Help:Map format

Help:Map format帮助:地图格式
Map format
Displays queried geographical data onto an interactive map
Further Information
Provided by: Extension "Maps"
Added: 0.1
Removed: still supported
Requirements: none
Format name: map
Enabled? Indicates whether the result format is enabled by default upon installation of the respective extension. yes
Authors: Jeroen De Dauw
Categories: geo

Extension "Maps"Allows embedding of dynamic maps, geocoding and geospatial operations can aggregate geographical data stored in Semantic MediaWiki onto dynamic and interactive maps such as Leaflet. Each coordinate is shown as a marker on the map, with associated data being displayed when clicking the marker. Coordinate aggregation is done via the default maps format set for the respective wiki, e.g. result format "Leaflet"Displays queried geographical data onto an Leaflet map.

This page has been moved.

Please see Leaflet SMW queries on the new Maps website.

See also[edit]