Query management

From semantic-mediawiki.org

Query management is a proposed addition to the capabilities of Semantic MediaWiki that would allow automatic updating of queries and gathering of query statistics. This would work by storing query meta data as semantic properties, which can then be queried. It is in need of funding to be realized. This idea was worked out by Markus Krötzsch and Jeroen De Dauw, and preliminary research was done by Jeroen.


Automatic updating of queries[edit]

Query management would allow automatic updating of query results when their course data is modified. This ensures up-to-date query results everywhere, without the need of more resource-intensive solutions like disabling the cache, or rebuilding all pages via a cron-job. This automatic updating is made possible by storing query dependencies among the query meta-data.

Query statistics[edit]

Query management would allow you to query various things about query usage such as where queries are located, how much dependencies they have, how long/expensive they are, time of their last update, ect. With this information you can get a better overview of how queries are used across your wiki and pinpoint inefficient usage.

Funding needed[edit]

Funding will most likely be needed to get the query management implemented. If you're willing to fund all or part of this project, please write JeroenDeDauw at gmail.com to discuss further.