Maps examples/OpenLayers with a resizeable map

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Maps examplesMaps examples/OpenLayers with a resizeable map
Starting December 16, 2018 with the release of version 7.0.0 of extension "Maps"Allows embedding of dynamic maps, geocoding and geospatial operations the support of the "OpenLayers" service was dropped. Use the "Leaflet" service instead. See "Remove OpenLayers service."

This page shows examples for basic maps rendered with OpenLayers allowing to resize the map by dragging it's lower right corner.

option / value
resizable / "no" (default) or "yes"

If the resizable option is not provided "no" will automatically be assumed.

{{#display_map: new york city
Loading map...
<display_map resizable="yes" service="openlayers">
new york city
Loading map...