Help:Export related result formats


These are the result formats allowing to export data which are provided by Semantic MediaWiki and extensions to it:

PageFormatDescriptionProvided byAdded inEnabled
BibTeX formatbibtexProduces a link to a file for downloading data in BibTeX format.Semantic Result Formats1.4.3true
CSV formatcsvOutputs results in Windows-style Comma Separated Value format.Semantic MediaWiki1.2.1true
DSV formatdsvOutputs results in *NIX-style Delimiter Separated Value format.Semantic MediaWiki1.6.0true
Feed formatfeedExports results as RSS and Atom feeds.Semantic MediaWiki1.8.0true
JSON formatjsonOutputs results in JSON-based serialisations.Semantic MediaWiki1.4.2true
KML formatkmlExports geographical data into KML formatMaps1.0.0true
RDF formatrdfExports results in RDF-based serialisations.Semantic MediaWiki1.5.5true
Templatefile formattemplatefileOutputs results in arbitrary file formats defined via templates.Semantic MediaWiki3.0.0true
ICalendar formaticalendarExports data in iCalendar format.Semantic Result Formats1.4.2true
Spreadsheet formatspreadsheetOutputs the result in spreadsheet file formats (xlsx, xls, ods and csv).Semantic Result Formats3.1.0true
VCard formatvcardExports data in vCard format.Semantic Result Formats1.4.2true