How to design a Semantic Wiki to best understand the concept of Time


What you're talking about at the end is, essentially, three-dimensional data: land area for country, for year, for viewpoint. SMW can only handle up to two-dimensional data per page, using the #subobject function. (Or you could use the Semantic Internal Objects extension, which does the same thing but with different syntax.) You could still store three-dimensional data, but you would need to use different pages for it: instead of just a page called "Kosovo", you would need pages like "Kosovo/2008" or "Kosovo/for Spain", or even "Kosovo/2008/for Spain". However, for your case you would presumably want the system to find the nearest year and that sort of thing, not just an exact year match; and I don't think there's any way to do that. So if you really wanted to get this working, you would have to create a page or subobject for every year and maybe even every viewpoint, even though it would involved a tremendous amount of redundancy.

14:43, 25 July 2013
What you're talking about at the end is, essentially, three-dimensional data: land area for country, for year, for viewpoint. 
Not really. I mean that the metaproperties for context (time and viewpoint) should be included in the same subobject as the properties. This allows any number of dimensions.
you would presumably want the system to find the nearest year 
I can record intervals: '''Kosovo''' ... {{#subobject:__since = 2008|__until = 2015|__who thinks so = Spain|legal status = Independent state}}.
15:48, 25 July 2013

Ah, yes, that's true. It would be somewhat awkward, but doable.

19:05, 25 July 2013