMPP cmd window of the Maintenance directory. It runs pretty fast. It does not remove phantom properties by itself.

You may may have already done enough to remove the phantom property and just be waiting for the job that eliminates references to it. In that case this will help.

02:47, 29 July 2015