Semantic MediaWiki 1.8.0 released


December 2 2012. Semantic MediaWiki 1.8.0, the next major version after 1.7.1, has now been released. This new version adds a lot of important new features, fixes bugs and brings improvements to the code.

The most noteworthy feature is the new SQLStore (version 3) as a data backend which substantially increases efficiency and reduces database activity of SMW. Other important changes include improvements to the user interface of special page "Ask", the new result format "atom", the ability to query information about queries and the further enhancements that were made to parser function "#subobject". Also the API modules for doing ask-like queries are now stable, with added continuation support. Further information about what is new may be read on the SMW 1.8.0 page.

Please refer to the help page on installing or on upgrading Semantic MediaWiki to get detailed instructions on how to do these tasks.

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